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So you had plenty of paid work but you still stuck ya hand out for gov money? Can you see the irony in you labeling others as bludgers?

lol never stuck me hand out for it, they insisted ya take it


dole bludger wasn't a dirty word back then, still isn't, it was the great Aussie tradition,

I'll take anything the Gov will give me, fuck they take enough, nothing wrong with getting your TAX back is there

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So you had plenty of paid work but you still stuck ya hand out for gov money? Can you see the irony in you labeling others as bludgers?

Typical fuckwit behaviour. Ide expect no less from Pedro.


I think we need to look at this from the angle of this is a diversion for something else much more sinister than a flu that may kill people over the age of 50.


Fuck me 1.3 million people die a year in road accidents, 17 million people die a year from fuckin heart disease.

Fuck I could go on and on cancer, poverty fuckin wars.


Don’t be fuckin fooled this is being done to collapse the economy by the elite.

These people don’t give 2 fucks about your or my health they only care about money.

The fuckin media the lap dog of the rich has scared so many DC into believing this is something far worse than it actually is.

This has been planned no two ways about it.



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Definitely looking that way porky....even if it did start as a virus there are plenty taking advantage of the situation with sinister intent.....maybe the next camps will be "quarantine" camps because calling them "concentration" camps the public see through the facade.


Wouldn't surprise me if Dutton the Reinhard Heydrich wannabe already has a "final solution" drafted to save us from this virus.

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Definitely looking that way porky....even if it did start as a virus there are plenty taking advantage of the situation with sinister intent.....maybe the next camps will be "quarantine" camps because calling them "concentration" camps the public see through the facade.


Wouldn't surprise me if Dutton the Reinhard Heydrich wannabe already has a "final solution" drafted to save us from this virus.

Yeah I agree.

America will be first to explode if that happens. 200 million people who live with no savings and are armed.

They will be hard to control. I’ve been taking to people on GC forum and they are arming them selves to the teeth. If they are starving they will hit the streets and looting will begin then riots.




Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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You know things are really fucked when they run out of Chainsaw's...I still think a Chainsaw is the next best thing to a Gun to defend yourself.


Can you imagine trying to attack someone with 72 Razor sharp teeth screaming around at 100 MPh and the Engine Screaming at 13,000 RPM.


Sign out the front of your house.....This House is armed with Multiple Chainsaws you better bring a Gun

Edited by buzzo
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It will wipe out a lot of small businesses, but only the pubs are shut here, everything else is open

wipe out a lot of people well, its best to save some $ for a rainy day if ya can, us old stnuc that have been thru a few recessions know that 


the Labour party hate small business, they can't stand over them and extort $ like they do to the big stnuc 

Edited by pedro de pacas
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You know things are really fucked when they run out of Chainsaw's...I still think a Chainsaw is the next best thing to a Gun to defend yourself.


Can you imagine trying to attack someone with 72 Razor sharp teeth screaming around at 100 MPh and the Engine Screaming at 13,000 RPM.


Sign out the front of your house.....This House is armed with Multiple Chainsaws you better bring a Gun


And once the fuel runs out, you can't even use it as a club.


If we're resorting to gardening tools, I'll stick with me axe. :P

Edited by Lenore
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