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Just goes to show how easily for sale these fucking scum are. When Robb was in parliament he would of been screaming at the top of his lungs how irresponsible it would be to hand out these drugs now he works for mind medicine he’s pushing them.

Fuckin leaches these *#%@^.


Although going to the doc and getting some eckies or shrooms would be excellent. [emoji23][emoji23]



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He's probably interested in them because he suffers from depression, he doesn't need the $, just another tnuc that sold us out to China, getting $800,000 usd a year from them, + the pension from the tax payer 

but don't let the facts get in the way hey miss piggy  


I'd like to be able to go to the farmers market and get a lb of pot for a few $100, wouldn't have to trim shit up then

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He's probably interested in them because he suffers from depression, he doesn't need the $, just another tnuc that sold us out to China, getting $800,000 usd a year from them, + the pension from the tax payer

but don't let the facts get in the way hey miss piggy


I'd like to be able to go to the farmers market and get a lb of pot for a few $100, wouldn't have to trim shit up then

Hahaha fuckin depression my arse. Did ya read his condition.

Shitty in the morning then better at night. Sounds like 80% of cunts.

If this cock head was a labor pollie you would be bagging the cunt 8 ways to Sunday but because he’s one of lib conservative heroes he’s just a good bloke with a mental condition. Fuck you are the king of the DCs.

Ya right about the China sell off though.



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Thought I did bag him ?, "just another tnuc that sold us out to China"


Did you read the ABC article DC, ya never heard of clinical trials have ya, can't prescribe medicine/hippy drugs to DC's without knowing the outcome  


You no i don't vote piggy, because the only choice is to vote left(liberals), far left Fabian stnuc(labor) or crazy mother fucking communist lefty stnuc (greens), there is no alternative mainstream party to vote for, there all leftards and cockheads


would of voted for Clive if voting was compulsory, he's a cockhead but not a loony leftard 

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Well hooked up the boat at 7 this morning and off we went for the 7 km trip to ramp

Got 2 km from home , seen the flashing lights being

Pull over copper comes up and asks where I'm going

Thought it was obvious with the rods in rocket launcher

Said we're going fishing for food ,not stopping between home and ramp

He suggested I turn around and go home , wtf, I said I rang the local coppers and they said it was ok

Well he said that he didn't care and would book me if I didn't turn around

If wasn't him it would be another copper, my vehicle had been noted that it had been stopped by police and advised to go home

So legally you can , realistically you really can't

Looks like even though it's legal it's only that way not to cause anarchy ,if they really told you what you can longer do we might not cop it so readily up the arse


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

at least you have it a try [emoji106]



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Well hooked up the boat at 7 this morning and off we went for the 7 km trip to ramp

Got 2 km from home , seen the flashing lights being

Pull over copper comes up and asks where I'm going

Thought it was obvious with the rods in rocket launcher

Said we're going fishing for food ,not stopping between home and ramp

He suggested I turn around and go home , wtf, I said I rang the local coppers and they said it was ok

Well he said that he didn't care and would book me if I didn't turn around

If wasn't him it would be another copper, my vehicle had been noted that it had been stopped by police and advised to go home

So legally you can , realistically you really can't

Looks like even though it's legal it's only that way not to cause anarchy ,if they really told you what you can longer do we might not cop it so readily up the arse


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Ok if I was you mic I would of said to the pig that pulled ya over ok I’m going to call the cop shop that said I can go fishing and I’m going to put my phone on recording and I want you to tell the other pig at the pig shop what your telling me on the side of the road because you idiots are contradicting ya selves.

We all need our phones on recording weather it be just voice or video when we have any interaction with the pigs.



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Didn't think of that


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Ring the pig shop tomorrow and ask to speak to a senior pig to see if they say ya can go fishing. But before ya do down load a phone recording app where ya can record both people speaking then ask the pig to give his details over the phone so the pig that pulls ya over knows it’s legit then play the recording to him then tell him to ring the superior officer at the pig shop. All the while recording the interaction with you and the pig on the side of the road. We need to vigilant about this shit pigs should all be on the same page and not misusing their power and the only way to keep the cunts accountable is by recording all interactions with them.


Just search phone call recorder in the app or play store there is heaps of em.



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Looks like the the mere threat of this disease has caused many Australians and other countries to shut up shop

Now the truth starts to appear

China threatens us with with mote threatd to our economy

What isn't being reported is the buying up of our utility, resources at bargain basement prices

Same Is happening in US and England and across Europe

So who is buying these companies, one guess ,China

We are slowly trying to get legislation up to stop this plumage , but they aren't working fast enough!

The 130 million was their first attempt to hold off companies from selling shares

All the fuck ups and still no legislation

America is already passed off by the amount of land China owns around or near pine gap

They also surround our early warning defense systems at lavertion WA

Their airport they built is out of range of this system

Hers a couple of maps see for yourself




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