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Medical Access



A couple of months ago I asked my GP about obtaining cannabis to treat my ongoing symptoms.

"Ohh ahhh, I don't know anything about the processes, I wouldn't know where to start..."

Being that I'm in SA and there being no clinic's here (our state Gov't (Liberal) still have their heads buried firmly up their own arses)  I thought the whole process would be a waste of time

I went investigating and found a clinic in NSW, who would go through the whole process online.


So after a couple of weeks of paperwork both from myself and my GP, today I got the call from the clinic and have had the initial approval.

I now have to obtain the approval from the TGA but from what I've been told this should not be a problem and should take less than a week.

The Dr I spoke to has told me that what he would be prescribing is a CBD and THC combination as my situation is pain related.

I asked the Dr about the cost of the medication itself as it is NOT on the PBS and I have to say it is NOT cheap.

The Dr himself would not actually tell me a defined cost but advised me to call the chemist in Victoria.

Upon doing so I was told $270/50ml + postage ($30), so $300 delivered. First thought "Fuck, it'd be cheaper to go buy an ounce" but have decided to follow through with the process.


At this point I have not been told of the recommended dosages, so how long that 50ml is going to last I am unsure.

I am also unsure if I may be able to get my local chemist to get it in for me or whether it needs to come from an approved compounding chemist, solely in Victoria.


So the processes have been started. The dr and the prepaid TGA approvals have cost me $550 so far (that's without the script itself), so let's see how much more it's gonna cost

When I have any further info I will let you all know.


Just thought others maybe interested


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I did my assessment on my desk top  via {Coviu} that was the chat room they has set up for my interview.


It all seemed to go all ok till I left the chat room an was supposed to talk with the nures again to make my payment an give her my medicare number I could not get back to her no matter what I did, So I tried to ring them but just got a mechine to talk to lol.


I will send them a email on what has gone wrong.


As far as the interview went the doctor was really good an is going to contact the TGA as soon as I pay for my interview with him;


 The doctor has told me he will put me on THC- CBD oil  I cant remember the strength  of the oil think  he said a 20%-20%   dose.In a 50ml bottle does that sound right to you Merl1n???. The crew that make is medication is called Tilray .I gave them a google an was very interesting



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Ohh, don't worry about the payment. The dr often hangs up and then the office girls gives me a call later. Whilst all this virus stuff is going on  many office staff are restricted to a couple of days a week. With each state having it's own rules and guidelines how it all works seems to vary massively.

"...I cant remember the strength  of the oil think  he said a 20%-20%  dose. In a 50ml bottle does that sound right to you Merl1n???." Yea, sounds about right. The oil I was on was 10mg/ml THC and 12.9mg/ml CBD but there are higher % available. It'll be interesting to see what the cost is.

They took care of my TGA approval too as they need to see that approval more than I. I didn't actually ask for a copy of the TGA paperwork, so long as it's been approved lol



P.S It'd be nice if we could just pay the direct price from Tilray. Eh?



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 For sure Merl1n the prices is high but that a small price to pay if this medication work an helps me with these migraines an back pain.


It would be better still if we could get it on the PBS script .That would save us a lot of money,Every little bit helps when you are on the DSP.


I finely worked out how to get back into there chat room lol :doh: ,I have it all set up for next time. :twiddle:  :twiddle: 



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Obtaining it via PBS would be great and there is presently a review into 'Current barriers to patient access to medicinal cannabis in Australia' Here's a link to the initial report which was released last month.


But then this is government and nothing in government ever works in a hurry. But the process has been started.


And planning is well underway with some companies making some big plans so that when the OK is given they already have the ball rolling

Here's a link to one such group https://www.pharmout.net/medicinal-cannabis-consultants/

(there's also further into under the 'cannabis' tab at the top of the page)


I have to agree with you in regard to the cost, but personally, if it helps, who cares, let's do it. Get the processes started. As the market explodes the cost 'should' reduce. (maybe I'm just being a little too optimistic) Every country in the west has come out against the 'demon opiates' and yes, they are nasty, but for those that need them (Us) they are a godsend. Governments want to restrict access to opiates even more, so they need to give access to other medications to fill that void. IMO

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I was at my pain specialist yesterday

I enquired about medical cannabis

I was the privileged to a 10 minute lecture on how bad it was and all the underlying problems in may bring to the surface

I couldn't tell her I've been smoking for 40yrs and so far so good

I asked it she considers opiate safer, her simple answer yes, all medically prescribed drugs are better than cannabis in any shape or form

Even though she has the power to prescribe me ,yes even dried flower and thc + CBD oils she had nor will ever prescribe these to her patients

I thought that she was Israeli she may of had a different view

I suggested to her I could get through other means ,she then stated quite clearly I would be looking for another specialist

This is what confronts us even though it is now legal for them to prescribe cannabis

Until the cannabis clinics start giving the local GP and specialist free samples and kick backs like big pharma you are never going to see main stream doctors change their ways

They all have the company's they show allegiance to when dealing out drugs , they need a carrot to help them

On another note bumped into a mate at shops

He says there's no pot or meth in the area and no sign of any on the horizon

With the cops stopping cars out of area around here no one's taking the risk, won't be long for the lunatics to start running amok

Once upon a time only the law and criminals were on the road between midnight and 6 00 am

Won't be long and that's all that will be on the roads full time

No point robbing houses local porn shops all closed ,ha ha


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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I was lucky Micmac my doctor just said he would not write cannabis scripts for me because he did not know anything about medical cannabis but he would go outta his way to send off all the info the cannabis clinic needed for the TGA  an filled in the referale    form  that is on the cannabis clinic website.


Micmac go to one of the cannabis clinic websites an ask them about what is going on an they may be able to point you in the right path to go about getting  medical cannabis .


I told the doctor that interviewed  me that my pain management specialist did not  beleive  that medical cannabis worked in any form  as he is an opiates man as well an so is my doctor but at least my doctor had the balls an the brains to help me.I am sure that 1 of the medical cannabis clinics will help you will info.


Kind regards,Dingo-2008. 

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Sounds like most doctors have a chip on their shoulders. I changed hubby to amother doctor who supports his medical use.

Got sick of his old doctor with a negative attitude.

$150 for a years appointments i can handle paying.

His new script should be ready anytime now $320 inc postage. And yes i did ask if it could be vaped Merl.

One phone call a month then 1 every 3 months for a year. I still cant believe how easy it is compared to 3 years ago when i first looked into it or how much cheaper.

The stress of not having to find blackmarket now makes a huge difference to my stress levels most importantly.


Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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Yeah dingo thanks but I can't afford those priced so I'll stick with growing my own

I just wanted to classified legal and have a few of those containers

Much easier to explain than a bag of home grown buds

When $6 for 3 grams I'll be in

Surely they must realise the ppl in need generally can't afford 1 treatment a month let alone 1 a week

For me 3 grams can be a couple of days at most

I was lucky Micmac my doctor just said he would not write cannabis scripts for me because he did not know anything about medical cannabis but he would go outta his way to send off all the info the cannabis clinic needed for the TGA an filled in the referale form that is on the cannabis clinic website.


Micmac go to one of the cannabis clinic websites an ask them about what is going on an they may be able to point you in the right path to go about getting medical cannabis .


I told the doctor that interviewed me that my pain management specialist did not beleive that medical cannabis worked in any form as he is an opiates man as well an so is my doctor but at least my doctor had the balls an the brains to help me.I am sure that 1 of the medical cannabis clinics will help you will info.


Kind regards,Dingo-2008.

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Yeah that's fine GSM but

The waiting list for new patients is generally 6 months sometimes 12 or more

At least with her I get in whenever I need to,sometimes 2 weeks if I need some more MRI, or 3 months General checkup

My other specialists have all suspended my appointment as they not urgent surgery, well for them anyway , not a time to change unfortunately

Believe me if I could afford it I wouldn't tell her, but I think she knew I was smashed on Saturday because she brought up rec drugs and has never done that b4


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