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A Return to Cannabis for Stress, Anxiety, Anger....Asperger's



Hi all,


I am a new user here, very interested to know anyone's opinions and experiences about Cannabis for Stress, Anxiety, Anger etc.


I have Asperger's, I function fairly well generally at work etc, I have had 41 years to practice! but by the end of each day I am a train wreck, I have 3 amazing kids but two of them are also on the Autistic Spectrum, and very young.....this is really hard work at the best of times.


To cut a long Story short after about 5 years of not touching MJ I (not necessarily through choice, just life, wife, kids, work etc) I have decided to get back into it.  The reason being that I have decided to go down the weed road again is plain and simple that when I am smoking regularly I can sustain happy, easy, functional with ease and it massively alleviates my particular extreme sensitivities which are noise and busy hectic environments which overwhelm me to the point of panic and anger!


I have just spent the last month in absolute hell coming off 2 years worth of various SSRI's, which doctors have been throwing at me along with Valium, beta blockers and most recently a new so called wonder drug Valdoxan, these 'legal' chemicals have near destroyed me, are highly additive and have served to make life hard, emotionless and bland without actually helping me in any way.  So after a massive soul search and talk with my long suffering Wife (who is pretty much about to leave me) I made the decision to start growing again and just be myself, toke up and start to enjoy life again.  


Its pretty exciting and I am hoping that it will have a positive effect on life after years of abstinence...which in all honesty has sucked!!  I used to smoke on a daily basis and managed the ups and downs of life really well, as soon as I stopped, things got really bad! I cultivated successfully for years, it was my hobby.....very excited at the prospect of getting back to that, and experiencing the simple joys in life I have been unable to appreciate for so long....of course, there is a long wait...I don't exactly move in pot smoking circles these day, its not like I can just pop out and score some, to be honest I wouldn't know where to start....but that's OK, patience is a virtue when you grow....I've waited a long time, I guess a little longer won't hurt


Interested to hear about others opinions or experiences, also about strains that may be good for Stress, Anxiety, Anger etc but don't lock you to the couch all day!




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I've been down the SSRI and anti-psychotic route for bipolar, anxiety and OCD, so I can understand where you are coming from. I have had a great deal of success with smoking MJ, 


As to the potential impact upon your specific case: just cast your mind back to when you were smoking 5 or so years ago. Did you feel better? Able to cope with life? If your answer is 'yes' to these questions, you have also answered the question you have posted here.


Good luck and hang in there, relief is only a growing season away!

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good luck man , i mean it , grow some meds for yourself alright .. search for strains you fancy then go from there .. find the one that suits you best , i settle on sativa highs , because it helps me with ear ache , sounds  a bit puffy egh earache hey , but man without my high i feel like chopping my head off .. :crybaby:


 into it





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You've made a healthier decision, by the sounds of it. I hear those Beta Blocker can be pretty hardcore on the system over time.

Not sure if there is truth to it, but neurological issues, and those that suffer from, including myself, are better off with strains of a higher cbd content. I grow one plant about ten days longer than the others, this is my medicine, the rest is for rec use with my partner and her sister.

Cannabis is a better medicine for many, not just because of the relief it offers, but also for the general sense of well being experienced by those who are medicating with it. This has got to be beneficial in helping with the healing, unlike synthetic meds which come with a shitload of negative side effects, the only real side effect with cannabis is a need to feed! Oh, and a cheesy grin, much better state to be raising children in, in my opinion:-)

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