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old path traveled a long ago.



Hi folks,


I am fairly new to these forums but I must say I am impressed with the site and the wealth of info out there. However I have a few queries I am wanting to get cleared up and maybe get some answers to.


I turn 40 this year and have lived in pain for 12 years after a bad MVA and as a result I take large quantities of pain medication. Obviously these meds can cause all sorts of problems and as a result have been doing research on a better solution. This lead me to realize Can could be a soultion and gives me hope to reduce or even get off the meds all together. 


I have not however had any smoko for 16yrs or so and part of the reason is I had anxiety issues with it. So my question is how does one get back into contact with people who may be able to help me start either growing or buying cannabis (to be clear I am not asking for personal details or for anyone to put themselves out there, just suggestions would be great), is there a strain which is good for pain without causing too much anxiety? can cannabis help me with opiate withdrawal? and finally is it safe to buy seeds online and how do I go about safely (only if that question is not too straight forward)? I am aware that these questions have been answered to a degree in other posts but would really appreciate some help here as it has been soo long since I have even had a smoke and these days I am a boring family man and a bit of a noob. cheers folks.

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Hey grasshair, I've been a mj user on & off for many years but now consume mj for severe nerve pain in my leg. It sounds like you too have nerve pain, is that correct?

A daily dose or two a day cures my nerve pain by at least 80%. I've recently found that CBD heavy strains, & hash/oil, alleviates my pain by 95%. [it's only been a few months that I've been paying extra attention to my dosing but so far so good.]

Mj will also alleviate muscle pain & spasms, again, CBD seems to be the most effective ingredient [although as someone pointed out, for the time being anything will help.]

Yeah & I hear you on that morphine shit. I was on 500mgs a day [Dr's had thought I was dying so they gave me what I thought I needed] I now take a 50mg daily 'maintenance' dose. When I decided to reduce, I chipped away by reducing 10mgs at a time every month, & then by 5mgs. I didn't really notice until I got myself to about 320mgs a day. I was eventually sick of being sick all the time trying to reduce further so I asked my pain specialist to put me in a hospital bed to withdraw.

You see, being addicted to morphine doesn't look good on the records. So after a couple of years the Dr's try to push the patient onto methadone. That way, the records show a junkie not a failure of the system. I refuse to be treated like a junkie, I'm a medical patient. I refused the methadone many times & I will not withdraw in a junkie rehab. DO  NOT let them give you methadone, it's even worse than morphine & harder to withdraw.

Morphine's a shocker. With heroin withdrawal, they're really crook for 3 days, but by the 5th, they're feeling ok. Morphine withdrawal can take up to a year before you feel close to 100%, your not shitting & spewing the whole time, you just feel like absolute shit to varying degrees once the worst of the symptoms are over.

The most efficient way to reduce when on high doses, is to reduce dose to 10% over 3 days & maintain this dose for 7-10 days in hospital. Your crook but it's not unbearable. On the tenth day you leave hospital on 30-50% of your original dose feeling pretty good. That's how I did it.


If your worried about getting anxious from pot, then that's another reason why you need indica strains with a couchlock effect. Hash is also good & BHO is so easy to make. My 1st batch was a trial run with really dry year old leaf & was intending to chuck the oil. It was surprisingly strong. From leaf. Cheap easy & so effective AND you'll sleep like a baby.


Good luck.

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Hey Grasshair,

I too am a medi smoker/grower. For a nice full on body stone I too would recommend hash or oil. Hash can be a bit more difficult to produce over oil which is real easy


Here is the tumbler for collecting the trichomes for making hash


Here is what I do with the trichomes


And here is the end result



This was the process I used to make oil, just using shitty trim



Hope it helps


Edited by merl1n
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