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Do you remember your first toke?

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Decided to try it out when I first started high school. i called a trust-worthy family member and they hooked me up.

Made a coke bottle bong with hose and used a cone piece i bought from the tobacco store. smoked 3 straight cones and was walking around laughing in a happy dream.

got the munchies hard and pigged out on everything i could find. ended up falling asleep at around 3 in the afternoon after the session. smoked the rest the next day and didnt look back.....

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I can certainly remember my first in 1970. Along with 2 friends I visited someone who sold us a quarter ounce of Nepalese black hash after giving us a taste.


None of us particularly felt any effect until we started to drive home when we quickly recognised that we were seriously wasted.


Luckily there was a cafe nearby so we spent the next hour or so drinking coffee, eating doughnuts and giggling. 

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My first proper experience was bout 7 years ago when I was 15, I use to go to the beach and body board a fair bit, and a stoner mate brang some weed with him we had a compression session in a tent about 6 30am, 30 meters from the beach middle of winter too. I was so baked felt like I was dreaming scared me off it for a month or 2 then got the courage to try some more been full time since.
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I was 20 and worked with a serious stoner. I asked her for my first bag and another friend let me go to his house to smoke it. He even taught me how to roll a joint, what a bloke! Didnt get high that day, only felt a little nauseas.

The next time I decided to try it by myself. I rolled a joint (god bless youtube) and for the longest while I thought nothing had happened until I realised that the late night news isnt as funny as I was finding it.


Ive never greened out, thank god!

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First time I smoked was about 1990 and I'd just swapped a double vinyl Sex Pistols album for a film cannister full of pre-mulled pot. Making sure I was getting the real deal I decided to sniff the container, only for some of the contents to go up my nose. This made me involuntarily blow air back out my nose and lose half the pay-load :) That night I stayed up late and smoked 2 whole joints which did nothing, I got the runs the next day.


The first time I got stoned was out of a ghetto-fab plastic coke bottle, with garden hose for stem and aluminium foil for a cone. Still clearly remember how good it felt halfway through my first cone. Had 2 cones that session and have been chasing that feeling for the past 2 decades. Best thing was that my mates sister worked for Cadbury's Chocolate and there were countless bags of "seconds" to eat. I think Iate about a kilo of Cherry Ripe that night :)

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 Awesome storys!!


My first 'toke' was when i was about 14. A friend found some tobacco in a pouch and inside there was a tiny bit of soft black hash.

We hash'tily made our way to another friends to skin up. After some time and a couple of attempts we finally had a shonky single skin joint.

By now a few more mates had turned up and we ended up, out in the alley sharing this little joint between 7 of us. I cant remember getting any affect off it.


My first proper toke was a few years later in 1989. I met up with some oldschool mates for a drink at the pub. After a while the conversation turned to smoking. Who had, who did, who had never and after a few stoney storys we were off to one of the mates place to have a smoke.... :thumbsup:


I'd seen a few bongs in my time but this bloke had the maddest smoking contraption I had ever seen...

It was huge! The mouth piece was from a snorkling tube, there were two 3litre coke bottles, some kind of plunger on the side and some tubes going in and out here n there but thats all I can really remember exept you had to get on all fours to use it...

I didnt see it being filled to see how it worked but it was full of dark green smoke. I pulled well, not wanting to look like a softcock to my mates, but coffed like a walrus for about 5 mins..... as soon as I calmed down my mates were pushing me to have another...... The next pul felt a lot smoother and I was able to hold it in. :) ..........

It's effect was delicious...(hooked). I just sat there on this big cumfy sofa, slowly sinking in to it, talking and watching everyone slow getting stoned..It was quite trippy..hahahaha.

Until, about 20 mins later my mate looked at me and said "haha, look at 'yNg', he's f*#kin green"... Anyway, I sat up, spun out and walked to the toilet, looked at myself in the mirror, "yep, green", spun out again and technicoloured yawned in the bowl, all while being laughed.   haha.


Later on in the day I asked the contraption opperator what the smoke was. It was a soft brown hash called Zerozero. :)







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First smoke was when I was fifteen 20+ years ago. My mates mum had her best friend staying at their house and somehow he had come upon a bag of a green substance. We had been smoking tobaccy for a while so we thought what the hell we will give it a burl. I still remember telling myself 'just one go, it's not like its heroin or cocaine'. There was five of us, a cple of chicks and three blokes. We sat in the middle of the local school footy oval and my mate pulled out a little billy he borrowed off his big bro. I'm pretty sure it was just trim and leaf but it certainly did the job. I had one cone and felt like I was having an out of body experience. Laughing and seeing the colours around me that were brighter and heaps sheeny. Everyone else greened out with my mate, who found the smoke, doing the weirdest spew I've ever seen. It was like a bowl of set jelly that was turned upside down and was jiggling on the ground in a perfect half circle. We the went to an ice cream parlour and munched out like we had never eaten before. It was the greatest experience I had ever had.
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When I was 15, I was indoctrinated into one of the local Asian Gangs, when we used to walk around in sydney in groups, I was the white guy there :)

Anyway, me and my 2 friends went over to our bosses house (3 doors down). His mum wasn't home so we turned on the air conditioning, he had food and movies. He sat us down, told and showed us how to chop, make a bong out of a Gatorade bottle, steal some hose for the stem and make a cone piece out of a aluminum can. I remember we all coughed and got super high. It was love at first sight, I shortly after began to sell it at my school and get stoned twice a week with my friends, eventually I started smoking alone and eventually everyday.

For some reason they all stripped down to their underwear and started to spare and wrestle. I just sat there eating and laughing.

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