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Gaytimegrowers Udate

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These are clones I took from the indoor plants. I was really rapt as I had never done any cloning before.


These really took off and were super bushy and at the stage that other clones could have been taken easily.


I got paranoid as too mant people knew I was growing and at that stage had 10 plants. Really shat me off giving them away but the deal was that I was to get half the crop when ready.


Never known an honest person yet when it comes to hooch.


Will have to wat and see.


He has had them on 12/12 for 2 weeks so far. I will go and have a look at them this week. Long way to go tho.


Best of luck with your growing adventures. And I would like to thank all the people that helped me thru this lot....even though a lot of it was confusing.


I would also like to apologise to those that I offended some time back. Sorry. Must have had PMT. :P


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I forgot to mention that the buds in the shed are only a portion of what I will get from the outside plants. 3 of them.


I dont know what I am going to do with it all as I dont smoke. Made some absolutely mind boggling anzac biscuits from the butter from the trimmings.

I have a bad habit of licking my fingers and spoon when cooking. When they were cooked, I had 2 of them.

Anyway, I was at the computer and about an hour later I had this weird feeling and dead tired. Suddenly realised it was the goodies I had had. Absolutely fucked I was and went to bed. The next morning I was still ripped.


I have given a heap away and they rekon they are really head blowers.


Still have a heap left and will probably use the next lot of trim to make some honey oil.

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