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Question about Guano

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Hey everyone! I'm a newb here, also a newb in cultivation, this is my first ever grow. Been doing craploads of reading and trying to take it all in, but there are so many opinions that clash and it can all become a little confusing!


My seedling was given to me rather sick. I wanted to do an outdoor deck grow (organic) and since transplanting it, it's been doing great.. until now. I've been feeding is a bit of Seasol, and also Fish Emulsion, but I think there's a nute deficiency (mainly Nitrogen), so I've been hunting around and Guano seems highly recommended. I'm gonna try out the Nature's Own Guano Super Grow and it states the average NPK is 10-10-2 (The Super Bloom is 1-9-1) - do you guys who use this, or even if you don't, would you dilute this more than the directions state? A lot of posts about liquid fertilisers, people recommend diluting anywhere from 1/4 - 1/6th the amount the directions give.


My plant's probably a little late, I'm not really going for massive yield this time.. think I need to master the basics of maintaining health before I try to pump out a biggun' (;


Cheers in advance, looking forward to getting stuck into these forums!

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Gday mate and welcome. Ive used super grow and super bloom before And was pretty happy with it would have used super grow this year but was too lazy go too the store.I had all the stuff here too make super sauce so I went that way for veg.But plan on finishing off with super bloom 10ml to a litre 2 -3 times a week and every 2nd week a dose of liquid potash 10 ml to 10 litres. I wouldn't go less than the instructions say I find my plants lap it up like mothers milk.good luck with your grow
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