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First real grow up an at 'em


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And here's a pic of the rest of the clone tray ... the majority of them are a few days behind the one I just showed a pic of ... still this is good news as it worked after all.


First plants, first time cloning, all worked out rather well given the circumstances so I am more than happy. I think I had a decent survival rate ... one went down due to not putting out any roots at all, it wilted and died shortly after I stopped foliar feeding (did that for the first week and a half, doh). And also another two died due to me dropping that light reflector on them. I am sure there are a few stragglers in the group that may not root at all, but for the better part they all appear to have struck (no roots = wilting right? getting none of that) and it's just a matter of time.


Now I am free to help out others with these fine genetics... Keep on overgrowin'!


That's just about it for this thread... I might post a few pics of them in flower, but everyone has seen this kind of stuff hundreds of times before so I might just keep it to myself lol


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Good onya bubba, I'm sure they'll be powering on in no time.


Time to pot up and harden off dude! Good luck! lol


p.s. you may want to root prune those roots which have exited the cubes when transplanting them into either larger cubes or the media you plan to grow in. This is beneficial because the roots that are forming outside the cube are not growing in conditions similar to those inside a media, and plants form roots specific to the environmental needs they encounter. Once formed, they cannot be converted to a new one, they'll just die if they're covered with media and expected to grow, and this could cause probs down the track... anyway, just trim the roots down to less than 5mm from the edges of the cubes before transplanting, be sure to use a sterilised instrument for each item, or bleach/heat treat the scissors between cuts. I use methylated spirits poured over and then lit, be careful, as it's bloody flammable shit. lol


Whew after all that, let me wish you good luck again bubba. lol

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Good Work Bubba!


Don't be a tease and end the grow show there lol I haven't seen a Shiva Skunk grow diary on the boards that I can recall. I'm definitely keen to see how they do. Not enough strain reports here at Ozstoners for mine. I'd like to see a new forum for strain specific grow/smoke reports. We've all wandered over to Cannagenetics from time to time for some strain info but a grow diary / report gives a lot more info than a seedbank catalogue description (which can be all hype or very vague or both)


Keep the updates a comin' or start a new grow thread for your ladies.


Go on, do it up lol


lol Tugboat lol

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