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First real grow up an at 'em


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Quick update, I followed your advice Luke and it sure made a difference. I emptied all the excess water out of the tray and the cubes, and also stuffed tiny shreds of rockwool down the side of the holes to give the stems more support ... now they're standing up smartly saluting the fluros instead of slouching around at their posts like they were yesterday ;) UP AN AT EM, SOLDIERS


I was amazed when I checked them this morning, two very wilted clones (the only wilted ones) that I had given up on have now rejuvinated themselves and are going as strong as the rest - I have noticed the fan leaves are all reaching up towards the light, I didn't think that'd happen so quick :D


Anyhow thanks for the help and comments all, it has made a big difference in saving these clones from disaster.


you post from work as well huh Bubba?


Yeah... shit I had better get back to it eh ;)

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I fucking hate this shit-arse digital camera. It's useless.


Anyhow, here's a shot that (kinf of) shows the lower 20cm of foliage on one of the mothers, this stuff is pretty dense, messy, and generally not doing a great deal of growing. Is it ok to trim off or best left where it is for the moment?


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Hey all, just a quick update for those interested.


No real progress on the clones as for some odd reason I thought it was necessary to mist the dome until it was drenched 2 or 3 times a day... unfortunately this let to foliar feeding and kinda halted any kind of chance of roots growing in the first few days ::P:


Ahh well, at least I know for next time :rolleyes:


So now I'm not misting anymore, instead I let the humidtiy build up naturally (been doing this for only a day now) and the clones have started to yellow a bit ... I'm taking this as a good sign that they're trying to put out roots. Also accidentally let a few cubes dry out today! Whoops! That gave me a few sour wilted faces from some unhappy clones. Sorry kids...


Mums are going nice and strong though, I might post pics of em in a few days.


That's all for now (thrilling stuff eh!?) :D

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unfortunately this let to foliar feeding and kinda halted any kind of chance of roots growing in the first few days ::P:

Hey bubba :P


I just took my first ever clones a couple of weeks ago too, they've taken approx 14days to root so hang in there, they'll root through soon enough.


Mine were in less than ideal conditions but they still came through OK.


:rolleyes: Tugboat :D

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Heya Tugboat, for sure mate they probably take a little longer first time around due to little stuffups, I know exactly what I did wrong this time around and there sure is room to improve.


But wait til you see what I did this morning...


So I'm checking my clones to make sure that none have dried out, right, when somehow (I have no idea how this happened) I managed to push over my powered 250w MV lamp, smashing it reflector, lamp, and all RIGHT ONTO MY OPEN FUCKEN CLONE TRAY!


Ever seen what your clone tray looks like after it's been under the wieght of a dropped reflector?


You don't want to :P


Anyhow, the damage wasn't as bad as I thought. There were two cleanly sheared stems and those were the only casualties. The rest got a bit squashed but sprung up almost as soon as I took the light off them.


At least it gave me a good excuse to check the written off clones for roots... and YEA, THEY HAD BESTOWN ROOTS UPON THY ROCKWOOL! There was a chunky cluster of tiny roots about 13mm up the stem, exactly the same on the both of them ... so if this is the case with most of the other clones then they are definitely on their way.


Still, after this recent attempt on their life, I swear my clones wilt every time I look in their direction now :rolleyes:

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Sorry to hear about the losses mate. Stoner growing strikes again... :rolleyes: But good to see you've successfully struck em. :P See? Easy isn't it? :D


Clones tend to look quite ratty as they draw on reserves to power root development. They pick up pretty quickly. You'll have stupendous plants in no time. :P


Good luck bubba, keep us updated man.

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