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should i trim newbie :(

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ok so ive got to be the unluckiest person in history (ok so slight exageration lol)

bought a clone and grew 2 others from seed

clone is budding (4 weeks ish )

others were huge and didnt bud so just been pulled ( 4 weeks and no bud is way too long right ?)

I want to maximise bud growth .....

im not sure on technical names but what i have is perlite blend with clay ...

1 resevoir with pump and 3 other under the perlite resevoirs .... one pot ontop of other ....

lights are down to 8hrs a day now and buds are as big as thumb nail (small by what I have seen others get )

lights are 3 800w hps bulbs (red kinda colour)

room is full panda wrap

big exhaust

big inlet

1 fan built in to each light ( see three fans)

to clarify clone is in still in room alone ...

the plant was always tied down whenever longenough to be tied .... but never trimmed ...

first time on site and have just red well over 700 psts/ replies to posts lol so blind now

is it too late to trim some of the leaves off ..... will i stress the plant ...... wil i get better buds ? with 3 to 4 weeks remaining i wanna get max bang from her .... sould i leave all the leaves ... lol help !!!!!


That`s a lot of gear for a new grower to come across. You can buy clones but have just the one and two seeds... under three HIDs? These things don`t just happen. At least not in my world.

I`m skeptical of your claim.




no the others were female but just never changed at all just kept growing in height


Interesting, how do you determine sex if they arent showing?



right then in reply to why would i be running 3 hps when i dont know the first thing about cannabis...

I bought the whole set up at once because I decided to grow for my self rather than line some one elses pockets....

everbody starts somewhere and I have just started here lol (i think you maybe forgot how little you probably knew when you started ..... no offence its just not everyone is an expert .... thats why im asking you guys )


the perlite is blended with the clay 2/3rd perlite 1/rd clay

pics not gonna happen im affraid .....dont like idea of it at min ...


ok so three pots filled with perlite clay mix (with small 3mm water inlet at the very top from resevoir)

the tree pots then sit on top of 3 slightly smaller pots (sort of ballance on edges but cant fall off )

thre top pots have the plant in. water in (as mentioned) and drainage holes in bottom (to drain into samller pots beneath)

the lower pots have drains back to the resevoir which is outside the room but on the same level ( so the water sits equal in height amongst the 3 pots and the 4th external resevoir)

the entire system contains 92 litres off water

I have one pump and 2 bubblers (bubblers run constant and each have 2 bubble stones so 4 in total)

the pump runs for 15 mins everyhour (tried less but plants didnt like it)

3 lights each with their own fan (only on when lights on) the lights coud be another kind they are orange when on (start ool blue then go redie orange)

inlet fan and exhaust (run constant)


hope the system makes sense :)

now i ran the 8hrs because I was having trouble getting the seed based plants to bloom.....

the clone bloomed within a week but the seed based where showing no signs of boom at all ....

they just kept growing in height .....

so yesterday I puled the 2 seed based out and left the set up but with only the clone in (seed based are still in perlite in pots but out of room and with no water (24hrs now)

So imagie my fury when i came home today and found the seed based had dramatically changedd overnight and now may be budding afterall....

have i stressed them too much or could i put them back in ?

oh yeah and lights are now 12 on 12 off


Like I said above, lot of gear for a new bloke...strange indeed.

It reads like a combination of other`s grows you`ve read around the traps...with no knowledge of what you`re talking about.


You took plants out of a room with 16hrs darktime and they now show signs of flower within 24hrs or less? no time for the change in phylotaxy , etc?


I dont wanna sound harsh but you got a lotta learnin to do son... firstly quit bullshitting us, lest you reap that which you sow. I could ask a dozen questions which I dare say you could`nt fucking answer...


Now go back to school, learn your sums, get a P/T job at red rooster and save for some gear. Leave the bullshit at the door next time.


Cliff notes: kid waltzes in talkin crap

kid gets told he`s talkin crap

kid continues to talk crap

thread eventually becomes a focus of abuse and laughter, all aimed at OP

thread gets locked and kid may learn to wipe his chin

...or not


JAIKAI...dares to feed trolls

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That`s a lot of gear for a new grower to come across. You can buy clones but have just the one and two seeds... under three HIDs? These things don`t just happen. At least not in my world.

I`m skeptical of your claim.






Interesting, how do you determine sex if they arent showing?





Like I said above, lot of gear for a new bloke...strange indeed.

It reads like a combination of other`s grows you`ve read around the traps...with no knowledge of what you`re talking about.


You took plants out of a room with 16hrs darktime and they now show signs of flower within 24hrs or less? no time for the change in phylotaxy , etc?


I dont wanna sound harsh but you got a lotta learnin to do son... firstly quit bullshitting us, lest you reap that which you sow. I could ask a dozen questions which I dare say you could`nt fucking answer...


Now go back to school, learn your sums, get a P/T job at red rooster and save for some gear. Leave the bullshit at the door next time.


Cliff notes: kid waltzes in talkin crap

kid gets told he`s talkin crap

kid continues to talk crap

thread eventually becomes a focus of abuse and laughter, all aimed at OP

thread gets locked and kid may learn to wipe his chin

...or not


JAIKAI...dares to feed trolls



Come on JK tell us what you really think!!!!:yahoo:


Think you mighta just hit the nail right on the head there............

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yes everyone has to start somewhere.. here at OS we like newby's to start with reading.... same as we did....


and no pics? well, no help.. not gonna happen i'm afraid :nono:.......




Domskid, mate i dunno whats going on with your plants

we do like to help newbies, though you may not have altogether gathered that from this thread


can i paint a picture for you? ... ok im going to anyway


sometime ago i made some absolutely unreal Cannabis Cookies, i ate one but didnt think it worked

so i ate another ... and another

then all of a sudden BANG! the cookies kicked in

mate, i was so stoned i barely knew what day it was, but i knew it was hot and sunny outside

so i goes an strips off my clothes and puts the sun-lounge outside and promptly went to sleep

couple of hours later i woke up and was burnt red as a lobster .. owwww! it was so painful


i rang the Doctor I tell him " Im red raw all over Doc, I feel like im tripping and even worse ive got big blisters all over my body, its so painful please help me"

Doctor tells me to come in so he can examine me and advise and treat me ..

well bugger that, i tell Doc im not going in there so he can see me! .. wtf does he think i am!

he tells me to get stuffed and go elsewhere ...


no wonder the mongrel has got no patients aye :rolleyes:



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right pics aint gonna happen to affraid cops may knock on my door .....

second thanks for the positive answers I got helped alot ..... REALLY :)


If i was a school boy who had gone to the effort of reading fuckin posts to see what setups others had run wouldnt you think i would also have known the correct terminology for plants parts, hours on and light hours off light etc ..... some one please explain to me why i would bother reading so much about a setup then not bother with the simple shit i could fnd in my indoor hydroponics book in 2 secs..... (which for the record is brown in colour incase some one doesnt beleive i have that also)

I dont fuckin know they aint male but as far as i knew they would have shown by now they been in for well over 2 months now ..... dont ask i had a lot of fuck ups ....

I dont know enough about growing as I only smoked the stuff until a few months ago .... ( not being funny but ive never been stoned and had a conversation about growing and techniques and if i had ... well i probably wouldnt remember lol)

I have one type of bulb its a luca grow ... but doesnt seem to say on the box quite what it is ... says its fully interchangable with hps ...... so assume hps !

three remote ballasts control the lights too and one thing im sure some one who didnt have these lights wouldnt know is ..... the plug that goes into the ballasts has a round earth pi and if you leave the ballast connected to the mains but the light unplugged the ballast makes a clicking sound...

I sold a car and bought this setup all new from a local store (wont say where paranoia again) it cost 3000 (now dont fuckin burn me about cost .... i was happy and still am )

I also built the room from scratch cost me a further 500

I wont even throw the boxes out from the stuff as im so paranoid some one will knock my bin over lol thats how I know what the boxes say by the way

I know oe person other than the guy in the shop who has grown and so thought i would come ask the experts ..... seems alot of them just want to burn people (ie me )

like i said before thanks for the possitive help from the possitive people

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G'day domskid. :hi:


There's lots of different people on these forums mate. Lots of them are first time growers like ourselves, and a lot others are very wise, and have made all the mistakes already for us... Then there's some who's life is this forum, and get a little defensive when someone doesn't know the culture straight away.


Sounds like you've invested a fair bit in your setup. Hope it all goes well and you get an awesome flower.


Also, there's lots of programs (for windows or mac) that will strip any identifying features from an image before you upload it to the net. Saves a bit of paranoia, and gives peace of mind :good:

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lol thanks mate more worried about stored ips than identifying features ... the rooms panda wrapped walls ceiling and floor ;)


Hi Domskid.


The best advice I can give you right now in my stoned state is to join the 420 crew if you are worried about your IP being logged. 420 crew members ip's are all logged as 420.420.420.420.


Naycha :peace:

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fair enuf and kudos for your honesty and enthusiasm in your endeavour :thumbsup:


so now we gotta help you even up the ledger, as your outlay must have bought you some good gear


basic overview female plant;

plants vegetate and grow a framework under long photoperiod 14-24hrs per day (you control the lenght of photoperiod)


when the plants have reached a size that roughly equates to half the grow space you have available, then you reduce light hours to 12hrs per day (total and complete pitch black darkness is absolutely essential during the dark hours, otherwise plant may continue to vegetate or worse, start abnormal growth)


plant continues to grow in size and even appears to 'stretch' out its branches for about another two weeks as she gradually changes gear from relatively simple leaf production to the very complex construction of flowering colas

pistals start to appear in ever increasing numbers along the branches and 'stretching' gradually comes to a stop


over the next 6-16 weeks (depending on the genetic makeup) plant continues to pack flowers(pistals) on in the vain hope of reproducing (lack of pollen bearing males and or hermophadite females prevents this actually happening)


after this time plant has become heavy with swollen unfertilised pistals all over, gradually she begins to lose her vigor, leaves die back, shrivel and drop to the ground as the plant's life draws to a close


Your situation calls for patients as you wait through the flowering phase, by all means put the seed females back under your lights if they are flowering now


removing leaves is carried out by some growers but not others, there are no hard and fast rules here, everyone has their own prefference

but having said that if you do decide to remove leaves be very liberal and dont take too many as it may upset the plant and result in adverse floral development, or at worst induce sexual abnormalities


after your 1st grow you will be far more relaxed and familiar with the needs of the plant

after all we indoor growers are 'Mother Nature' for our plants and we should not stray too far from the natural rhythm of Nature herself


you probably know all this anyways




well roll out any more specific Q's you got and we will shoot ya down in flames .. try to help you, i meant to say ;)



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