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should i trim newbie :(

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ok, well I'm gonna hijack this thread by asking a similar question..


Two plants under 1x400w HPS. They are three weeks into fruiting (I say fruiting because I believe buds are fruit, not flowers. Flowers are the pollen producers that you find on the male.. but i digress)..


should I trim the lower foliage that is recieving minimal light?




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From 'Marijuana Botany', found in my sig

Leafing is one of the most misunderstood techniques of drug Cannabis cultivation. In the mind of the cultivator, several reasons exist for removing leaves. Many feel that large shade leaves draw energy from the flowering plant, and therefore the flowering clusters will be smaller. It is felt that by removing the leaves, surplus energy will be available, and large floral clusters will be formed. Also, some feel that inhibitors of flowering, synthesized in the leaves during the long noninductive days of summer, may be stored in the older leaves that were formed during the noninductive photoperiod. Possibly, if these inhibitor-laden leaves are removed, the plant will proceed to flower, and maturation will be accelerated. Large leaves shade the inner portions of the plant, and small atrophied floral clusters may begin to develop if they receive more light.


In actuality, few if any of the theories behind leafing give any indication of validity. Indeed, leafing possibly serves to defeat its original purpose. Large leaves have a definite function in the growth and development of Cannabis. Large leaves serve as photosynthetic factories for the production of sugars and other necessary growth sub stances. They also create shade, but at the same time they are collecting valuable solar energy and producing foods that will be used during the floral development of the plant. Premature removal of leaves may cause stunting, because the potential for photosynthesis is reduced. As these leaves age and lose their ability to carry on photo synthesis they turn chlorotie (yellow) and fall to the ground. In humid areas care is taken to remove the yellow or brown leaves, because they might invite attack by fungus. During chlorosis the plant breaks down substances, such as chlorophylls, and translocates the molecular components to a new growing part of the plant, such as the flowers. Most Cannabis plants begin to lose their larger leaves when they enter the flowering stage, and this trend continues until senescence. It is more efficient for the plant to reuse the energy and various molecular components of existing chlorophyll than to synthesize new chlorophyll at the time of flowering. During flowering this energy is needed to form floral clusters and ripen seeds.


Removing large amounts of leaves may interfere with the metabolic balance of the plant. If this metabolic change occurs too late in the season it could interfere with floral development and delay maturation. If any floral inhibitors are removed, the intended effect of accelerating flowering will probably be counteracted by metabolic upset in the plant. Removal of shade leaves does facilitate more light reaching the center of the plant, but if there is not enough food energy produced in the leaves, the small internal floral clusters will probably not grow any larger. Leaf removal may also cause sex reversal resulting from a metabolic change.


If leaves must be removed, the petiole is cut so that at least an inch remains attached to the stalk. Weaknesses in the limb axis at the node result if the leaves are pulled off at the abscission layer while they are still green. Care is taken to see that the shriveling petiole does not invite fungus attack.


It should be remembered that, regardless of strain or environmental conditions, the plant strives to reproduce, and reproduction is favored by early maturation. This produces a situation where plants are trying to mature and reproduce as fast as possible. Although the purpose of leafing is to speed maturation, disturbing the natural progressive growth of a plant probably interferes with its rapid development.


If you check my grow diary, I subjected my girl to 'leafing'. I took a picture of the canopy from above, before and after the leafing, and the difference is unremarkable... from above. However, below the canopy, I removed most leaves underneath the big fan leaves. :good:

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ok so ive got to be the unluckiest person in history (ok so slight exageration lol)

bought a clone and grew 2 others from seed

clone is budding (4 weeks ish )

others were huge and didnt bud so just been pulled ( 4 weeks and no bud is way too long right ?)

I want to maximise bud growth .....

im not sure on technical names but what i have is perlite blend with clay ...

1 resevoir with pump and 3 other under the perlite resevoirs .... one pot ontop of other ....

lights are down to 8hrs a day now and buds are as big as thumb nail (small by what I have seen others get )

lights are 3 800w hps bulbs (red kinda colour)

room is full panda wrap

big exhaust

big inlet

1 fan built in to each light ( see three fans)

to clarify clone is in still in room alone ...

the plant was always tied down whenever longenough to be tied .... but never trimmed ...

first time on site and have just red well over 700 psts/ replies to posts lol so blind now

is it too late to trim some of the leaves off ..... will i stress the plant ...... wil i get better buds ? with 3 to 4 weeks remaining i wanna get max bang from her .... sould i leave all the leaves ... lol help !!!!!


Well you could not have absorbed all you read. Maybe you should go read again and again until it fucking sinks in! Not long now and the holidays will be over.:ack:

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right then in reply to why would i be running 3 hps when i dont know the first thing about cannabis...

I bought the whole set up at once because I decided to grow for my self rather than line some one elses pockets....

everbody starts somewhere and I have just started here lol (i think you maybe forgot how little you probably knew when you started ..... no offence its just not everyone is an expert .... thats why im asking you guys )


the perlite is blended with the clay 2/3rd perlite 1/rd clay

pics not gonna happen im affraid .....dont like idea of it at min ...


ok so three pots filled with perlite clay mix (with small 3mm water inlet at the very top from resevoir)

the tree pots then sit on top of 3 slightly smaller pots (sort of ballance on edges but cant fall off )

thre top pots have the plant in. water in (as mentioned) and drainage holes in bottom (to drain into samller pots beneath)

the lower pots have drains back to the resevoir which is outside the room but on the same level ( so the water sits equal in height amongst the 3 pots and the 4th external resevoir)

the entire system contains 92 litres off water

I have one pump and 2 bubblers (bubblers run constant and each have 2 bubble stones so 4 in total)

the pump runs for 15 mins everyhour (tried less but plants didnt like it)

3 lights each with their own fan (only on when lights on) the lights coud be another kind they are orange when on (start ool blue then go redie orange)

inlet fan and exhaust (run constant)


hope the system makes sense :)

now i ran the 8hrs because I was having trouble getting the seed based plants to bloom.....

the clone bloomed within a week but the seed based where showing no signs of boom at all ....

they just kept growing in height .....

so yesterday I puled the 2 seed based out and left the set up but with only the clone in (seed based are still in perlite in pots but out of room and with no water (24hrs now)

So imagie my fury when i came home today and found the seed based had dramatically changedd overnight and now may be budding afterall....

have i stressed them too much or could i put them back in ?

oh yeah and lights are now 12 on 12 off

Edited by domskid
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got no idea why you would be running 3 hps when you don't know the first thing about cannabis...but i could take a guess :whistle:


yes everyone has to start somewhere.. here at OS we like newby's to start with reading.... same as we did....


and no pics? well, no help.. not gonna happen i'm afraid :nono:.......



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Yes a pic is worth a thousand words... Sounds as if you are getting close to having it setup right.


We all have good threads you need to read.

I will tell you that if your plant is indeed a female then yes Put it back in and watch it.


First of all make sure you have a female.;Then you need to figure out alot of things.


Themp of your water PH of it things along those lines will help.

Also ,FIgure out what the heck kind lights you have... You may not need but one on.


Hopefully you do have both MH and HPS .It seems as if it would be since I think you said you bought it out as a complete setup.

>Also you have said you had a fan but you said they were on lighhts only. I like to have a couple fans blowing on them to make them strong so they will hold up the buds that they will have pulling on them.


>Hope you take a few pics and make everyone happy to be able to help you more.

>They are a couple threads that have good setups just as you describe.

Well in that pic we all are drawing in our heads trying to help you.


>Peace Out

>Good Luck


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