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Near the shed.

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Thanks Aunty....a relief about frost i might be able to get something out of all the effort since late november.

The one thats left has had a tough life unfortunately..... it was my experimental baby....I read and saw a thing on youtube, liked the idea about super-cropping so gave it a go!!! etc etc....


Its still alive and is flowering though.....it remids me of that movie out at present "I am Number 4" well I only had 3 and Miss # 3 as abused as she has been is the only one alive!!!!! I do like the suggestion about the neighbour however also a relo so could wreck christmas this year if i go that drastic!!!!lol


As I said earlier I will try and get a pic or two tomorrow and start a thread with a couple of questions you guys can maybe help with......lol it will be embarrassing putting a pic of my lil damaged girl when all the other pics of your guys ladies just makes me a little jealous!!!!





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post-33553-0-08519600-1299991136_thumb.jpgpost-33553-0-83895200-1299986077_thumb.jpg :crybaby: G'day Troops. This girl is for the chop today. Last 2 days were terrific, but it started to rain again today, As I'm running a little short this is just about perfect timing. Will post more pics when I cut her up for drying. And that is what I have to dry at the moment, this is the broom cupboard and I open the under floor inspection hatch and lovely cool dry air flows in. Leave the door 1" open and Bob's ya uncle in about 10 or so days. Next step, manicure and then curing. Edited by auntynorm
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  On 13/03/2011 at 6:00 AM, demistify said:

looks like you keep a tidy shed, Auntie.

G'day Demist. A place for everything and everything all over the place at the mo. Usually it's in better nick than this but I had to repair the whipper snipper, 2 mates mowers needed work and I had to cut some steel for another job, then deal with the plant I cut today. It never ends. I can USUALLY find most of the stuff in here, though not always. So I've had a tub, now I'm going to kick back. :guitar:

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Gday troops. Went to Bunnings to get some Rose Focus, the last bottle, 1 ltr, lasted 2 years, though only used once I see sign of flowering. Well today they had none. So I bought some Flower Focus, by Growth Technologies, info@growthtechnology.com.au, and will give it a go, probably tomorrow as it is very windy here today. I really think I'm just gilding the lily as now things are well under way the addition of more nutes may, in fact, be a waste. But I will give them a go and see what happens, can't hurt (famous last words). Here is the chemical analysis of Flower Focus. I suppose Rose Focus is similar, but the recycle truck has already been, and the bottle has gone.



Nitrogen 1.77

Phosphorus 0.31

Potassium 2.26

Calcium 0.60

Magnesium 0.32

Sulphate 0.30

Iron 0.0021

Manganese 0.0095

Boron 0.0021

Zinc 0.0020

Copper 0.0010

Molybdenum 0.0005

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velly intellesting, Auntie. seems like it's got hardly any nutrient in it at all. I wonder how different these ratios are to dilute chook poo?


some of the boys reckon shouldn't use dilute chook poo when flowers show, but it's worked for me as an adjunct to thrive fruit and flower. one feed of thrive, one feed of dilute chook poo (like weak black tea) with a teaspoon of sulphate of potash dissolved in it, and one flush out with water. then begin again. result: much fatter heads than thrive alone.


hope an expert in npk ratios adds his/her comments to this.

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  On 14/03/2011 at 8:14 AM, IAMTHEMANOHYEAH said:

Hey aunty got some of that rose focus today along with some african violet food heard it goes of in last 4 weeks of flowering.

G'day IAM. Give 'em hell, mate, they should respond very well to that. Mine are going feral now, another 6/8 weeks and yahoo! This smells absolutly sensational!! :yahoo:

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