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Hey rattdog, long time no see. You've done it again I see B)


Looks like you've changed the grow chamber a bit this time, or maybe you just moved it around for the pictures?


The broad leafed plants that are really dark dark green/bluish, if they're the same as you once gave me; are NL. Possibly NL#5. I didn't scrog them, just a sog of sorts. they were very cylindrical, stout plants that headed from almost ground level to the tops. As a young plant, they almost didn't look like grass, and one person on overgrow defied they were actually weed.


It was some of the nicest grass I've ever smoked, it was great to grow, and turned out to be the best "pain killing" weed I've ever tried for my back pain. The stone was very indica, very strong; but wasn't sleepy.


If I wasn't moving as you know; I'd love to grow it again.


cheers mate.


The site's been cranking over well lately, so stay a while :D



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