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Plant turn yellow

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growing pot is all about transperation if the seedling is in a pot that is to big for it or there is constant wet soil around roots the plant will go yellow , your plants need air around the roots probly more than any plant i know , and yeh Yates poting mix will have nutrients in it so dont fertalize to much , always look at the plants collour if its going yellow its not getting Nitrogen this in your case is probly from being to wet , if just the ends of your leaves are brown then you have given it more fertalizer than it can use and burned roots .
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growing pot is all about transperation if the seedling is in a pot that is to big for it or there is constant wet soil around roots the plant will go yellow , your plants need air around the roots probly more than any plant i know , and yeh Yates poting mix will have nutrients in it so dont fertalize to much , always look at the plants collour if its going yellow its not getting Nitrogen this in your case is probly from being to wet , if just the ends of your leaves are brown then you have given it more fertalizer than it can use and burned roots .

Guess I wouldn't feed it till the green fade...

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