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Sunday Night - Channel 7 @ 6:30pm

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Hello tokers, i am new here, i actually joined to address this very subject

firstly i expect this story to be nothing but goverment propoganda, featuring some bitch

going on about how their teenager has no job and just sits around smoking pot.


I believe that everybody here is aware of the hempparty and anyone who has not joined

i urge you to please do so now, they are our best chance at forcing the issue.


I believe everybody here should watch this programme and it would be a good idea

to get as many people in the Aussie Cannabis Community to do so,

and be prepared to write emails and letters of outrage slamming the story

and to be sure to cite reference to scientiffic data about the benefits of cannabis.

and the evidence dispelling the common lies.

don't forget to use Rick Simpson and his story and the fact he rediscovered

the cure for cancer in Hemp resin, and the fact that it was discovered by the

seppo goverment back in the 70's during a test that was supposed to prove

that "Marijuana" causes Cancer and kills, however the results were the exact

opposite THC CBN CBD and other Cannabinoids actually inhibit cancer growth

and stimulate the bodies natural responses to fight it.


Cannabis causes schizophrenia my ass, Anybody claims that there is proof

that it does is an absolute lie, Schizophrenia doesn't even have a

reliable method of diagnosis, it's not a neurological disorder

it's an issue with the mind, and the only way schizophrenia

can be diagnosed is by describing symptoms to a doctor.

pretty much this is the only thing prohibitionists have

left against decriminalisation and by that i mean

100% decriminalisation no fines no criminal records

and NO jail time, of course it's pretty likely that

people with an agenda against pot chose Schizophrenia

for the simple fact that it IS a hard to confirm condition

and that the link can neither be proven or disproven

which is enough for them because they can still use it

to insight fear.


Everybody thank you for reading my post,

and Rise up this is our latest chance to infiltrate the media

the best thing that could happen is a follow up story

regarding the ammount of outrage the story receives.

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just print out the form, fill ya details send it off, and eventually the AEC will ring you up.

all you have to do is just say that you did join the Hempparty and that you confirm your membership.

they need 500 people exactly to become legit,

problem is allot of people send their form, then they don't confirm their membership or deny it.


Remember even if you use pot don't expect the police to come knocking at your door just because they saw your name

on the role of a voting party that supports pot.

Just keep your house clean allways (common sense)


Also we need allot of ordinary people to get involved in Hempparty and pro-cannabis politics, their the people that we need to change things, problem is they just don't care about drug use or the drug war or whether its legal or illegal because it plays no role in their life.


best thing to tell them, is that it does involve them, drug war fanatics want more and more money for all kinds or demented invasive drug tests and more rights to intrude and violate people's privacy.

shit they even want to test primary school students, but why? what are the chances the do pot?

doesn't matter, more people being tested costs money which means more $$$ for them, and guess where the money comes from? Yup you the Taxpayer and the Economy which has enough problems without a completely worthless drain on society using it to make criminals out of innocent people and harass people without drugs by demanding searches.

Don't even get me started on the potential for renewable fuels and paper alternative (stop deforestation)

and the Cancer cure.


Sorry about my long posts but i have allot to say,

just remember to also be ready to comment positively on the story if it happens to show Cannabis in a neutral or even positive light in some cases, but chances are it won't so i say get ready to rip em.

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If I can get a way to record this special I'm going to do a video response outlining all the shit wrong with it (assuming it is actually a crappy report like channel 7 always does).



If anyone has a way to record it onto their PC's please do so, I have a TV tuner stick but can't get it working for the life of me.

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Is anybody watching this atm? The guy they were interveiwing is an idiot. IMHO he's trained his mind to believe that cannabis has done this to him.

Can't remember the ages from 16 to 26 but he can seem to remember the first time he ever smoked.

I'm calling bullsh!t on this one.


Honestly i think it's a case of psychosis and mental disorders being evident before he even began smoking. Like the lovely young doctor said, people with these problems being attracted to something like dope that makes them feel better.



Edited by Grandma's Boy
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If I can record this on my Tivo I can probably transfer it to my PC...


Where do you want it put after that? How do I put it on YouTube????


I don't have any video editing software that I know of on my puter to take the ads out either.


I am in Perth so it's not on here for 2 more hours... I have time to get stuff if I need to.

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