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extreme hypersensitivity to weed?

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I'm really sensitive too and get paranoid on Sativa. I seriously have a maybe 5mm ball of a bud in a pipe if I have no tolerance at the time. That get's me fucked up. I think the difference is just in how people perceive the high. I tend to focus on the high too much instead of forgetting about it and just enjoying the moment. Focusing o the high intensifies it. I actually did this purposely at first to save weed :bongon:. Anyway, I agree take a break till you're older and brain has developed more. I've been thinking about doing that too. I was thinking more late 20's but it seems early 30's might be the go. :xcited:


Also flatcat. Seriously wtf was your post about? It made no sense. Talking about sphincters and blood pressure and some other shit which basically just said you can pass out from smoking weed which is what crank said happened to him and then you said he might have to sit down to piss coz there is no cure when he only said it happened once while high. Furthermore you just bullshitted on about dragging people to the street and calling the ambo's. Which basically just came out of nowhere.

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I used to smoke when I was younger. I developed an anxiety disorder (I do not believe the weed caused the development of this problem). I hadn't had any for a few months and a few times I smoked it but I had HEAPS and I had panic attacks. This was unpleasant so I stopped for many years.


A few years ago I started smoking again. I was more mature, and realized that to avoid excessive anxiety required smoking small amounts- at first I just smoked leaf.


For a long while I was very sensitive to the effects. One puff and I would be all hyped up, pacing around, talking.


It wasn't for a while and until I became a fairly heavy smoker that I developed full "tolerance".


I still get occasional anxiety reactions, such as worrying that I may be dying, but I have become a lot better at dealing with this, and now its almost always when I smoke too much or EAT too much. So maybe ever 3-4 months I will be greedy and reckless and consume enough to cause a panic attack for 30 mins or so. This is occasional, and overall I get great enjoyment out of smoking weed.


About 1 in 5 people have a vulnerability to getting anxious on pot, especially if they have more than they can handle. Many of these people can still smoke pot, but in my experience must be extremely cautious in how much they consume- at least until their tolerance develops.


If I was you, I'd try and get a weak strain of weed or smoke leaf. Some people are more sensitive to the effect than others, and with me pot has always had a stimulating effect at first, followed by tiredness a couple of hours later (though unlike most people, the tiredness with me is rarely enough to get me asleep, at least not with Sativa strains).


Pot is not for everyone. Maybe it doesn't agree with you. You need to weigh up the pro's and con's of smoking. Is the enjoyment you get from smoking worth the negative effects? Remember when you smoke one "hit" to wait at least 10 minutes before having another, because it takes 10 minutes to reach full effect. Whatever the case, the effects you get from weed are only temporary, except perhaps for the short term memory interference which can persist for a few days I find. however I have also found that as I have developed tolerance, the short term memory effect is lessened. The memory problem is not bad enough to stop me smoking pot, I just become a bit more forgetful, but I don't forget highly important things.


Most of what you are experiencing- the anxiety- the sensitivity to the effects, is not uncommon. You need to find a way to consume lower amounts, so that you can adjust your usage to have the desired effect. Even quite experienced pot heads can get anxious when they consume a sufficient amount of pot, say they eat a dozen strong brownies!


Alright, really not sure who to ask about this because anyone I know that smokes blows this off and says I'm just high and paranoid...or I'm not used to it.


I get EXTREMELY high, pretty much every time I smoke. One hit. HALF OF A HIT, it doesn't even matter. I smoke fairly often, every few days, sometimes every day for a few days at a time. I wouldn't call myself a pothead or anything like that, but I don't think that I'm just 'not used to it' either. Pretty much every time I smoke I end up retarded. No one else does. Everyone else seems to just end up more relaxed and chill... me on the other hand, I sit there babbling about shit that makes no sense, I get incredibly paranoid and think that everyone is wondering why I'm acting so fucked, I also often end up freezing cold, and my nose usually runs. I'm sure half of the times I've smoked I've been convinced that I was dying. I like to smoke by myself because I just am too embarassed of how I end up barely functioning, but last night I had one tiny little hit and was laying in bed twitching and freaking out and seeing shit for like 2 hours. My eyes looked like someone put some pink glasses on me and everything had a pink hue... also was laying in the dark and kept seeing shadows move and was convinced that people were breaking into my room but my headphones were just too loud for me to hear it.


I don't know, this shit doesn't really seem normal to me. No one else seems to get that fucked up?


Also, I have a tendency to laugh nonstop when I'm high. At nothing. Everyone thinks I'm nuts.


Am I allergic? Can I die? Should I stop? ugh... I want to smoke so bad but I'm afraid of freaking out again... I sort of wanted to call 911 because I thought I was going to die, but then again I might just have been really paranoid, but I also don't want to die because I'm writing something real off as paranoia... so yeah, if anyone can offer any ideas for my crazyass, please, for the love of god, do so.


Thanks :)



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I was just like to add that having read the rest of this thread yeah I would definitely say you are having an anxiety reaction to pot. I don't like the term "paranoia", some people are "startled" by the effects of pot and it causes anxiety. This is the one real (temporary) problem pot can cause some people.


When I was younger, I had similar "paranoia" I would get anxious about swallowing food because i thought I would bite my tongue.. I had a great disposition to anxiety when I was young, now that I am older and otherwise outgrown this disposition, my problems with anxiety on pot are only very occasion and as I said usually when I am reckless and consume way too much.


Either try smoking less (such as a joint of leaf) or have a break until your older. Pot can magnify thoughts and perceptions that are a result of your personality and mental inclinations, and cause anxiety in some people.


Some people can't even drink small amounts of alcohol because it makes them sick. i am one of those people. Alcohol is a lot more dangerous than pot, but if pot is having too many "negative anxiety" effects on you, maybe its not for you- at least at this point in your life. By the way feeling insecure on pot is also not uncommon, although I am usually okay these days, I don't like for example going on a crowded bus when I am extremely baked (though I still do this sometimes :))


Hey and see I'm half stoned, and I ramble on a bit too :thumbsup:

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