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upcoming marijuana debate?

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Always good to read the opinions of others , Cheerz all :)

Nice first post there X3 and welcome to both the X-men there :D

Hehehh , Shrooms :peace:


Anyhoo , I got a phonecall ... what was the topic again? ...


Oh yeah ...


I think I may know why Today Tonight was seemingly not aired at 7:30 in Northern NSW ...

Here's my theory anyway ... hopefully someone will tell me if I'm correct or not. :D


By any chance is Today Tonight actually merged now with the end of PRIME news? ... um , 6:30pm ?

It is the only reason why I figure I could have missed it and why it wasn't listed in the TV guide ... lol

Other than the possibility of it actually NOT airing up here because of the sheer number of Stoners around here lol ... wouldn't want to encourage them now would we :) heheheh


So , that's about it ... canna believe it's nearly 2010 already eh? Cripes! :peace:

Cheerz and Peace out! :peace:


Budman :P

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very harsh jabez, whats your name and date of birth??? if ya not willing to post that info on this site have a little think to ye self why :crybaby:


no offence intended mate juz trying to get you to see the big picture :wallbash:


It maybe harsh, but that doesn't make it any less true. Until people stop being so paranoid nothing will change. As it stands they have us exactly where they want us confused, scared and scattered.


Why would I have any issue posting my name? I'm not aware of any law againt people who use there right of freedom of speech (which we are meant to have) to admit they want cannabis legal It's not illegal to disagree with the government and it in no way equals probable cause. Personally I'd be far more paranoid about posting (or even growing) a 30 plant crop from my home computer, but that's just me.


My names daniel kenyon, I'm for the legalization of cannabis and refuse to acknowledge the prohibition of the cannabis plant.

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Yah i know, i slammed the shit out of it.

funnily enough it might be a scare tactic story, possibly just farted out rather than a real true story.

but all the same whenever the media reports another "Cannabis tragedy" oh yeah it's really tragic when somebody has a period of laziness and getting mentally distressed from the strange dreamlike sensations of cannabis use, is so much more of a tragedy than a heroin overdose, but it's just another thing i can turn against drug warriors,

"This guy used Marijuana look at him! ITS GOOD IT'S ILLEGAL"

my answer.

"This guy ABUSED Marijuana broke multiple rules that experienced users never break, this happened because it was Illegal if we had proper regulation of Dope, cases like his would never happen, since he was 15 when his friend offered him the weed, without considering what impact it might make"


I accept there are dangers to Cannabis, some people are easily seduced by the high and often drop everything else just to get their next fix, it's due to poor lack of willpower and responsibility.

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