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My new DWC cab is running hot!

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If u get the fan here in Aust yes it should be wired up to plug strait in and fire up.


When it comes to installing the fan the way it is ment to be done is u have the filter in side the grow area and u hook fan up to filter and draw the air through the filter.


U could have the filter inside the grow area and u could hook up a short pice of ducting to the fan outside the grow area, but with a cab like u are using it can take up a bit of room.


The other way it can be done (i had mine setup this way and it worked) is u hook up some ducting to the top of the cab and onto the centrif fan and filter on other end of fan and blow air through filter rater than sucking, it not ment to be used like that but it works...


Ok which end is the outlet i'm assuming it is the end with the collar for the ducting or can you reverse the polarity to make it suck or blow? I like your idea and I think it is the most plausible option but I can forsee a few problems with making it work in the current fan hole as there is only 110mm from the wall to the lamp chain and the fan itself looks like it will hit the shelf on the inside if you know what i mean? sorry to be a pain mate but I just dont want to fork out another 200 bucks for something that I havent pre-planned. Maybe I just have to look for some pics of these fans in setups like mine?


Cheers for all your help so far mate :peace:



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U can hook ducting up at most ends of a centrif fan u just have to turn it on to see what side blows ans what side sux but some have a arrow to show what direction the air flow is...


G'day Ozzy


I know that an inline centrifugal fan would be the ideal way to go but I have just bought this 240V fan it is 150mm and rated at 230cfm I'm sure it will work because my current fan is only 80cfm hopefully this way will just be easier and a hell of alot cheaper this fan was only 100 bucks the only down side is it will be difficult to add a filter later on and a little bit of light might get into the cab unless I find a 150mm PVC elbow (not sure it comes in that size!!).




Thanks for all your help anyway mate I just hope my next post isnt about how I should have listened to Ozzy haha!!


I did another 24hr temp test with my right circ fan pointing upwards and the max went down to 37 C still unacceptable but I'm sure that with 3 times more suction that will come right down....crossing my fingers :peace:





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I just mounted the new fan, it was a bit of a mission getting it in there but I'm sure it will all be worth it! The passive inlet vent at the bottom of the cab has some serious suction now! It looks like the new fan is more in proportion to the size of the cabinet, now just have to do another temp test!! >:(






Ozzy420 is right an inline centri fan, ducting, filter and a silencer would be a far better option because I dont like my chances of adding a carbon filter or silencer to this fan and it is almost as loud as a hair dryer haha .....But I just have to make do with what I can afford :peace:


The reason I used the 80cfm fan originally is because I read somewhere that your exhaust fan CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) rating should be able to exhaust the volume (In cubic feet) of air in your grow space at least once every minute but from this experience and IMHO I think in QLD anyhow you want to be aiming more for at least 3-4 times every minute!!!!


I may be the only one stupid enough to take information (probably from a canadian poster!!!) as gospel :peace: but I think the best way to calculate the CFM rating of your wardrobe exhaust fan in QLD is as follows:


Find the volume (in cubic feet) of your grow-space L x W x H = Volume x 3 (or even 4) = CFM Rating


It's already been 5 hours and so far so good a max of 28 C and RH 50% but I'll post again with the end results....... Hopefully someone else learns from this .......I learnt the hard way :peace:




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