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Should I Smoke Dope?

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billo, I'd really like to see any credible researcher publish an objective analysis of the prevalence of glass bits in buds across numerous samples over a few years. One batch doesn't seem to be a trend deserving of such a sustained and shrill campaign.


The glass bead business has been going around the zealots' press releases and shit sheets for some years now. Of all the cannamyths Nicky Taylor could have picked to put in her show, this is really one of the most outrageous and unlikely.


There's a whole host of drugs which DO get adulterated, this is well known. Damn near any white powder extends heroin, eccies often are packed with caffeine powder. Soapbar hash, once the dominant form of cannabis used in the UK, is the closest thing there is to truly adulterated cannabis. Let 'em pick on soapbar- everything from road tar to motor oil to roofing shingles have been found in soapbar, so it's a deserving target, too.


The nut is that indoor cannabis growing has taken over in a huge way in the last few years in the UK, leading to the "skunk" panic. However, the homegrowing revolution in the UK simultaneously smashed the old soapbar hash and cheap 'Moroccan' hash trade. If anything, indoor grown "skunk" should be government subsidised in the UK for reducing the health harms associated with smoking road tar...


The very nature of being a raw herb means buds are damned hard to adulterate, at least with any hope of doing so undetected. Plus, even if you were trying to increase the weight, think about just how many grams of glass beadblasting media you could add to the ordinary oz and have it look like nothing was added. It's so unlikely as to be easily scorned.


Taylor had an opportunity to do a great show but made a dog's brekkie of it. I hope she drowns in her red wine.

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This women is a idiot. But I do think for some one who knows nothing about it and concidering the BBC would have done alot of editing I think she did make the best doco about cannabis that's come from the BBC. In my opinion she showed cannabis to be a fairly harmless herb that can make inexperienced smokers extremly paranoid if they smoke to much, which is true.


And don't forget the first joint she fliped out on wasn't even what they love to call "skunk", it was a imported jamacian outdoor strain, the same stuff they were smoking in the sixites.

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its hilarious how her documentary is trying to steer people away from cannabis, whilst she is smoking cigarettes!


...and sucking goon, as she did in the last scene.


If I could be permitted to make a small yet blindingly obvious observation... there's absolutely nothing in the world less interesting than a drunkard, be they men or women. If the smell of boozebreath doesn't do you in, the foul moods of hung-over people will. Alcohol sucks from go to whoa- and not just when the drinker is drunk. The rheumy eyes, blibby faces and floppy bodies of drunkards are fair warning.

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Interesting how she smokes ciggies all the way through, polishes off a whole bottle of wine and then has her 'drug of choice' at the end. Why is it ok for people like her to have their freedom when we can't have ours? Fuck ciggies, fuck alcohol, I'd rather a vape any day!


Indeed. That pissed me off so much. She might as well have just ended it by saying "Good old harmless alcohol never hurt anybody!".


I was actually kind of into it until she got to the cafe and smoked her first joint as others said, then yeah it turned into the standard "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME IT'S HORRIBLE THIS IS THE DEVIL'S WEED!!" style of 1950's bullshit educational films. After that though when she actually listened to the advice she was given and had a couple of good smokes there was a couple of times when it seemed this might turn out to be a positive doc. Sure enough though when she got back to the UK it went straight into negative again saying how dangerous it is to buy off the street blah blah blah.


I've been thinking seriously for some time about making a documentary based on Australian legalisation. I have minimal experience in filmmaking but hey, if this woman can get on TV any of us should be able to! The biggest barrier in Australia is funding. It's hard enough to get money out of the various associations that exist for a drama or something, let alone a pro cannabis doc. One day I'll find a way. Maybe SBS would shell out - they seem to like taking risks.

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Write up a script and a storyboard and go flog it!


You're right about SBS taking risks. SBS have aired crazier stuff than a fact-based cannabis documentary, that is if you consider a miniature video camera inside a vagina, recording a sex act, 'crazy.' I thought it was utterly mad, especially on free-to-air broadcast TV

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