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how to scrog, how to sog?

Guest weekprik

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Guest weekprik

I have a flood and drain setup in a closet with 400hps, I cannot find anywhere laymans terms on how to scrog, or sog,

i know they involve nets or sea of green etc

BUT how do you actually do this?? do you veg under the screen and then turn it to flower and as it grows through the screen bend it over so its above the screen and bent over?????

or what??


how many plants of different strains can be grown together, can I sog different strains???

theres heaps of info on what scrog and sog are but nothing that tells me actually HOW to do it????

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I say now, I have no experience with SCROG, but this is how I have interpreted what I have read on the subject.


Scrog is best done from clone because you know you are starting with females. From what I can gather it's best to use a screen like 2 inch chicken wire and have it at a height of about 10 - 12 inches above the tops of the pots.


You veg the plant and top in once it hits the screen so you have 2 main growing shoots. One the growing shoots hit the screen you train every new growing tip so it has its own hole in the screen. As you progress through veg you move each growing tip to a new hole when it has grown enough for it to reach, this makes room for new growth to come through.


Continue like this through veg until you have filled 80%of the screen (depending on strain). The main concept is every hole has a growing tip/bud site and they are all at a uniform height. When the screen is 80 full you switch the light cycle and continue training through the first week or 2 of flower and the screen is pretty much full, after this you let the plants continue through flower as is.


I hope this gives you a bit more of an idea. As I said, I haven't grown SCROG myself but I think 'Field Of Light' has experience and may be able to shed some more light (pun intended).




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I don't think you turn them to flower as late as that. The rule of thumb in most stuff I've read says you use 1 plant per square foot and turn back to 12/12 when the tips start to hit the screen, then the next few weeks of stretch should see the screen fill out. Would need a bit of judgement and experience and knowledge of the strain would probably be of use. Only way to learn is jump in and do it, fuck it up and learn from your mistakes. Good luck.
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Guest weekprik
I say now, I have no experience with SCROG, but this is how I have interpreted what I have read on the subject.


Scrog is best done from clone because you know you are starting with females.  From what I can gather it's best to use a screen like 2 inch chicken wire and have it at a height of about 10 - 12 inches above the tops of the pots.


You veg the plant and top in once it hits the screen so you have 2 main growing shoots.  One the growing shoots hit the screen you train every new growing tip so it has its own hole in the screen.  As you progress through veg you move each growing tip to a new hole when it has grown enough for it to reach, this makes room for new growth to come through.


Continue like this through veg until you have filled 80%of the screen (depending on strain).  The main concept is every hole has a growing tip/bud site and they are all at a uniform height.  When the screen is 80 full you switch the light cycle and continue training through the first week or 2 of flower and the screen is pretty much full, after this you let the plants continue through flower as is.


I hope this gives you a bit more of an idea. As I said, I haven't grown SCROG myself but I think 'Field Of Light' has experience and may be able to shed some more light (pun intended).




Scrog is best done from clone because you know you are starting with females.



One the growing shoots hit the screen you train every new growing tip so it has its own hole in the screen

.......do i lay it under or let it grow through and tie it down before the lower lats catch up?

if ive already tipping the clones at about 6 inches will it still work? ie just 4 tips not 2??



as i read it, plants planted less than 1 foot together is SOG sea of green, do i tie down still??

what method do you guys use in a small area, and 400hps sont agro, (week old)

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g'day; SOG is easiest. have 1 setup with grolux fluoro's for mothers and veging clones, have another setup for flowering only, use 400HPS or better.

flower lots of small clones in small pots, can get light close to tops and yield average 1oz dry buds off 12 inch tall flowered clone, depending on strain.

no tieing or bending or cutting or pinching required with SOG, can harvest individual faster finishing clones too. where as a screen would be hassle to harvest different growth rates.imo.

once you have a method that works for you, do not change it, continue that method until you perfect it, you will have better successes then i reckon.

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only other thing to think about is what happens if you ever get busted. SOG is easiest for higher yields and shorter turnarounds, but if you SCROG and its enough to supply yourself thats better IMO, could be the difference between geting busted with 5 plants as opposed to 20.
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