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Now electricity is going up by 40% ive heard... it could be higher.


now we know that free energy is a pipe dream, but one company has proven that you can actually amplify electricity and quatriple its output.




There may be some hope for marijuana growers yet.


200watts can give an output of 10,000watts.


I am praying that Lutec products become available.

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very doubtful here but will be happily proven wrong.

there are alot of basic laws in science that have stood the test of time and i think will do so for some time.


1 - half jokinly called the "law for the conservation of mass" this is where both sides of any chemical equation have to have equal number of atoms on each side. IE atoms cant dissapear in a reaction just rearranged.


There is a simular thing in physics regarding energy (dont wanna go into detail cause i cant remember it exactly and i know fuck all about it) -But u cant just make extra energy . god if we could then global warming and our energy crisis would be solved. because we could just get the chem energy from coal get 200 watts "amplify it" as u say, get 10,000 then aplyfy that then amplfy that then amplify that - therotically we would all the energy we need from a single piece of coal.

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simple steps to take over the world


1 - purchase this new technology

2 - hook your house into the power grid the same way solar houses are so that you can sell your surplus electricity.

3 - run 200 watts into the know to be known as "god device" extract 10,000 watts.

4 - split 9800 watts off feed permently into power grid - sit and wait for pay check each month from power company.

5 - take the remaining 200 watts and loop back into the input of the "god device".

6 - repeat steps 3 - 5 perpetually. No need to worry about HPS cause ull have enough money to own an island where u could then legalise weed and grow under the sun, or just buy your weed.


Sorry for being a sarcastic twat i truely am. wouldnt i look the fool if i was wrong lucky im not.

Edited by danoz
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well, ive checked this thing out, and so far its plausable.


there is suspicion over it, but from what I have seen on magnetic energy it isnt a pipe dream.


the magnetic engine without an electric input is next to useless, it will eventually stop, no matter how long it runs for.

but a magnetic engine only needs a simple start for it to continue working


If this machine does work, and I actually have done my research, it exists.


Could it be possible to say that we can not only use this thing for HPS, but for this coming market fuck up.


Yes this thing sounds like a pipe dream, but it is genuine...


If you know anything to do with physics and magnetic polarity, you will know that mathematics dictates this machine works.



If you cant appreciate my research into helping OS, you can all get stuffed.


Do your research before you take the piss on me, im no fucking idiot.

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Leafy don't take it so personally. I have great respect for your scientific contributions to the world and your years of hard earned research and experimentation , not to mention the drain on your finances. I also respect the fact that you put your work of your friends. It's one of the biggest issues facing the planet today and you have solved it!


Just think you could start of with a honda generator producing 2000w's hook it up to a lutec, hook the lutec up to another lutec and so on. Before you know it you would have enough power to run Australia of a honda inverter.


Keep it coming man its good entertainment :thumbdown:

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well look, when I find something that might be of some value, I throw it on here. Now im not even going to bother with the Aussie Seedbank I got in contact with or anything else for that fact.


If you can prove me dead wrong on this thing, an article or an analyiss of the machine, which proves its a fake, then you can have a go at me.


Otherwise dont presume anything. Remember ignorant fucks thought the earth was flat, until it was proven wrong.


as I said Phyisics and maths dictate that this machine works.


I havent seen this machine, and riverrat I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about when you refer to "I also respect the fact that you put your work of your friends. It's one of the biggest issues facing the planet today and you have solved it!"


I do not own Lutec, nor am I affiliated with it.


If there are members actually wanting to get involved to research this thing to find out if it works I would apprecitate it, instead of sticking your heads in the ground.


We need to find a cheaper way to run HPS without stealing electricity.


I know there are some people on here with some engineering experience, as I have seen some construction work and technical work.



Remember the car that ran on water?... anything is possible if you put your mind to it.



I opened this topic for the educated, or skilled so others might benefit.

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