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Pot Plants ina Qld court as eviedence of harmless herb

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Hey anyway - I have to say part of me very much respects rock and anyway definitely fucking around the court system is at least something gtood. Let's all give rock and hand and say good on you for being man enough to make a stand. All other things aside he has the right to do as he chooses (yep, after reading all the debate I've sort of changed my mind and that's what debate should be about. It's not what I'd have done but good on him).


This is a great site BTW to all. I love that you guys and girls are spending a lot of time discussing legalisation and strategies to reignite the movement. My bet is something good comes for here and that's what really matters.


Just on another note and someone may want to post a thread about this: they arrested a guy in Indo today for murdering an Australian girl called Heidi Murphy in Bali about 2 weeks ago. If convicted he will receive 15 years mandatory for murder. In the meantime, you will receive 30 years or death for trafficking in the same country. Hmmm - there is something wrong with this yes??? Sorry if I've just hijacked the thread. It seemed important.


Peace MR

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thanx for all the irey heart felt support


rock is a bit tecnophobic

like a lot a other nimbin hippies


na not really


just jiving

he has no pc so he comes here cause i offered some support when he told me bout his struggle


rock asked me to share this doc with yaz

it is called -->Mastering the UCC

it has lotsa biblical links

it is in the attachment

u need adobe reader to view it

Yo Rob

check it

you will find it interesting

hope it works for yaz



Hash Oil Rulez



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Hey thanks very much Radic, that's a very interesting document, i'll read it in more detail later tonight. I've only skimmed it for now.


As to Rock using a strawman (I assume this is Peter Till) to establish a driver's lisence, medicare cadr etc, whathappens when he signs for say a medical prescription in the name of peter Till, theoretically, couldn't the cops bust him there as an admition of who they claim him to be?

I think what he's clicked onto is very interesting, but you can't under-estimate the commitment this would all take, regardless if it's serving any practicle marijuana reform or not.


I believe a bloke had a traffic offence in my area taking this same line of action, but it has to have wider application in one's life to adopt this. I toyed with the idea of all this a couple years ago, that's why I'm so interested in the day to day living it out. I considered it too much trouble and potential expense in legal fees with no job and a couple kids.


I was just mis-understanding what you were saying in the first place, when you said "it is in the bible", certainly the idea of being a soverign body, being merely a traveller on the earth is very supported by the bible.


thanks again.


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Wow bil I never realised you cared so much about the courts time and money?

i dont personally,but pulling a stunt like that gets no raspekt from me... they keep asking him to come back??? :thumbsup:

When it's your turn to go to court I'm sure you'll handle it accordingly,... and plead guilty?.. or appear 60 odd times? as this guy has done or maybe something different all together?something to see if and when it comes to that,touch wood it doesnt

And why the fuck off home bit? That's a bit harsh don't you think?well its a personal belief that he is only making the situation for us locals harder and puts us on show up here in qld.. escaping back over the border for any reform/change to be dealt to locals..but then again wats he fighting?? not to pay court costs What state were you born in?not appropriate

What has this hippie car dweller done to you?not a thing wouldnt know him from a bar of soap(pardon the pun) How will his testing of the court system by not answering his name affect Cannabis law? Seriously?he wont and the delusion that he is doing something by folks here sadens me

When has the Law ever made any sense regarding Cannabis anyway? Why not stir the pot?never has but up to us and future generations prepared to do something about it to have a fair ground to start from

Crazy people enjoy smoking Cannabis just as much as I do, as sick people do, as you and yours do as we all do.. In the end the only person he has to please is himself, he doesn't owe you, me, Cannabis Law reform or anyone a damn thing :bow:

I think the guy is a champion simply because in his own way he didn't roll over :) it has nothing to do with the way Nimbin operates.

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I've been keeping a watch on this thread & I think both sides of this arguement have merits. I would have to agree with pipey there really isn't much of a reLegalization movement in Oz & its certainly not nationally coordinated (fuck decrim thats BS & an admission that the powers that be are right WHEN THEY ARE NOT)

If every person busted for any cannabis charge pleaded NOT GUILTY & demanded what should be their right under common law to a trial by a JURY of THEIR PEERS which the criminal politicians and their corporate masters the same masters who control banking ,pharmaceutical,BOOZE,CIGS etc including illegal opium production in Afghanistan(bumper crops people ,how come ? ask yourself? NATO is there to PROTECT the crop ! ) which they have taken away ILLEGALLY under the Summary Offences Act etc and a Magistrate ( who may or may not have a law degree) sits in godlike pompous pervertedly over you yet you are a FREEMAN under English Common Law which along with the 10 Commandments and other historical laws and precedents is the underlying basis to our NOW corrupted and perverted laws enacted by perverts and criminals for their perverted criminal masters who want TOTAL CONTROL OVER EVERYTHING & EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES so they can enjoy their elite and quasi-pseudo in their own sick minds GOD LIKE powers over us .

So roc by refusing to play their sick and perverted game is attempting to stick it to cunts who represent bigger cunts who are beholding to the biggest cunts of all their masters the Banksters.

They have no respect for anything or one they are happy and wank off over how many they kill with their bloodlust and how much money they make from killing , think Iraq or Afghanistan its KILL,KILL,KILL for PROFIT,PROFIT & more PROFIT and much ejaculation as this is the only way these perverts can get off any more they are so sick , think I'm wrong ? Initiation into Yales Skull&Bones involves lying naked in an open coffin wanking off in front of the the assembled Bonesman , Geo Bush 41 & 43 did it as did bush 43 cousin John Kerry .

I noticed tonights "news" ( should be spelled VIEWS) bleating on of the outrageousness and the inequity of some Indonesian murderer of an AUSSIE GIRL (said like we as in WHITE&CHRISTIAN are 'sacred' and more important than the 'coloured races') getting less thgan "OUR Shappelle" or "6 of OUR Bali9" , WELL DUR MEDIA FUCKWITS ,it happens DAILY in AUSTRALIA ya inept fuckwits who could break a story if you broke it over there heads, DAILY IN AUSTRALIA MURDERERS GET LESSER SENTENCES THAN FILTHY ANIMAL DOG CUNT DRUGGIES & often lesser sentences than the evilest of all drug dog cunts , the cannabis BEASTS and there ESPECIALLY EVIL VERSION ------- THE HYDRO GROWER : these evil dog cunts deserve "special treatment" just like the NAZIS gave " Special Treatment" to particular people that especially interested them , so in NSW 200 EVIL hydro plants in a house with children under 16 years old gets you 24 years in gaol , one has to grow 2000 out door plants to still get a lesser sentence but be declared a MAJOR COMMERCIAL GROWER as the kiddy crap is harder to bung on even though if they came and you had an evil hydro set up in a couple of rooms and had kids under 16 living on the premises BUT it wasn't cannabis you where growing but say tomatoes then all of a sudden the filthy pig dogs would have to apologize to you for inconveniencing you and the same chemicals and electricals are no longer evil ,dangerous,toxic etc because its BULL SHIT , if they reported you to DOCS for endangering kiddies DOCS WOULD LAUGH AT THE FUCKWIT PIGS & TELL THEM that they have an ENORMOUS backlog of REAL CASES with kids that are REALLY IN DANGER. But this is the mentality of these sick,sick cannaphobes and the real reason that it is not being RElegalized in the near or distant future is because they can't patent a plant , a plant they know is more effective than the toxic poisons they (BIG Pharma/Banksters) push at ENORMOUS profit , another news item tonight "placebos more effective than Anti-deppressants" hmm funny about that , but what drug would help a depressed state person ? I know one , one of its effects are described as EUPHORIA which by definition means : a feeling of healthy well-being or elation ! WOW that sounds like a very useful medicine maybe even a universal Panacea !

Stick it to the man roc , because the man is happy, even sexually excited to stick it to you . :bow:


ps yes i am wasted but not STUPID :thumbsup:

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I think its a bit of a stretch to say the hydro hysteria ORIGINATED from Nimbin. I think the case is more that when the hydro paranoia came around, the hippies saw it as another weapon that could be used against them, so joined in on the condemnation of hydro, in the hopes they would have a better chance of success with the general public and government in terms of getting a break in the laws. Hydro growing wasn't important to them and it ties in with their ideas on sustainable and "natural" ways of living as well, which obviously doesn't involve growing plants by burning fossil fuels.



hypocrites anyway, nimbin has its own hydro culture, i know for a fact, 2 house's i have stayed in in nimbin, 1 in the main street and another down the road, the first in the main street has 2 rooms all wired up ready for cultivation. there is even 3 flood and drain trays under the house waiting for the next tenants to utilize. funny walking into a room that has power points at eye level at 2 points on each wall oh and a good exhaust fan in the ceiling. i may be wrong but i thought outdoor meant 'outdoor'. every time i have bought weed while in town, i have bought hydro. the nimbin economy would be non existent with out it. so i think that they should look in there own bedrooms and sheds before condeming the "green smack" that keeps their little town running.


a little off track i know but i felt i had to say something after i read pipes post.

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InI = GOD and I self



rock said to the judges

God and I self here, represent PETER TILL

in other words = PETER TILL is my strawman and i am here to represent PETER TILL

the jugdes knew full well what he was saying

there silence = they agree


if the fine is still in force then they would have to say so by denighing rocks appeal and upholding the fine


they were silent


in law if you do not object or if you remain silent it is taken by the court to mean you do not disagree

yes silence means YES


the judges said yes


they could not say anything elce cause rock asked that their answers be made under penalty of perjury:

if they said anything elce to attack PETER TILL they they would have perjured the court

because the judges oath of office is to serve and protect PETER TILL

Since an oath of office by any ‘public official’ is their swearing to uphold our rights, we accept their oath of office into the matter at hand and they are bound to honour their oaths and stop attacking us. We are not bound to respond to anyone who has no oath of office.

This Oath of Office limits those who are in the biz of confiscating our rights and freedoms.

so they had no choise but to remain silent and leave


rock won that round

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Woah Jess, don't hold back man, let us know how you really feel :thumbsup:. That was a good rant, glad to se I'm not the only one who gets all worked up when I'm bent and contemplating these things..


I suppose everyone knows, but just looking at the tone of he comment comming through I remembered something I learned in a quasi law course I did once. Our courts used to be called "police court" in Australia; not as slang, it was the official name. Not 100% sure if that was all courts or only magistrate court.


Anyway they changed it as it implied exactly what it was, the cops catch ya, and the court does as the cops want. Kinda like in Indonesia, where being arrested is an evidence of guilt. Once ya brought before the court, it simply assumes if the cops have brought you this far..you're guilty as charged.


Not sure how many people here have been to police court and been represented by the free lawyer on the day. I've been to dozens and more of cases of young people facing charges. used to be part of my job to help them get to court, be sure they had what they needed, fresh clothes, hope, a freindly face kinda thing.

For 10 years or so now I've been getting worked up when I rant to my wife about what took place with the provided lawyer they were given. In my pretty near exact words I always tell people they give no defense what so ever, all they seem to do is stand up in the place of the personbeing charged, and CONFIRM the identity of the person getting charged. It's something hard to miss when you see it as frequently as I saw it. The provided lawyer stands and addresses the court saying "your honor (or whatever they want to call him)...this is "joe bloggs" (or whatever his name is), he lives at such a such place and basically simply establishes who he is. After he establishes who he is, that's pretty much all the duty lawyer says for the duration of the court case. he might whimper something about "please show mercy" (what a laugh), but it's that repetative standing up and identifying the charged kid that lives in my mind as siomething odd. I never understood it. They don't ask the kid, they have the duty lawyer confirm it.


When I read all this of roc's, I think I can see that even the lawyer they provide to us poorpers is for the benifit of the court. So there's no running around of who he is kinda thing, like roc challenged.


man the system sucks. never seen a youth defended ever, and there have been very extenuating circumastances the lawyers have been aware of, even paper work from a hospital once I knocked myself out getting hold of that should have kept the kid out of jail, yet the duty lawyer simply made the identity of the kid plain and set back while the magistrate did his worse.


I always figured it was just the age old complaint the duty lawyers don't care, now I'm wondering if they are provided as part of the system to make prosecution an easier event for the cops?


thanks radic, you've given me a lot to think on.



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