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Hi all, im a new member and your help has been great.

i'm setting up my new growroom, and im using a 400 watt hps. Im wanting to grow 5 plants, possibly using a scrog technique or just bending. I have about 1.5msq to work with, and I was just curious as to what kind of yield I should aim for, or the average yield for this kind of set up. Im thinking of using clones from spc.



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1.5m2 is a big area for a 400w light, which will effect your yield, 1m2 is a better size.

Your yield could be anything at all, I grow 4 bushy plants under each of my 400w lights, and end up with a yield a bit over 3oz per plant and the plants are about 80cm high and 50cm wide, but I have been growing for a fair bit. and this is with strains that are good yielders.

Anyway don't count your chickens till they've hatched.

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I would suggest you get the hang of growing and cloning from some cheap or free seed before you start spending money on clones.


With your growroom, maybe estimate how much you want and the members here will try and clue you in on a setup that will keep you happy. Always a good idea to draw up some plans first and post in here if you can.


Good luck mate, keep us posted.

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Hey Cheebafan,


If that Nimbin bush is anything like the stuff I got from there you'll have enough seeds to start a forest for your first grow!


Get some plans thought up about the room mate, as a wise man once said - " Prior planning and preparation prevents piss poor performance"


I wish I had though of what I was going to do before hand as I ended up spending more money than I wanted to



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Dont play around with seeds if your going to grow SCROG....if you can afford it, buy some female clones from SPC or OZCO otherwise your just going to waste time and may be disappointed if you end up with males.


In the meantime while your waiting for the clones (it takes about two weeks) you can plan your next move by asking questions and preparing your stuff.


I had good yeilds from my SCROG grows.....much better than stand alone trees with the lower buds being starved of light.


900mm screens would be tops for a 400 watt HPS, I had six 1 metre screens with 3x600 watts covering two each on a light mover and the outer buds were'nt getting enough light.


You didnt say what medium you intend on using.

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G'day Buddy, thanks for the advice mate.

As I said im only a beginner grower so im wanting to play around a little before spending the cash on clones from spc. Im planning on using soil for my first grow and ill just have to exterminate the males when they come!

I dont think im experienced enough to embark on a scrog setup yet, but any advise on how I could setup my 1m sq. area would be much appreciated.


Cheers -cheebafan

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Hey cheebafan, what are the actual dimensions of your grow room (H, W, L), what is it constructed from and what equipment do you already have? If you have or have access to a digital camera some pictures can save a lot of explanations and confusion.



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G'day Tom, thanks for your interest.

The proposed growroom is a spare bathroom of my new pad. It is a brick room (which I plan to paint white), and it is 1.5m long by 1.5m wide, and the ceilings are roughly 9ft tall.

I have a 400 watt hps light passed on from friend, and a couple of 30cm fans, as I said I plan to experiment and learn with my first grow, and any help would be much appreciated.

Im trying to get my hands on a digital camera.


cheers -cheebafan

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It is a brick room

Bricks are not that good, they suck the warmth out in the cold and trap it in the hot weather, it would pay to line it out if/when finances allow and the plants won't care if you use recycled materials.


it is 1.5m long by 1.5m wide, and the ceilings are roughly 9ft tall.

I have a 400 watt hps light passed on from friend,

As white_cluster pointed out, that's a big room for that light, big enough for a 1000w light, it may be an idea to divide into sections and set up a mother/clone cabinet too, that depends on the design of the bathroom though.



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