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stop the demonising of the plant I love


Tell NDARC that, not us. Their the ones picking the bits they want out of what you submit so they can demonize of the plant you love.




I think you might be missing the point iamnotacop, go back and read what Tom had posted. It might sink in a bit betta.


We've dealt with these shitheads before, 'n all they focus on, is negative side of the cannabis. I've been willing to partake in a survey for quite some time IF they wanna discuss the ENTIRE topic, both good 'n bad points of cannabis. But while they stick to researching the negatives, they can go root their boot...

Edited by Indycar
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I will continue to co-operate with research hoping the truth will eventually come out. Maybe I am just being naive.
With surveys anything that falls outside the parameters is usually just discarded as it has no bearing on the intent of the survey eg, anyone that lives outside "the Sydney area" would certainly be disqualified.



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Iam very cynical about these drug surveys and its true whoever said .. the main problem is these researchers have not got the time or the courtesy to come on this board and enter into disscussion with us ... its nuts , cause they could gain a large wealth of information from members here .. these boards are a surprisingly passionate and rich melting pot of ideas and opinions from members own life experiences living with cannabis , its something unique ..

but this particular survey seems to be driven by a perceived need to 'treat' or modify behaviour of cannabis users .. i think they have tailor-made this survey so it has a very tight small focus on 'how do we treat these sick people?' , do they think we are sick cause we might smoke daily ? ..

throughout history governments have tried to 'treat' certain sections of the population for what they perceive to be a certain sickness or disease .. e.g. not so long ago and even today doctors and religious nuts try to forcibly 'cure' homosexuals often by torture ..


but i dont want to discourage anyone from filling it out , ofc you want to fill it out just to see what the questions are anyway, well i did .. i just have grave reservations about anything positive coming out of it ..



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i just have grave reservations about anything positive coming out of it ..




Me too, but I am more concerned about minimising any NEGATIVES that can come out of it. I had the thought, that there are two options.


Either they get what they want, and get results from respondants that have problems, or they get the general picture from average stoners. Now, I understand that the Government relies on NDARC to provide them with propaganda material. So if WE don't reply, then they get a distorted image of the issue, and then give it to the Government to use in its propaganda campaigns. Or.....


We reply and tell the truth, and say that we don't have a problem with it. If the statistics are on our side then the BEST case scenario is that this study gets thrown in the bin and never sees the light of day.


I would prefer to hear nothing about it again, rather than it be used as a tool to humiliate and degrade us again. I am sick of being humiliated because I choose to use a substance that the average Joe has been lied to about, and thinks that I am less of a person than they are, because of it.


I would like to note that I thought it was pretty nice of them to offer more than one survey. The one I filled out was for "Cannabis users not in treatment". If it was totally against us then they would not have included this bit, in my opinion. This is what I meant about having our say, and hearing our side of the story. But I do agree that the survey is biased, which is why I commented on the things I did not like about the survey. I have no doubts at all that CannabisResearcher WILL in fact actually read the responses to this thread (it's human nature), but I also do have my doubts as to whether they would have enough courage to reply. Maybe I just goaded them into replying. I hope so, actually I encourage them to have the decency to reply to this thread. They can't ask our opinion and then refuse to enter discussions about how, we feel that they can do their job better.


There has to be a reason for them to ask us. They must think that we all grow our own smoke, and to do that would infer that we are longtime smokers. So they have to actually be interested in our response, or they would not have asked us. I would prefer them to ask us, than to go to the local psyche wards and ask the patients, who have obviously got problems and do not have the full understanding of the issue.





Tell NDARC that, not us.


At least I can say that I did.



Did you?

Edited by iamnotacop
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Survey this NDARC..


so we're havin mornin tea recently. Ol fella working with, comes from the generation that was fed the reefer madness propaganda and believes it all fully.


We start talking about a guy we both knew, who died. Got in a drug fueled fight, lost.. The drug of course, alcohol..


My silent contention is, if they were using cannabis instead of grog, there would have been no fighting.


What happened, happened due to the effects of alcohol intoxication.


The ol fella straight away says, Oh god... it's the bloody drugs it makes them feral! The bloody dealers!.. they bring that shit into the country and the kids get hooked!... Marrawarna! Extacy... blah blah..


I look over at him and said they were drinking when it happened?


Yeah yeah, but they would have been on the drugs at some stage of their lives.. blah blah..



So the new survey is -


1. - What is NCPIC going to do to change the dangerous perceptions of the older generation toward cannabis?


a- nothing and continue the funding


b- highlight more misinformation and demonize the plant further, sending the next generation into the bottle with a nicotine addiction


c- 3 million a year, we are flat out organizing new staff cars!



2. Why did you choose the name National Cannabis Prevention & Information Centre?


a- Because we're all about funding for prevention and not about real information


b- Because we go to churches wearing Christian Prevention & Information t-shirts


c- Because we go to mosques wearing Muslim Prevention & Information t-shirts


d- Actually right now we are wearing our bureaucrat prevention & information t-shirts..


e- With next years funding, we'll have a name change to National Cannabis Information Prevention Centre.

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:) Ahahahahahahahaha right on Mullaway


Q. Drinking alcohol makes you


A. feel sick, with injury to organs the next day

B. a fool, via ridiculous reasoning

C. aggressive to the point of extreme violence

D. Have sex with strange people

E. all of the above



Q. Cannabis makes you


A. feel better from the effects of drinking alcohol

B. calm and able to reason

C. non aggressive

D. wary of who you share your bed with, as you don't want to get busted growing your own because THE FUCKIN DRUG LAWS SUCK

E. all of the above


I'm sure we can add some more and get a survey worthy of NDARC answering us back

Just have to make sure they all answer the bloody thing correctly? :P I wouldn't trust anyone on that list to answer correctly

Do you think they will?

Do you think they will even take our survey?



Let's have a few more questions though

Get a good laugh anyway

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Every time any researcher comes on this site asking for input they are met with the same suspicion and non co-operation. Yet again the cannabis community (if such a thing exists) allows others to control its fate. There are some bloody good researchers in this country with some great harm minimisation views. I'm not saying NDARC is one of them but they would all read each others research.


Nothing will change because the attitude is to bury ourselves in a tiny corner of the internet and bitch about the fact that no one understands our way of life. Then when some one comes on here with a survey that asks the wrong questions we refuse to co-operate because they must automatically be out to cause us more grief. The survey allows comment. Cannbisresearcher provided an e-mail address. Why not tell them what you think they should be studying.



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I have filled out quite a few cannabis surveys and even helped construct one or two when researchers have asked, but the one we are discussing here is totally aimed at a manufactured negative side of mj and has a heavy bias towards all stoners being addicted losers. In my opinion the researchers in this case are promoting one of the biggest lies in history and I am not going to support them because of that, if NDARC were to come here asking for help with an unbiased survey that showed the true impact of cannabis and the associated laws on society then I would fully support them.



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Imho it dosent matter how u answer the questions as the powers that be will only look at all the bad points never the good ones and if the good points out weight the bad ones they will play with the numbers to make out what they are researching come out on the side of bad so they can say that we were rite all along no matter about the truth...
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