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Greens cause drug policy furore

Guest Urbanhog

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he dosent follow any party's policy mate , like to know what Mike Carlton you have been listening to i used hate 2ue till my dad introduced me to his show , thats the only reson i switch on to 2ue in the afternoon cause of his unbiest debates . Should serisly listen to the show before you claim you do .


I supose the next thing your gonna say Steve Price is liberial biest as well ;) .

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And all i can say to luke skywalker is you have been brainwashed by the dark side of the force. 


Hmmm, that's a very good counter argument there chronic. ;)! ;)


Just which dark side have I been brainwashed by, and in what way, chronic? You're continually throwing unfounded and completely ridiculous claims about the Greens and their policies, and when someone explains why you're wrong, you ignore them.... It shows the traits of a very closed mind. ;)


Next time you want to give shit to a political party for whatever reason, then have something to back it up before you make such preposterous claims. All you're doing is proving that you can't prove shit... Why won't you answer the questions I put to you? Because you know that you don't have any.


If you had respond to the points I made in my earlier post, rather than just dribbling shit, then maybe I would have had respect for your opinions. But it's clear you don't even have one, aside from "I love John Howard" and "I hate the Greens." Even when the Greens try and do something which would remove the ridiculous criminality applied to those of us who want to grow weed, you don't even look at what they are saying, you just dismiss it and say "Unless they have a free cultivation policy then it's not good enough for me. Oh and Greens suck, too."


Now, this is the last time I will explain this for you, they do have a free cultivation policy, you will be able to grow your own without liscences or paying money to anyone. But they also want to set up a system where if you can't be bothered growing your own, you don't have to get it from the black market, because it will be available cheaply, and of guaranteed quality at the cafe down the road, as well.


Do you understand yet? Or are you just going to make some smart-arse remark which makes no sense, let alone a point? Somehow, I have a feeling it will be the latter. Prove me wrong chronic.


Oh, and I'm still waiting for you to show us a single, solitary instance of the Greens saying one thing and doing another. Once again, you don't seem to have an argument, merely unfounded insults with no basis in fact whatsoever. And I don't hold out much hope that you will come up with an argument with any sense to it, but I'd dearly love to be shown you can.... Not for me, but for your own dignity. ;)



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No Decrade thats not where i get my poltical belife's , If that was the case i would be supporting labour cause i listen to Steve price sometimes in the morning . Ive never liked alan johnes to biest , is anybody listening i say I LIKE CARLTON CAUSE OF HIS NO BIEST BASED ARGUMENTS . Untill you ingorant dickheads listen to the show you wouldt know . but then again he would proberlly talk about issues you dont understand or want to understand since you have no time with people with opnions that dont agree with your own And your morons expect to pass a Drug Amendmient.


*pitty really* ;)

Edited by Cronic_la_jar_jar
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jar jar binks; are you blind?? do you not see the what these shock jocks live for - not a political party; not to do their supposed job, and give you the facts in a balanced and rational way (.....it's called journalism ); no! * gasp * all they live for is the almighty dollar - anyone throwing a bone their way is sure to get a good word...

and , unfotunately, i do on occassion have to listen to these idiots spout their dribble ( ... democracy in the workplace)

From sledging their colleagues to feigning insult, these guys are more precious than a prima donna on prozac.

Lets take for example Steve Price ( QANTAS HO):

His lavish praise of the Australian Grand Prix. Pricey revealed that he was a guest of QANTAS and he and seemed to believe his revelation gave him carte blanche to wax lyrical about the good folk at QANTAS.


An entire broadcast, including a powder puff interview with Margaret Jackson, from Mt. Hotham to celebrate that QANTAS now flies direct to Mt. Hotham during the ski season. This was despite the fact that most people in Sydney have never heard of Mt. Hotham. Pricey even grovelled to the point of asking Jackson if people she met on her last overseas trip, which was to Singapore, were asking about the QANTAS service to Hotham.


He promoted the quickly forgotten "Skins" swimming tournament at the Olympic Pool. This is an exhibition event at best and even those in swimming circles pay it very little attention. Not our Pricey. He was on air waving the "company" flag about what a great event it was. I must ask him next time I call who actually won that most important of swimming meetings.

Today he was at it again. Pricey has been a long time basher of Australian soccer. But today he pulled off a backflip that would have made Alisa Camplin proud when interviewing Soccer Australia Chairman Remo Nogarotto. We heard how Pricey thinks Soccer Australia is getting back on its feet thanks to the upcoming "friendly" against England, direct qualification for the Oceania Group in the World Cup finals, and a new sponsorship deal for Soccer Australia. No surprises for guessing who that new sponsor is - QANTAS!

Yep, i trust this guy!!!!!

Now Mike Carlton ( icant be bothered trying to back up my argument if you cant) is slightly better but he's can still be tarred with the same shit !( bit of a political ho is mike!! - easier to pay lunch for comment than cash - its better for his rep anyway!!)

Dude, expand your horizons ; find media thats not dependant on commercial interests...its more reliable factwise....and its seems to me you are very short on those ;)

u sir are a jackass

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I'm Not going to denie what you have said , but if you read what i said I hated 2ue becuase of that reasone .But even now ive been listening to mike carlton for a while now his the only radio personaltie on 2u8 i have any time for . People have attempted to throw him a bone but to no prevale thats why i like him unlike john law's and his attack on the bank's then suddenly shuts up and is sponserd by the collecting wealth bank .Now thats the true meaning of Ho get your eberonics right ;)


I know majoirty of talkback disck jockes are hypcrotical why i never use to bother with it . But for some reson Mike Carltone hasnt done anything wrong yet and untill the day he dose he will be the only radio program on 2ue i give my full 100% attention to . John Harka isnt bad ive heard him once or twice but i dont take him as serise as mike carlton serisly though give him a try listen to him for a couple of shows and you will see . fuck the other 2ue personaltie i hate most of em.


And my hirozines are broad enought just because thier is no belife in a green ploicy or any faith in the green party in genrall dose not make me a ignorant dickhead just more aware of the fact . wich all you need to be

Edited by Cronic_la_jar_jar
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Cronic_la_jar_jar, I am puzzled as to why you come to this site, you do not grow and have no interest in doing so, you constantly fail to make any positive contributions and I am of the belief that most members would rather have nothing to do with you or your thoughtless and aggressive comments. Why are you disrupting our harmony? Don't you care that you are damaging this site?


Why are you coming here? If you are, as you claim, a friend of Oz Stoner's then why are you wrecking the atmosphere of this site that has taken up so much of his time to create?

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