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Greens cause drug policy furore

Guest Urbanhog

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They seem to have a very new and revolutionary method of doing things then, much of it seems to be beyond the comprehension of many Australians. How much further down the path of stupidity does this Liberal government have to travel before they open their eyes and notice that Howard is following Bush down a road to self-destruction and economic disaster?


The money that our government is wasting on this illegal invasion of Iraq could be used to cure our health and education woes.



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I thought that all state or federal elections were secret ballots? What were you doing looking at others voting? lol


I still haven't heard a coherent argument against the greens or their policies. Tell me what it is that you seem to find so virulently abhorent about the greens and we can have a debate. Otherwise you're just saying they suck without anything to point to in your support.


And what exactly do you think is broken in this country, that the Lib/Nat coalition is so suitable to fix?



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Dont get me started cause i could make a post about 42 pages long .


A) The green party say's they care about the community , Lets face it guys all us potheads are minorty come on admit majorty of the population is against drug's yet the party that care's about the community wants to have a drug amendmiment . a bit hypocritical dont you think


lol Foreign Policy , Refugee's and our current war status dont get me into this . cause anybody that wants to get a argument with me enovling refugee policy is going to wish they didt open thier mouths lets keep in mind hear my family is polish and we have been thier done that the legal way .


C) Foreign Debt : Under the last 2 labour goverments our foreign debt was a extactic amount higher then america's and higher then england's even with thier war debt to the american's . Its only getting payed off due to peter castello's GST . It was comming in eventually you guys knew this even when Paul Keating (labour goverment) 8 years ago tryed to bring in a GST policy, funny its wrong thought because the liberals got it in .



And thats just 3 things off the top of my head , Have fun guys

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A) The green party say's they care about the community , Lets face it guys all us potheads are minorty come on admit majorty of the population is against drug's yet the party that care's about the community wants to have a drug amendmiment . a bit hypocritical dont you think

The greens is a grass roots organisation, this organisation is made up of smaller groups, the minority groups! All members at our meetings have as much say in party operation and policies as our political leaders.


Foreign Policy , Refugee's and our current war status dont get me into this . cause anybody that wants to get a argument with me enovling refugee policy is going to wish they didt open thier mouths lets keep in mind hear my family is polish and we have been thier done that the legal way .

I am not in full agreement with Green policy on refugees, but that is my right and the Greens don't have a "toe the party line" policy.


C) Foreign Debt : Under the last 2 labour goverments our foreign debt was a extactic amount higher then america's and higher then england's even with thier war debt to the american's . Its only getting payed off due to peter castello's GST . It was comming in eventually you guys knew this even when Paul Keating (labour goverment) 8 years ago tryed to bring in a GST policy, funny its wrong thought because the liberals got it in .

Too many people are becoming politically aware for that to ever hold water, the Liberal and Labor parties have been blaming each other for foreign debt for many years, how are you able to support someone lied to you over the GST? Don't forget that Howard opposed Keating’s consumption tax (GST).

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So you think that Cannabis should remain a criminal offence to grow, posses and smoke? Do you also think that Alcohol and Tobacco should be made illegal? They are much more dangerous drugs and kill thousands every year in Australia alone, so if you think the "community" is against drugs, then why do they use them so much? :P


And if you want to know the reason that the Greens want a "drug amendmiment", as you so eloquently put it, is that the penalties for possesion and use are doing more damage to the users than the drug ever could.... They care about everyone;) in the community, including those who choose to use different drugs from those pushed on us by the government. They are not saying that the majority of the community does, or even should use cannabis, they are saying that the substantial proportion of people in this country who do use cannabis should not be treated as criminals because they want to use a relatively(No, not totally, but relatively) harmless social drug....


As to the policies of this government, vis a vis refugees, foreign policy and foreign debt, I think that particular argument should make an appearance in "The bitchin room?" (But just to get one in before that, have you seen our balance of trade figures lately? I thought not.....)


I do not proclaim that the tenure of Labor was a good one, no, I say we need to elect a GREEN govt, or at least a coalition of red/green to take this country forward on a sane path to not only economic prosperity, because that's not everything, but economic and environmental sustainability....


Anything else that you can come up with as to why the Greens are a waste of time as an opposition? lol



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Hey guys


(a) Let's Get one thing straight i do not belive Weed Should be considerd illegal to grow or smoke , But i will not support a green amdement where it gives the greens permisson to say who grows it and who dosent if were going to legalize weed i want a free Cultervation policy and im not going to settle for anything less . Cigarets & Alchole granted are drugs im not going to debate that but these drugs are socially Accepted Let's face the facts guy Pot is not sociabbly accepted by the majoirty im not talking about the minorty that use it now . That's why the labour and liberal goverment agreed to a No LEINETENT POLICY to drugs in the first place



(lol Green's do not care as i showed you with thier main policy . Everybody knows the profit envoled in Mujuna why the tabaco company's want to make it legal and when the tabbaco company's are ready to legalze it and we know what a inlfuence they make on the goverments dissicon regarding anything of that nature . Now if the greens really cared they would make it a free cultervation policy instead of them licensing it . Making profit of it for no reason thats the only reason they want to legalize it to put money in thier back pocket they dont really give a good god dam on who uses it and why . If they really cared about the canibas culture they would make it a free cultervation policy , like i said i think we really need to think about the dissicon we make in ellecting the green to be our representives in this so important amdment



© Thanks tom , but i already was aware how the greens operated hence why i think voting for them would be a waist time because you agree with one policy but thier are 100 policy's wich you dont agree with thats why i dont like em . It's actually good to see we agree on one issue . Tom i realise this forgien debt argument on who caused it has been going on since the start of time itself , but really we know how badly the labour goverment's under Bob hawlk and Paul Keating fucked this country Let's face it guy they really didt do a crash hot job and lets remember the labour goverment supported the desert storm war then also.We all should realise Simon Crean is nothing but a grease pole monkey .




and Luke skywalker you have yet to show me why they are a good party cause everything you said the greens have stood for done the oppsite to wether it be "Drug amedients", Refugee policy's , whatever Despite what you just said dosent show me how they are good party

sorry they still dont have my vote and never will

Edited by Cronic_la_jar_jar
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Show me the policy.... Where does it say this..... Try looking at the policies of the Greens before you state what you think they are.... Now, I could post the entire policy statement that I found on the Greens NSW website, (Because this is talking about NSW Greens, right?) but that would probably take up too much space, so instead, I'll insert an excerpt, and then the sites addy so you can go there and look in more detail if you want.... Here it is, the NSW Greens Drug and Harm Minimisation Policy. ;) (Excerpt - Recreational Drug Distribution)


6.1 While acknowledging that many people use recreational drugs without becoming addicted, the Greens NSW recognise that health, social and corruption issues can occur with the use of all drugs.


6.2 As the central aims of this policy are health, social improvements and the removal of crime and corruption, the Greens NSW support a policy of regulated availability of drugs used for recreational purposes. These drugs should be available through licensed outlets, staffed by appropriately qualified personnel, in monitored and regulated quantities and must carry labelling detailing the possible dangers, side-effects and contraindications.


6.3 In doing this we recognise the importance for the health of users of obtaining drugs which are pure and in known dose. We promote availability of drug testing for quality and safety purposes at suitably regulated and qualified pharmacies.


6.4 By this means, health authorities can monitor drug use.


6.5 The price of such drugs shall be less than that of any black market drugs. By separating illegal suppliers from users, and by undercutting the illegal supply of drugs with a legal supply, it is likely that a reduction in the level of drug use, addiction and crime in society will be achieved.


6.6 Importing, manufacture and wholesaling of such drugs shall be conducted only under licence and under strictly controlled and monitored conditions.


6.7 The drugs shall be dispensed only to people 18 years of age and over, on presentation of suitable identification.


6.8 Illegal dispensing by chemists of such drugs shall lead to loss of licence to practise.


6.9 The possession and growing of small numbers of cannabis plants for personal use should be made legal, and all criminal sanctions removed for the possession, sale or display of implements for the administration of cannabis.


6.9.1 Remove all criminal sanctions for the possession of cannabis implements, self administration, and remove all criminal sanctions for cultivation and possession of cannabis plants for personal use.


6.9.2 Support the establishment and funding of a cannabis research institute to research the health and social effects of cannabis, particularly with respect to different growth technologies, organic production and medicinal, social and industrial uses of cannabis.


6.9.3 The Greens NSW will work towards the legalisation of the sale and commercial cultivation of cannabis in a regulated environment, with appropriate legal sanctions, which aims to ensure that the activities of commercial cultivation and sale for recreational purposes meet the same community expectations and safeguards as is required of currently legalised drugs such as alcohol and tobacco.


6.10 Effects of daily and long-term use of cannabis and other recreational drugs should be investigated and publicised.


6.11 That a trial of availability of cannabis at registered premises be introduced as a measure for harm minimisation by legislation with the establishment of a cannabis licensing board to legislate the supply of cannabis for the trial. The registered premises should supply only persons over 18 years, be staffed by trained personnel with information available on doses, possible side effects and danger. The licensee to be responsible for enforcement of all conditions, subject to fine and loss of licences.


Now, if you can read english you will see their policy does support home cultivation.... (6.9) The main Greens NSW policy site is and the specific Drug Policy site is at


And what the heck is this?


. Everybody knows the profit envoled in Mujuna why the tabaco company's want to make it legal and when the tabbaco company's are ready to legalze it and we know what a inlfuence they make on the goverments dissicon regarding anything of that nature .


That's the most ridiculous, utterly laughable proposition that I've ever heard!!!! Where the heck to you get this stuff? ;) I'm not even going to dignify that with a response....


Give me, (once again I ask this, and still I have a feeling I never will get an answer, but hey, what can you do?) ONE instance where the greens have " stood for done the oppsite to", or in English, "stood for one thing and then done the opposite".


I defy you. Any instance at all....




Oh, and by the way, I'm not trying to get you to vote for them, I'm just refuting the lies and sundry crap which you seem to think it is your god-given right to throw at them. GO GREENS! ;)

Edited by Luke Skywalker
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Give me, (once again I ask this, and still I have a feeling I never will get an answer, but hey, what can you do?) ONE instance where the greens have " stood for done the oppsite to", or in English, "stood for one thing and then done the opposite".


I defy you. Any instance at all....

To my knowledge that has never happened in any of the Green parties around the world so it is very unlikely that you will get an answer.



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