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Online Cannabis Contamination & Potency Survey

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Have you been smoking to much pot :rolleyes: Mullaway? :whistle: :scratchin: cause the links seem to work fine to me :thumbsup:

As for your paranoia,its healthy ,you can never be to cautious when it comes to cannabis,its called self preservation! If you want to be safe online use proxies (get broadband 1st or go crazy ) or a service like I do a VPN ,I use Findnot it can be used several ways like with software called putty or VPN or VPN through putty but you need BB or its to slow,it costs me AUD$48 for 3 months ( pay with a false name BoPo pre-paid Visa card).

Now I started to look at the survey but you have to answer questions to proceed through each page which I don't like as I would prefer to peruse all the Q's first before considering answering them. :peace:

Edited by Jess Stone
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Bare with me here. Its prolly just the noids..

:peace: Cmon mulla, even I managed to get there by copying the link :scratchin:

Maybe I'm not stoned enough ;)


I think I'll get em to post me a copy of the survey. That way, when the cops deliver it, I can provide em with a sample that they can test for themselves :peace:


:rolleyes: Maybe I'll use a different address lol "Hey mum, I'm expecting some more mail from..." :whistle:


I figure that, as an organic grower, I'm obligated to get my stats onto that survey. No doubt tho, they'll ignore any positive feedback if they're just trying to fuck us again :thumbsup:




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we whinge and whinge about the government's bullshit propaganda on cannabis and that it doesn't reflect the reality, then a medical researcher takes the trouble to make us aware of a survey he is involved in an we tell him to fuck off?


I know a lot of you have anger to vent, but make sure you're venting it at the right people. This guy is just involved in the research, its not his fault if his findings are ignored or twisted. We should be helping him and giving him the ammo he needs. Or, have you all given up? Delete all the cannabis news/politics forums then. Members here aren't interested in fighting for law reform they just want a big bitching session. :scratchin:

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This guy is just involved in the research, its not his fault if his findings are ignored or twisted. We should be helping him and giving him the ammo he needs.


:scratchin: Yea right pipeman :rolleyes: ... next thing you'll be tellin us is 'dont blame the Nazis for being murderers, they were just doing thier job ' :peace:


wake up to real world pipes :thumbsup:

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I will post this again because no one is really gettin the idea ......


With the information we gain, we hope to obtain further funding and conduct an analysis of cannabis seizures to measure potency and screen for any contaminants that this study may identify. "



Mulla your internet " security " measures are not stopping anyone getting your I.P , yes they can tell your I.P whether you clicked on a link or opened from a new window , also they can find out what browser you use , the last few sites you visited b4 their site , your screen resolution and operating system , your ISP and rough location .

I'm sure you will be ok as it's not an offence to look at Pot surveys in NSW.


As for kids thinking pot is uncool - good ! more for fucken me ! :scratchin:

Edited by Mulcontent
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:scratchin: Yea right pipeman :peace: ... next thing you'll be tellin us is 'dont blame the Nazis for being murderers, they were just doing thier job ' :whistle:


wake up to real world pipes :thumbsup:


no you're right fraz. its all a ruse to trick us into helping create more anti cannabis propaganda. I mean it would be impossible for the government to conduct any more anti cannabis studies without the help of oz stoners wouldn't it?, so they cleverly sent a researcher here to trick us into helping them. Man, its so clear now. Thanks for opening my eyes up to the "real world" frazzle. :rolleyes:

Edited by pipeman
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IMO potency has only become more uniformed. The best most potent strains are few and far between, and the crap strains have nearly been bred out. Cannabis today in Australia is mostly mediocre mass grown comercial weed thanks to prohibition. When I first started smoking, trippy, almost psycodelic sativas were fairly common in Australia untill the influx of genetics from amsterdam - where potency, more often than not, is a secondary choice to looks, yeild or speed of finnish when chosing parents to breed from.


The only reason they get test results that show an increase is because manicuring practices have changed. A bag of pot used to have the leaves, stems, seeds and all in it, which would all be ground up together and then tested for THC levels. Those smoking it would take out all the crap and smoke the bud. not the crap. The test results are therefore inacurate. If thier test results were acurate they would find that the THC levels have changed only to the point that less pot with either a very low or a very high THC level are being found by the police, and that the THC levels in the mid range are now the norm.


I filled out the survey. If noone tells them they are wrong then they will continue to think they are right.

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It's great others can remember past genetics (MongyMan and Robbie). There are some overseas seed banks that are looking to release some old landrace genetics so ppl may have access to whatever remains of past strains. Hopefully it is not all lost.


The government and media will always be able to put whatever spin they choose to on any given research. What is to stop them testing for contaminants now? A survey only tells them what the perception of people is; what people believe to be true. Here is a chance to explode some myths. Hopefully this really is about harm minimisation. I did find the survey a bit frustrating though. A lot could have been asked but wasn't.

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I love to help you out with your survey talon, but while politicians have this view like premier Morris Iemma. I'm afraid your right outta luck of gettin' help from someone like me. While responsible cannabis consumers can be portrayed as a criminal, have his/her arse dragged into court and have a conviction recorded against them. You've got buckley's of getting any help from me.


The day the above ceases to happen, you'll find a lot of truth about the entire subject will surface. Then from there, we can address any real issues in regards to cannabis. As for the meantime, the only answer you'll get outta me, is what's in my signature below...



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Hopefully this really is about harm minimisation. I did find the survey a bit frustrating though. A lot could have been asked but wasn't.


I agree freddie.


The questions were very simple and obviously were writen by someone with very little true understanding of cannabis users and cultivation other than the medias perception ( which they do admit ) eg. skunk woh lmao. At least they should read this thread and its replies I hope.

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