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Gee I use outside organo 90-95% of the time but qual indoor with the right strain and SOMEONE who KNOWS what there doing is fine by me as well.


Wasn't indoor a response to several factors


1]Cold climate countries who like their buds fresh eg Holland


2]City people wanting to reliably supply themselves without it being ripped-off from the backyard by punk kids after the outdoor seasons buds were finished up for the year.


3]Fear of officer plod looking over the back fence and doing you cause the old lady next door hates you.Remember N.O.A.H ? NSWelshmen?


4]People all of the above who were/are sicking of spending to much money to be as stoned as they require.


5]If you're going to be "addicted" to something to the point of daily use and a certain sector of society are always going to behave like this, then wouldn't nearly everybody be better off if cannabis was their "poison" ? :peace:

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These people slagging off hydro are fucking idiots because theyre simply hurting their own cause, leave spreading misinformation about cannabis to the prohibitionists. Any type of marijuana bought off someone you dont know indoor or outdoor has the potential to be adulterated with unknown chemicals.


Hydro grown properly and outdoor grown properly are both fine saying otherwise is just retarded and you'll excuse me if i dont thank you for fighting for my cause when half the reason cannabis isn't legal is because people who've never experienced pot have experienced burnouts like you on the street, being a public nuisance and a burn out with your conspiracies (follow the money trail what the fucks that about? take the red pill you fuck its all a big lie) and pushing shitty irrelevant to marijuana social beliefs, not everyone who smokes marijuana believes we should all live in fucking tree houses and shag vegetables. Being a hippy has nothing to do with marijuana being good or bad. If you want to be pro-cannabis present the real facts not your own oppinion which is about as scientific as the governments.


Your anti-bong policy is fine if you don't want them in your bar that's up to you however saying it's like sharing needles fucking hell, yeah and modern day cannabis is so strong it's almost like crack, that's about as credible as your statement is. You don't want to share a bong with just anybody but i'll share a bong with mates and if i'm smoking on my own i'll use a bong because it's better for you than joints are. If you're so worried about marijuana fucking you up then the use of water-pipes and vapourisers is going to help your health a lot more than avoiding hydro is.


I know that's not entirely fair as i'm sure not all of you at the hemp bar subscribe to those things however it annoys me when people who say they're pro-cannabis make these statements based on nothing.


The way to get cannabis legalised is to be a smoker and a functioning member of society whilst presenting the real facts about marijuana. Not running around being a douchebag to individual cops and giving the government marijuana abuse statistics to play around with. You represent yourself not the cannabis community and don't claim otherwise!


I know that's aggressive but i get angry when people i know refuse to see the facts about pot and give me hell for smoking it but to hear misinformation from people who do smoke pot and claim to support it is simply infuriating.

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i will ber at the mardi gras

i wll have me a home made hydro shirt on...

the thing is they dont mind gettin in peace park at mardi grass time

and takin the free samples of adv nutes 2 part sensi

fuck bush go hydro...thats me home made shirt..

just a nicco...pmsl..



LMFAO lol .. bloody good onya billo lol lol


Could do a shirt with "Down with Bush". Kill two birds with one stone...


Nah, couldn't do that. Im a bit partial towards a nice bush sativa meself.



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....... leave spreading misinformation about cannabis to the prohibitionists.

.......i get angry when people i know refuse to see the facts about pot and give me hell for smoking it but to hear misinformation from people who do smoke pot and claim to support it is simply infuriating.


I couldn't have said it any better SA.

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As far as I can see, we're being played here. He's claiming to listen and then proceeding to spew out the same bullcrap. He doesn't want to change his opinion, and hey, that's cool, but stating blatant mistruths and obfuscations doesn't endear you. To either side of the prohibition argument.


For gods sake bigbong, get a high school biology textbook and some horticultural knowledge. You're just making the war easier to lose.

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after all that is said about them i still sit in a have a coffee and a game of chess when im in that area, i quite like the place, the bush that they have is always of a good quality, better than whats on the street but not top of the line, but with no searching i always grab somthing nice to smoke while im there because well grown outdoor should be better than indoor any day, i love my indoor and grow my own but i have a real love for well grown well dried nice tasting bush, most of the outdoor these days is shit and not worth smoking, but they always have somthing nice to offer to me when i walk through the door, also they are quite happy to smoke my indoor hash, and even well grown well flushed indoor, but the simple fact is that the majority of comercial indoor is grown as quick as possible which means high lvl of nutes and very little flush at the end. now im not argueing any ones side here because as i stated above most bush is shit theses days, personally i think it comes down to grow your own, if you do that you know what you are smoking.


also out of curiosity how many people here bagging all this shit out have even been to Nimbin, let alone into the hemp bar, i think you would be rather surprised, personally although i dont agree with some of the things they say I hope they do well and start a chain so i can open one down the road from my house :peace:, any how enough ranting from me.

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