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"Why don't you just drop the high profile activism and lay low for a while? There are no prizes for always being a front line martyr."




ummm, we are not cannabis activists because we want prizes, we don't do it so we can be cool, we do it because when the law is unjust, resistance is duty.


Back to the debate...


Expecting hippys to change their mind about "the machinery" used to grow cannabis indoors and unconnected to mother earth is a rather forlorn hope.


I have yet to read a single thing that could make me change my mind about the "INDOOR" Hydroponic growing method and the pollution created by generating the electricity, the sun is a very complex source of energy and I will always doubt that a light bulb can supply every thing.


I am still- somewhat - open minded about OUTDOOR Hydroponics, but the lack of connection with mother earth will always be a concern.


Indica does not produce the same cannabinoids as Sativa, chemically they are different and Indica does not possess the cannabiniod combination for me to prefer it, let alone endorse it.


I am still -somewhat - open minded on OUTDOOR Indica, but I certainly don’t recommend it to anyone "instead of Sativa", truth be known I don't even like looking at photos of Indica - the buds look too much like Arnold Swartzeneggers biceps for me.


At the end of the day, I hope everyone who reads this thread *genuinely* questions their choice of growing medium/method and choice of cannabis seeds.


The ignorant will write off everything we say as bullshit and keep their head in the sand, the open minded will say, maybe there is a grain of truth in what they say and do some research.


till next





Edited by BigBong.org
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webgreetings bigbong & cannabis Dave,


I am not arguing with your preference for outdoor sativa, but can you see how the position you are taking is hurting cannabis law reform? Thats the real issue here. The outdoor/indoor debate should be irrelavent.


We are not asking you to endorse hydro and we are not trying to change your mind about "the machinery used to grow cannabis indoors and unconnected to mother earth" as you put it This is not about hydro vs bush at all, you guys are making your site about hydro vs bush, and that is what we object to.


You are right indica and sativa have genetic differences, obviously, however your preference of one over the other is purely personal. Did you know that skunk is actually sativa dominant? anyway, not the issue, so lets not get sidetracked...


What it comes down to is, you guys are meant to be champions of CANNABIS LAW REFORM. but, to quote from a previous post of mine, your statements lend credibility to arguments that make cannabis laws worse (for indoor growers). This is the issue you need to be thinking about IMO. Your personal preferences for outdoor sativas surely should be irrelavent when it comes to the issue of law reform. The place for your personal preferences is on your personal website IMO, not on a Cannabis Law Reform website especially when those opinions get in the way of your objective.


OK screw it you guys are right, outdoor sativas are the best smoke and indoor hydro is poisenous crap. Even if I agreed with this point of view 100%, I would still argue for you to take those statements down from your website. See what I'm getting at? Its irrelavent whether you are right or wrong, you've got to look at what you are doing by making those statements. lol

Edited by pipeman
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Hey Dave, thanks for expiring.


Bigbong mate, can you show us where you got the cannabinoid breakdowns and the comparisons between sativa and indica?

Otherwize it's just like you made it up?


I agree with you about never changing hippys opinions of machinery and the connection with the earth. You are what you are, a part of nature. Natural. So is cannabis. Even if you grow it at 1000 feet, or at sea level. In a plot of plain old dirt, or in a herbicided field. In a pot, or in buckets of water, all still cannabis.


We all want it legal. We all should have the right to grow it "healthily", using the best strain and method that suit us.


The other machine will still generate a relative amount of electricity to sell every day, never fear!



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webgretings pipeman.


one plan of action is to cut and paste all of this thread in order into a webpage called contradictions.


this is looking likely.


my veiws on indooor cannabis are expressed here


I will be in the hempbar today betwen 12:30 and 3:00, do drop in for a freindly chat.


We adopted our stance on indoor hydro because when the lobbying the government this last few years, pot pychosis is their major reason for not relegalizing.


Pot pychosis we said, what's that.


Never heard of it we said, cannabis and humans have been in a symbiotic relationship since we both evolved, you know the rave, fibre, fuel, food and medicine ...


No said the goverenment, teenagers really are ruining their brains because of smoking pot.


We said 'perhaps its other drugs'


Possibly, they said, but in our cities we are seeing more and more hospital admissions.


That was when the penny dropped.


That was when we realized that the deadly combination of too much thc, dodgy growing practices (bug spray etc) and the artificiality mechanism together, when added to the flouride and other bacteria killing chemicals in city water was most likely the cause of pot pschyosis.


That is what we are on about; the overall situation.


That is why we are worried for "urban cannabists"


We ARE NOT saying to the government or police that we think they should arrest indoor growers, we say change the law on outdoor for fibre, fuel, food and medicine. we don't say indica or sativa, we say cannabis.


Anyway, is time I left BigBong HQ, high in the hills above nimbin and went into the hempbar for a few hours, any sort of luck pipeman will drop in and we can get to work on some 'joint posts'.


till next





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mate it would take me till 3pm just to get to Nimbin lol


but I will drop in sometime soon, will try to tee it up first so I can tackle you and Dave at the same time? lol


so you are letting the government determine your policies for you huh? what kind of an activist are you???? lol

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Friday is best day to catch me in the hempbar for the traditional weekly heads of H*E*M*P* meeting.


as a general comment on the structure of this debate, I would ask everyone to read all of my words to the end, rather than leaping on the first perceived negative and not letting your brain process the rest of the information, anyway....


The government determine the "battlefeild" upon which we fight, not us.


We say change the law, they say Pot Pchyosis.


This is where the battle is in 2006.


For the record we protested the new hydro laws as hard as we could, in the wash up, the new legislation appears as if it were a publicity stunt by the government designed to make them appear "tough" on Cannabis. They didn't relax the penalty or even address prohibiton, all they did was raise the penalty for indoor to factor in the increased grow cycle and yeild compared to 'outdoor', now ounce for ounce they are as illegal as each other.


As to ", can you show us where you got the cannabinoid breakdowns and the comparisons between sativa and indica? Otherwize it's just like you made it up? "


Dear Oz Stoners, I do not lie and I wouldn't make up such a thing and most of all I wish that the entire situation of indoor indica hadn't of arisen, for a moment, imagine if hydroponic indica was only a northern hemisphere phenomenon, imagine black market grows didn't exist and the Government couldn't use pot pychosis as their excuse. A cycnic would say the government will find another reason, I say that they would relegalize due to overwhelming evidence of the benefits of Cannabis, you know the rave, fibre, fuel food and medicine.


Recreational Cannabis is not a thing the government are going to legislate for ON ITS OWN, and since a large percentage of all indoor hydroponic cannabis use is recreational, some of it medinal and none of it fibre or fuel as long as hydro exists and city kids smoke too much of it, the government will keep winnng the battle.


I am a professional cannabis law reform activist of over 10 years standing and have been the Australian editor of the Media Awareness Project (www.mapinc.org) responsible for "hawking" all australian cannabis related news stories since 1998. The research that I have done is over a period of years, I have read thousands of articles, thousands of webpages and I use all of this knowledge base to form my opionions.

It is important that you do the research yourself, I do not have to convice anyone, you have to convince yourselves. BTW, when I say I am professional activist, I mean I have managed to eke out a living by building and hosting mostly cannabis based websites.


www.erowid.org is a great place to start researching, as is www.drugsense.org



till next





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That was when the penny dropped.


That was when we realized that the deadly combination of too much thc, dodgy growing practices (bug spray etc) and the artificiality mechanism together, when added to the flouride and other bacteria killing chemicals in city water was most likely the cause of pot pschyosis.

this revelation of "realization" come with any facts? Of course not, Thats too much trouble for you..i know..how about WE do if for you and then IGNORE IT.


They got you hook line and sinker mate, but whatever is convenient for you and makes your life easier.


We ARE NOT saying to the government or police that we think they should arrest indoor growers, we say change the law on outdoor for fibre, fuel, food and medicine. we don't say indica or sativa, we say cannabis.

where you at now? you change your stance whenever its convenient. There is no LAW for fibre, fuel, food its perfectly legal to grow hemp with the proper license. Different issue my friend. And for christ sake be specific about medicinal use. Dont throw it all in together in one basket because your too lazy to do seperate research, if any at all.


Its a pity all well thought out and articulate responses to your anti-hydro stance has been completely disregarded.

At all times you have both come from the position of "PROVE WHY WE ARE WRONG" rather than you having make any effort whatsoever to "PROVE THAT YOU ARE RIGHT". Dont you think thats being a bit arogant? Are you are not READING what we have been saying.

I've had suspicions in the beginning and question your motives for taking the stance you have. However, you even left it up to us to contribute to your mission statement. Not only that, give us a timeline, disregard our contributions. Say times up, too bad.


What are we pieces of shit?


You dont represent me and I dont consider you activists.

Trouble makers maybe, activists no. Why kind of activists push the same lies and crap onto their own community?

Proof of it is you have once again come full circle. Great for politics. Not good for people that matter. Politicians have a great nack of not listening, instead avoiding the issue, go off point, throw in some circular tags...world goes by and we are back where we started.

Wasting time. I think we have given you enough already. Even people willing to do research for you, because your too lazy to do it yourself.



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webgreetings wildflower.


looks like you posted before you read my last post..


It is the governemnt who says prove THEM wrong about keeping cannabis illegal.


We have to prove the proof to them.


I would welcome the chance to have every piece of information you possess, perhaps then, with your infomation we will be able to change the way the government thinks of hydro, i can't based on my research.


In passing, i would suggest that when you assemble your words to the goverenment don't speak to them the way you been speaking to me.


You haven't changed my mind about indica and hydro in general, let alone specifics.


Perhaps I have, on occasion, generalized too much in some of my earlier posts, I try to keep my word assemblies as readable as possible without bogging down too much in specifics and if i have failed in anyway, that is my fault rather the the ideas i am trying to express, due perhaps to the time available for me to answer this forum. But I am prepared to grind it out.


till next





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