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Both shops i've been to sell them for $20.


I just put about 20lt of ph adjusted water in the bag over night, then use it the next day. I've had success in both the 50lt pots and the 30lt. Last crop i did 3 pots of coco, one fytocell. The fytocell plant was better than the others, so i now do 4 pots of fytocell in 50lt pots and they look great.


I water twice a day for one minute, run to waste. Once when they wake up, and again half way through their day. When plants are large, i change to 2 mins when they wake up, and one minute half way through their day. I'm doing a grow diary, wasn't going to paste it till the end but thought you may want to look at them.

I was attempting to do a scrog, but the strains i have dont' like it, it stressed them out and they grew slow. Once i let them do their own thing, they took off. Will post the latest pic on this link in next couple of days. They have grown a lot and are extremely healthy.


Edited by BentBuddha
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very nice bb. thanks for the info. how much volume feed do they get in 1 min?


im watering alot more than that but my system is recirculating.


do u find the fytocell holds alot of water? supposed to be 40% air and apparently cant be overwatered


how much lights u have in that setup. looks nice

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When in grow, they are under 2 1000watt m.h. When in flower, they go to 5x600 hps. And i take that to 4 if it's too hot.


Not sure on the volume. I use the horse shoe feeders so they get a decent spray i guess. I'm not sure what size my pump is.


I've never had any over watering problems with fytocell. When I was using coco, for the first 3 weeks it was difficult to get the watering right. It would hold a lot of water, or not enough. i.e, the top would dry out. I don't have that problem with fyto.


Fungas nats love it. But at moment, i have a stream of ants going to the pots and taking the lavea out so i'm not worried :thumbdown:

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re the fungus knats, i had that problem with grodan. what fixed it for me was covering the tops of the medium with panda plastic - which stopped the algae forming (looks like u have algae growing on the top of the medium) the bloody knats love eating it and it attracts them. also make sure your inlets are covered with your mrs pantyhose!


im keen to try the fyto, going to grab a couple of bags tomorrow and run it

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I think you can get the fytocell in presleeved bags of flake, in various dimensions... Should be one to fit a standard libra tray available somewhere... Might help with the gnats.


Microbial is a great thing for gnats though, would be interesting to see how it controlled it in fytocell...


Fyto stuff looks great though, I'm growing some orchids as well as seedlings and clones of MJ being trialled too, with pretty good results...


They're supposed to be bringing out some cubes in the future but they're not quite happy with the results from the testing so far or something. So they're not available, but I just filled some seedling flats (x-tra large) with flake and they seemed to do well.

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I use microbial. 100ml for 200ltr. Doesn't seem to affect them. They're almost gone now anyway. The ants have pretty much eaten them all. So far very happy with fytocell. Will continue to use it. Another benifit is, it is lighter than coco. I have rent inspections and have to pack the room up. Picking up a 50lt pot of fytocell is much easier than coco. I don't know how much salt it holds. I flush weekly regardless.
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im pickinp up 2 bags today. keen to try it and compare the results.


i used microbial for ages and my knats loved it, they seemed to drink it and grow! i was using it at 5 times the dose even as a daily drench. gave up on it


best thing i ever did was bomb the room with mortein bombs after the crop finished, cover the inlets for pantyhose, and cover the slabs with plastic to prevent algae, havent had a knat for 12 months. with no microibial or any other form of steriliser or benefical microbes even

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