Cannabis Research
Stay abreast of cutting-edge cannabis research. Dive into studies, understand the science behind terpenes, CBD, and THC, and contribute to an informed dialogue.
493 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 30 replies
Obviously I only really want people to vote in the poll if they bought seeds from someone recommended/researched and/or reputable.. I always did quite a bit of research before choosing a bank to buy from to make my chances as good as they could be if you didnt do this and your order didnt arrive it might be because of your lazyness and not customs or a seed thief It would help heaps if anyone out there actually know what the laws involved with seeds are?? Like when AQIS/customs finds something like this in the mail do they have to tel you, or can they get a court order to hold the info.... If you could enlighten me or linky me up would be excellent.. And for t…
Last reply by SOA, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by justanidea, -
- 420 Crew
- 23 replies
- 7.2k views Cannabis use causes temporary cognitive breakdown in non-psychotic individuals: Study fMRI study finds neural correlates to support cognitive model Researchers at the University of Bergen in Norway have found new support for their theory that cannabis use causes a temporary cognitive breakdown in non-psychotic individuals, leading to long-term psychosis. In an fMRI study published this week in Frontiers in Psychiatry, researchers found a different brain activity pattern in schizophrenia patients with previous cannabis use than in …
Last reply by Razz0r, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Most Cannabis research is based around the notion that any use is problematic use and estimates suggest that around 10% of people who ever consume Cannabis will become dependent. However, this research aims to explore how and why some users become dependent, but also what factors help prevent the non-dependent users from developing dependence. How much you use and how often you use it does not necessarily indicate disorder. You can use a lot, and frequently without meeting the criteria for a dependence. Even if you have never used cannabis, or use other drugs, or don't use any illicit drug your feedback is useful. If you over 18 years old, all you need to do is follow the…
Last reply by Razz0r, -
- 420 Crew
- 29 replies
I read a post today that mentioned the gateway theory which if you have been living under a rock means if you smoke pot, you'll end up on harder drugs I personally feel that statement can infact hold true, BUT only if cannabis is the very first drug you have consumed. afterall, wouldnt any drug you tried before consuming marijuana be the original gatway drug? I want to know what drug you first tried and then if you have tried any drugs after that very first time. I believe that alcohol will prove itself to be the main gateway drug, but with the wide range of members here anything is possible so it would be really good to see how this poll goes edit: the list of…
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 420 Crew
- 35 replies
I need to know because i'm not tryna kill my highs i pay good money for that
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 6 replies
- 1.3k views Dramatic leaps of progress in the field of cannabis science have almost become commonplace in recent years. Each season brings the discovery of a novel terpenoid, new cannabinoid or receptor site, a fresh therapeutic application, refinements in lab testing or new ways of extracting cannabis essences with hyper purity. Yet, simmering in the background of these new and thrilling discoveries is a patient and far-sighted accumulation of hard, research-driven scientific data that will eventually bring greater depth to our understanding of cannabis’ origins. In recent months, Phylo…
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
Client Satisfaction with GP Cannabis Use Interventions Study NCPIC has launched an online survey regarding the experiences of cannabis users who have visited a General Practitioner (GP) regarding any cannabis use concerns. The survey is designed to help NCPIC gain a better understanding of how GPs manage their clients who present with cannabis use concerns and what expectations the clients have prior to visiting. In addition the survey questions how satisfied the client of a GP was in regards to the health professional’s response.
Last reply by Faith, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hey eveyone! New to the forum moved from Australia to Canada to get more knowledge and hands on experience with cannabis and growing. I've had a burning question that needs answers for, I have always been interested in the use of cannabis as medicine for healing and spiritual practices as well. I want to know when cannabis was introduced to Australia? They say hemp seed came on the first fleet but I want to know if cannabis existed in any shape or form before European settlers? Cannabis exists in every part of the damn world from China, Russia, Africa, Middle East, etc. I also want to know if aboriginals ever used cannabis or a form/similar plant for any herbal remedies.…
Last reply by Beau_dean, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hi there I am hoping to test cannabis for its medicinal properties. Particularily for Cannabidol content , otherwise known as CBD, respective to THC. There is someone I know whom is dieing from a very serious terminal illness and could benefit from the non psychoactive compound CBD from the cannabis plant that does not get you stoned. I was hoping to test some cannabis samples that have a high opportunity for being higher in ratio of CBD content respective to THC content. I was wondering if there is a lab, maybe a research lab that would use preferably gas chromatography to anaylse cannabis samples like they are doing in America and Israel but in Australia. I know…
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
I will be heading to Sydney for the expo this weekend. I am very excited, it should be a real blast. Are there many other Ozstoners making the trip?
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
I found that my buds tasted much better when I gave them a longer pure water flush before harvest. I they also seemed to cure better when hanged rather than in box and with all leaves near buds still on. It might also be better this time of year rather than in hotter part of summer when it was dry and they got dry faster.
Last reply by billygoat, -
- Admin
- 2 replies
"The Australian Medicinal Cannabis Observatory is an academic group of scientists, pharmacists and medical professionals, who are interested in the 'hows' and 'whys' of medicinal Cannabis use in Australia; working in collaboration with United in Compassion. We are interested in your opinions if you are using, intend to use, or have ever used Cannabis for medicinal purposes. As a highly motivated group of patients, we know that you want and need more information about medicinal Cannabis. We feel that an appropriate starting point is not to repeat what is already known, but perhaps to examine and share current practices; i.e. how YOU use Cannabis medicinally, wi…
Last reply by Green Reaper, -
hey everyone, been awake 29 hours now and still not nodding off... looking into good medical strains i could use for chronic insomnia with back pain. anyone recommend something? cheers
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
- 805 views Plant's morning calls to prepare for the night Date: March 23, 2016 Source: Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University Summary: Researchers have discovered clock genes in plants that regulate the circadian rhythm. The circadian clock is considered to consist of mutual regulation between multiple genes, but this complicated network of genes and molecules has not yet been fully clarified. …
Last reply by itchybromusic, -