Cannabis Research
Stay abreast of cutting-edge cannabis research. Dive into studies, understand the science behind terpenes, CBD, and THC, and contribute to an informed dialogue.
492 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
I've been undertaking some human testing of cannabis strains over the past few days - granted this is no way scientific, legal, nor ethical. I'm really liking my Maui Waui strain, the high is energising and makes me want to do stuff. To see if I was imagining the energising effects, I switched my hubby's usual indica dom strain (Wonder Woman) with the 70%sativa Maui Waui. He has no idea I've done this and says one strain is as good as the next, and no, he doesn't even notice the different taste of the canna... Day 1 - he had a few cones after work and then OMG, he got up and does the lawn - that's a first Day 2 - once again a few Maui cones after work and bam-o he won…
Last reply by Matanuska Thunder, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
- 1k views I've just completed the survey above and thought I should share the link for anyone who is interested. The details and reasons for the survey are explained on the link. It wasn't the shortest survey, but I felt it might contribute to ending the war on drugs and the demonisation of drug users (I'm not that confident it will, but it feels like the right thing to do). You aren't obliged to provide any identifying details, I did and feel assured they won't be disclosed (my date of birth was the most personal thing they asked for). Anyone else want to contribute? Freak
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 420 Crew
- 23 replies
I find the chemistry of these 'herbal/chemical substitutes' very complex to understand as my grasp of chemistry is quite feeble so i have research the subject on the internet (which may or may not be propaganda, but i wouldnt know for sure as im not a chemist) in the hope that it may help some gain a better understanding of these herbal/chemical substitutes, i have reproduced some material, with references below, that i found: John William Huffman (born 1932) is a professor emeritus of organic chemistry at Clemson University who first synthesised many novel cannabinoids, including JWH-007, JWH-015, JWH-018, JWH-019, JWH-030, JWH-051, JWH-073, JWH-081, JWH-122, JWH-1…
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Can't find anything at the Cannaversity or in the forums about making new strains. Tried to read an article I googled the other day but it seemed to assume I was a genetic scientist. Just looking for a plain english explanation of techniques for creating new strains. Is there a good guide to selective breeding? What is an F1? Want to learn about this stuff but not having much luck finding good websites.
Last reply by Outlaw, -
- 0 replies
- 1.2k views Reports of synthetic cannabis causing an increase in violence. Thats what you get for messing with nature. Kronic was banned but other frankenstein crap is still floating about. Give me natural homegrown pacifist inducing weed any day.
Last reply by Outlaw, -
http://www.plosone.o.../journal.pone.0 Is this the study that someone was recruiting for in a thread recently? Edit: Opinions on the study? Personal experiences in relation to their findings? Agree/Disagree? NB: This topic realtes to "The NCPIC Enthusiastically Embraces Medical Cannabis" topic.
Last reply by Cerberus, -
Obviously this study isn’t about organic cannabis itself. Although, these synthetics are used as an alternative to cannabis, so I think it’s fully appropriate for the cannabis reseach forum. Anyway, its easy and doesn’t take that long and is also for a good cause, so hopefully everyone can participate. Peace.
Last reply by jabez, -
- 0 replies
I've checked out this survey and it's a good one - it offers a chance for young Australians to state their preferences for how drugs should be treated in Australia. I thought some of you might be interested! Short version: Got ideas about alcohol and other drug issues? What do you think should be done? If you are aged 16 to 25 years and live in Australia, we want to know what YOU think! We are doing this survey for the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) - the Council appointed by the Prime Minister to give advice to to government on drug and alcohol issues. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. What you say is completely confidential. You do no…
Last reply by mjbarratt, -
- 14 replies
Read more: hahahah yeah sure.... btw Ive stopped consuming cannabis after 4yrs of 2grams aday(18yrs all up) NO PROBLEM AT ALL 6weeks off it (for financial reasons not because im anti cannabis) someone forgot to tell me cannabis was addictive anyway watch ya balls cannabis lovers.....does that mean women dont have to worry?
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 420 Crew
- 23 replies
Alcohol and other Drugs worker and cannabis grower and smoker? I know of some one that wants to become a Alcohol and other Drugs worker, but she likes to smoke and grow a plant or 2 so she dose not have to go through the black market. I have been chatting with her for a few months now on this subject and for me i don't see it as wrong but do see how it could cause some probs if a co worker found out or you maybe get busted, she would keep her home life and work apart, she is pretty much a loner like i am so it will be easy for her not to form a strong friendship with some one at work She really wants to do this but wont give up smoking or growing, she has a long histo…
Last reply by CBD-Tom, -
- 7 replies
Hello Everyone! So for those that don't know me I have not been around for about 8 years. I have been fighting cancer for that time and won! Now I am healed and back on my feet I am looking at how the cannabis community has changed. I have noticed that so many people are growing Kush and when you go to market here in Toronto all the high end commerciial is some kind of Kush. Purple Kush, Pink Kush, OG Kush, Super Kush, King kush, Rock Star Kush, LA Kush, Tuna Kush, Salmon Kush, this kush that kush, its all kush! What the hell happened? I have also seen this Kush price range and quality range from 2800 to 4200 a pound! I just can't believe it! The other thing…
Last reply by Kush', - The trouble with cannabis May 24, 2012 Dope use is increasing, as is the surrounding debate, writes Amy Corderoy. Depending on who you talk to, cannabis is either the scourge of our youth - threatening to turn us all into mentally ill layabouts - or a peaceful, benign herb that not only will not hurt its users, but could actually treat many illnesses. For a drug that is supposed to have a relaxing effect, it sure causes much consternation. At the Herald's debate "Should the government decriminalise drugs", hel…
Last reply by Faith, -
- 420 Crew
- 44 replies
Hey guys, its been a long time since i have last posted here and in the years since i have picked up the habit of bodybuilding and put on over 25kgs of pure muslce (without the juice!) and the past few years of dedication have started to reap rewards not just physically but mentally. Along the way i have not quit the hooch and still a daily smoker. However i try not smoke atleast two hours before working out, training or playing rugby but on the odd occasion i have indulged just before a session and not found any negative impacts other then feeling like the odd one out, laughing halfway through a routine and getting around all slanty eyed. Just wondering if there is anyon…
Last reply by jaikai, -
- 420 Crew
- Admin
- 21 replies
Short version: When you take a 'hit' from a bong, does this use all of the cannabis in the cone-piece or just some of it? How many hits do you have per cone? Long version: I've not had much experience with bongs. A friend once arranged for me to have a bong on their couch (and did everything, all I had to do was inhale). While I enjoyed it, it's only happened the one time So, I need the help of folks who use bongs and clearly would know a bit more about this! In our survey on synthetic cannabis, we asked the question: "How much synthetic cannabis did you use? You may answer by indicating the number of hits or puffs taken or weight of product consumed in gra…
Last reply by bitterman, -
- 0 replies
Cancer Council of NSW does support compassionate provision of medical marijuana in NSW. http://www.cancercou...?pp&pageid=1778 All this despite the oppressive anti-cannabis legislation maintained by the present (but hopefully not-much-longer-for-this-world) Gillard government flying in the face of real-world logic, international recommendations and the results of studies, paid for, undertaken and endorsed by NSW ex-premier Bob Carr. Bob Carr's 1999 Drug Summit wisely recommended a trial of medical cannabis that has still not been implemented, let alone addressed or acknowledged by the current Gillard government. Howard ignored it. Gillard has also ignored it. This…
Last reply by globule,