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Male Cannabis Users Are Needed

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Male cannabis-users are needed for a University of Queensland study examining the drug?s continued popularity among Australians.


Psychiatry Department researchers are seeking men who have used cannabis during the last month, have no history of psychiatric treatment, live within 20kms of the CBD and are aged over 18.


Researcher Bob Green said his study would compare the cannabis experiences of people with and without psychiatric problems.


Despite the possibility of arrest and health problems, recent Australian household surveys report that more than 30 percent of those surveyed have tried cannabis.


?In a 2001 survey, 12.9 percent of people said they had used cannabis in the past 12 months, with use being much higher among those aged 14?29 years,? Mr Green said.


?Although cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in Australia, there has been relatively little research into the factors contributing to its continued use. My research will better help understand cannabis use from the perspective of cannabis users.


?The research aims to develop better methods to understand cannabis use, especially among people who experience problems with its use.?


He said participation consisted of a single, confidential interview in which men would be asked about the effects of cannabis and reasons for use.


If you would like more information, please contact Mr Green on telephone (07) 3221 2511 or thcstudy@yahoo.com

Further details and a summary of findings from a previous study are also available


Date: 18/05/04


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U of Q aren't a bad lot, but wouldn't you feel a bit wierd about rocking up there and telling all and sundry that you're a pothead?

maybe it's just me being paranoid (even though I think there's a difference between being cautious and being paranoid) :D

Reason for using weed? It feels good, otherwise we wouldn't do it ::D:

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Hey I have been smoking since 1972,Maybe one joint a day for a year or two.Then maybe two or three a day for another two years.I guess I smoke ten a day now.Maybe more on race days.$$ and stuill burning.Wonder what the test would show? I know my girl friend likes it.Viargra no thanks....THC WORKS FOR ME.
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ok I got a reply from this guy here tis-




Thanks for your e-mail. Sorry for the delay in

replying, I was not aware the story was in the Courier

Mail until later in the day & still haven't been able

to locate it.


The next step would be for me to discuss with you what

is involved and if you are agreeable, to make a time

to meet. I work full time, but try to be flexible

regarding time of day, week/week-end and location.

Logan is ok.


If you want to leave a number I can call you - if it

is a work number or someone might be home who you

don't want me to tell who I am, let me know.








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If he wants to know why people smoke all he has to do is light up. This is silly. Nobody who smokes would ask such a question and people who don't will never understand until they do. Its like trying to explain alcohol to somebody who never had a drink in his life or colours to somebody who has been blind since birth. Its pointless. There is no comparison to smoking pot and without a reference point any explanation of usage is going to be dry analytical crap. Marijuana opens doors in the mind. It brings certain mental acuities to their peek while dampening others in a non harmful and temporary fashion. Most people think its either a hallucinogen or similar to alcohol. Its neither and a study by someone who has never tried pot will be flawed. Ask him if he has ever personally experimented with it himself. I'm guessing he might have.
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