Cannabis Hemp News
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- 3 replies
Last reply by Pippin, -
Who uses molasses in there grow hydroponically indoors or handfed indoors in coco ect I’m interested to know if using boiled molasses with increase yyields? Potency and taste ect I use Cana coco a + b + big bud flower additive and instead of cannas pk /13/14 can I use molasses?? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 17 replies
Who does what and what methods have you seem to find best ? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 2 replies
Hi all I came across this aussie news website today and found it quite good. I have no connection with it just happened upon it - kudos to the writers and journos who run it Cheers
Last reply by .............................., -
- 4 replies
- 717 views A NSW father accused of growing a commercial quantity of cannabis has pleaded not guilty, saying he was doing it to help his sick daughters. In a statement issued outside court, Taylor denied the offences on the grounds of "medical necessity". He said he had been growing 107 plants to juice for his two daughters, Morgan and Ariel, both of whom have gastrointestinal disorders.
Last reply by merl1n, -
- 1 reply
Hi all. I posted in another thread but felt it was a little off topic. For those that didn't know, the newly elected South Australian Liberal Government has launched a "War on Drugs". Part of this involved "re-criminalising" cannabis possession in SA. Cannabis possession up to 30g in public and 500g in private as well as personal cultivation of 1 outdoor plant (was originally 10 either indoor or out) was decriminalised in SA in 1987. An on the spot civil fine of maximum $500 with $125 fine for possession of less than 25g is where it currently stands. The new government had proposed to increase maximum fines up to $2000 and implement criminal convictions and jail terms f…
Last reply by Partimus, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
So I’ve been buying ounces for a while now as we all know every other person promises that it’s this strain or that strain and it’s not bush. What a factors I need to look at to search what strain it is? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by ShitsNGiggles, -
Not saying they deserve being busted but this would have stuck out like dogs balls.
Last reply by sharker, -
- 12 replies
A Life of its own. A documentary looking at the medical marijuana industry and the laws and frameworks within Australia. It was a very emotional piece with Dan Haslam and Deisha's stories. It's frustrating to see what is essentially a miracle happen before your very eyes time and time again yet the Medical big wigs call it anecdotal evidence etc. When I saw it was a piece by Helen kapalos i have to say I was skeptical. She has produced some sensationalist pieces for TT over the years but this was different. Her trip to Israel was so refreshing Dr Mechoulam is an absolute hero , the work he is doing and has done is unrivaled - he truly is the pioneer of the medical in…
Last reply by Porky 1982, -
- 5 replies
hey guys i found this thru a facebook page dont know if anyone knows about this yet it was on this site on face book go and sign this and share the fuck out of it tell every one maybe if enough ppl get on board the wold could change
Last reply by bloodshot_eyes, -
- 5 replies
Last reply by MreofOz, -
- 0 replies
Vape pen explodes and hits man in the head killing him. "He confirmed that the cause of the accidental death was a “projectile wound to the head." ....
Last reply by The Stoned Jester, -
- 23 replies
Hello! I’m pretty new to the forum, so I hope this is the right place to post. This will be the first one I’ve ever attended so I’m pretty excited about it! I’m looking forward to learning more about the medicinal benefits of hemp/marijuana. They are also running a cannabus from Parramatta to the expo. Cheers! Kat. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by curiousKat, -
- 1 reply
- 662 views 15-05-2018 – Following a national spike in attempted cannabis oil imports, the Australian Border Force (ABF) is reminding consumers that it remains illegal to import cannabis products from overseas. Recent law changes to the domestic Food Standards Code combined with false claims from online suppliers overseas have seen a significant increase in the number of cannabis oil imports seized at the border over the past month. ABF Superintendent Emma Newman said in most cases, cannabis oil appears to be ordered online by individuals seeking it for medicinal purposes. However, the importatio…
Last reply by Auqadoll, -
- 36 replies
IANAL but as I read it, this would essentially toss the legalisation of recreational cannabis out of the Commonwealth's jursdiction for the states to regulate and tax as they wish. Much as I think Leyonhjelm's choices are usually those of an opportunistic simpleton, I'm with him on this one. DATE 09 May 2018 CHAMBER Senate STATUS Before Senate SPONSOR LEYONHJELM, Sen David Bill is here Explanatory notes are here
Last reply by curiousKat,