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A Life of its own - doco on Netflix

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A Life of its own. A documentary looking at the medical marijuana industry and the laws and frameworks within Australia.

It was a very emotional piece with Dan Haslam and Deisha's stories. It's frustrating to see what is essentially a miracle happen before your very eyes time and time again yet the Medical big wigs call it anecdotal evidence etc.

When I saw it was a piece by Helen kapalos i have to say I was skeptical. She has produced some sensationalist pieces for TT over the years but this was different.

Her trip to Israel was so refreshing Dr Mechoulam is an absolute hero , the work he is doing and has done is unrivaled - he truly is the pioneer of the medical industry..


One point I will touch on which I have to say irks me i guess.. and that's the separation between Medicinal & recreational.

Now I am the first to beat the CBD drum as it is highly effective and I have seen that in my own life. But and there's a huge BUT - None of the strains and varieties that are being looked at and studied in the medical field would exist if it weren't the for the counter culture.

We always knew it was a healing plant and when we said it had cancer killing properties we got shot down as weird stoner hippies but the fact remains..

Skunk #1 is a highly homogenous plant that would not be thst way had it not been engineered and bred for decades the way it has. It won a counter culture cannabis cup yet has been patented by he pharma and hortipharm.. why would the focus on a supposed recreational strain if it had zero healing values.. yes I understand sams involvement there but the decision is not an uneducated one so the relationship between the two worlds needs to be shown.


Any step toward legalization is a good step and a positive one but we really need to be mindful that the recreational breeders users and aficionados are the backbone if this plant and its roots in our own culture.


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Watched it my wife , very touching

Although I thought is was a great documentary, especially the pieces on Israel etc but 1 thing did kinda piss me off

It was Aussie guy who suggested that hydroponics n the strains of today r much stronger in thc than strains from the past, yet the strongest strain I’ve grown and or smoked that has been grown using hydroponics is a strain that over 40 years old, but all in all very good




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Yeah i thought so too.

That's the issue isnt It, people believe all sorts of misnomers about cannabis.

I agree with that myself, the strongest i have ever smoked was a Thai landrace that has been worked and hybridized into a one hitter. Literally 2 cones ruins your plans. lol and that's some old school genetics.


Yeah I thoroughly enjoyed Dr Mechoulam and his lab

How was that oil?!! Dang that would be straight fire.

I'm pretty keen on crossing the Harlequin with one of my heavier strains and see what I can come up with ratio wise (31.34%) the Harlequin sits at 17%cbd and 1% thc so be good to level out at 10%cbd and 15%THC .

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Yeah he really frustrated me also. Highly irritating his comments on epilepsy in children etc. Smoking ?! What a fuckin tool.

Everything is anecdotal evidence except when its negative. Then thats a FACT!

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