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Tuna Mornay
by Chev- 2 replies
You'll need: 1 Tablespoon margarine 1 medium can tuna 1/2 cup soft breadcrumbs 1 small onion 50gr cheese, grated 300 ml milk 2 Tablespoons flour 2 eggs, hard boiled juice 1/2 lemon Chop your onion finely, then fry in marg until transparent. Remove from the heat and gradually blend in the flour. Now add milk gradually, then cook until sauce thickens. Add tuna, breadcrumbs, lemon juice and chopped hardboiled eggs, and about half of your grated cheese. Add salt and pepper as you like, then place in a pie dish and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake in a moderate (180-190) oven for about 20 mins.
- 1 reply
This looks pretty easy to do, thinking about doing some before christmas I do know a couple of people who don't even grind the dope up before, they just stick at least an oz (or more! :: ) of buds into a bottle of vodka and leave it a couple of months............ THC, the main psychoactive chemical found in cannabis, is soluble in non-polar liquids. This means you can extract it into fats, oils and alcohol but not into water. So unless you enjoy the taste of olive oil the best way to make a drinkable extraction of cannabis is to use a strong spirit. A reasonably sweet drink with a high percentage of alcohol is recommended, for example fruit schnapps. It is also better…
Last reply by Ferre, -
- 0 replies
Had to post this up, summer's comin'! Cannabis Milkshake and Ice Cream From: Cooking with Cannabis 230 g or more of finely pulverized marijuana leaves and flowers (no seeds or stems) 2.5 dl milk 2.5 dl cream 1 teaspoon lecithin granules several tablespoons of honey 0.5 teaspoon vanilla extract Milkshake: Combine the marijuana, milk and cream. Add the lecithin granules and mix in a blender for 1 to 2 minutes. Pour into a saucepan and heat gently for 10 minutes in a double boiler. Be careful not to overcook as this will make curds separate from the milk. Stir in the honey. Pour back to the blender jar, add the vanilla extract, cover the top and refrigera…
Last reply by Chev, -
by Chev- 2 replies
Want to get ripped quick? Spread peanut butter thickly on a cracker. Spread about enough mull for a joint on top, and make sure it's mulled up good, with no bits of stem or anything. Spread peanut butter on another cracker, and put the two together. Wrap in some foil, and bake at 160 deg for 20 minutes. Let cool and eat.
Last reply by Chev, -
- 0 replies
:: Watch out! Almost christmas time............ Place whatever cannabis materials you have in a mason jar, or something similar. Cover with rum, brandy or vodka. Allow to soak for a week (or more :: ). After soaking, place the jar in a hot bath or sink. Loosen the top to allow the escape of expanding fumes. Heat for 30 to 45 minutes. Strain while hot and pour over new materials. Repeat the soaking and heating as above up to four times. Store in a bottle. If you have scraps of hashish, pulverize and add them after the final straining while the liquid is still hot. Shake before use
Last reply by Chev, -
- 5 replies
I have an alcohol still and I have been thinking for a while about making a bud spirit. I just want to know, will the thc be lost when I distill the alcohol from the brew? and does anybody have a recipe for a brew? (not beer, but a ferment from which to distill from) Thanks, Marty
Last reply by supreme skunk, -
- 10 replies
ok i really like getting wasted then having a nice meal & some choccies etc but its getting a bit much, my pot belly that is i gave up smoking tobacco/cigarettes about 5 mths ago and ate alot more when i was first quiting hence put on weight plus the nocatine makes your heart rate go up and burn off excess fat. Have always got the munchies when stoned, some batches made me more hungry than others, dunno what the strains were. I always crave sugar real bad too so my teeth arent in great condition so yeah are there any particular strains that cause less hunger than others etc?
Last reply by syk613, -
This is honestly one of the best choc cakes I've ever made, I picked it up somewhere off the net. Substitute all plain butter for cannabutter...... Of course....... I've messed around with cooking a bit, and I've personally found chocolate to be the best thing to cook mj with, binding wise. And yumyum wise. This is a fairly big cake, probably more a party on friday night sort of thing . Takes 1 hr 45 mins to cook You'll need 1 cup plain flour 1 cup self-raising flour 1/2 cup dark cocoa powder 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 1/2 cups sugar 250g dark chocolate, chopped 250g butter 3/4 cup water 1/2 cup buttermilk 2 tbsp oil 2 tbsp instant espresso coffee granules or po…
Last reply by Chev, -
- 8 replies
ok here is a somewhat bizzare recipe it can be had sweet or savoury style :: Ingredients: - le ocean frozen crab flavored seafood chunks (or some fresh from the deli, doesn't matter too much, it keeps for quite awhile in an air proof container) - pancake shaker mix (in a bottle that you just add water to and shake) - vegetable oil - sugar &/or salt 1. ok go ahead & chuck about 1 cup of oil in a small saucepan or more for a larger saucepan 2. while the oil is heating on low, make the pancake mixture as per directions on pack then pour it into a bowl or whatever. 3. stick the seafood chunks into the pancake mix and roll it round with a spoon …
Last reply by pipeman, -
Hot French Frys
by Guest Babybear- 0 replies
When your real hungry an want some quick get some mc canes french fried an cook in over for about 15 when halfed cooked sprinkle over Mc cormics season all over it Yummo cook till slightly crispy or really crispy allways top off with orange down the track Makes u burp eheh dont get heart burn an crap from chips
- 4 replies
ingredients: - instant pudding mix - strawberry tastes best but you can use whatever flavor you like - full cream milk chilled - packet of kit-kat bites 1. go ahead and make up the pudding mix as per directions. 2. once its half set, take it out of the fridge and chuck in the kit-kat bites 3. stick it back in the fridge for 5 mins. 4. eat it or stare at it in wonderment, whichever comes first Variations - - choc pudding with white maltesers. - vanilla pudding with crunchie bites. - think of your own.
- 8 replies
These are easy to throw together. Combine 750g minced beef with 1 chopped small onion (or a little less), 1 tablespoon curry powder, 1 tsp salt and 1 egg. Divide and shape into 6 burgers. Remove rind from 6 rashers of bacon and wrap one around each burger. Cook in a lightly greased pan for 12-15 mins, turn occasionally. Good for after pub.......
Last reply by pipeman, -
Banana cake
by Chev- 2 replies
Hey, This is a pretty nice one, made a few good canna cakes out of it 2/3 cup butter 2 1/2 cups self raising flour 1 2/3 cup sugar 1 1/4 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 1 1/4 mashed bananas 2 x 1/3 cup milk 2 eggs Place butter in a bowl and sift dry ingredients in. Add the banana and 1/3 cup of milk. Mix until moist and then beat for 2 mins at medium speed. Add the other 1/3 cup milk and the 2 eggs, and then beat for another 2 mins. Pour into greased cake tin and bake at around 180 deg until cooked (usually 35-40 mins). I think you're meant to use a round cake tin, but.......whatever It's a pretty heavy cake, so make sure you use a skewer or someth…
Last reply by Chev, -
- 2 replies
Ok you guys have to try some REAL MUNCHIES 1. CURRY, any kind will do as long as its extra hot and extra large 2. Magic pasta...its basicaly a 500g bag of pasta and a 500g box of frozen chicken balls called "Chicken Munchies" you should be able to get them in most supermarkets, but we always get them from coles, all you need to do is cook the pasta and cook the chicken then mix together in a big bowl then add your favourite sauce...mines paul newman's tomatoe, garlic and basil...well i think thats whats in it :: 3. Vegetarian pizza with salami and pererroni, if it only kills you once a year, its a good year!!! 4. The mashies from KFC, sorry to mention fast fo…
Last reply by Tweet, -
- 2 replies
The best lights for growing are HID which is either Metal Halide (MH) or High Pressure Sodium (HPS). MH is the best for vegetative growth, and HPS is the best for flowering, but either can be used effectively for all growth stages. With HID's you need to have the right light distance from your plant to prevent burning it. HID's are commonly available at hydro shops. It is a good idea to have a reflective light hood as well, which you can usually buy with the light. Hanging your light hood with hooks and chains makes adjusting height easy and safe. Also getting a remote ballast is good because its a heavy item that generates heat that you can sit outside your grow a…