Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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This article is from The Age of May 5, 2007 and shows a real drug issue deliberately ignored by the govt. I have added bold to some revealing statements regarding why the govt gives alcohol special treatment. © The Age 2007.
Last reply by SmellyArab, -
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It might not be pot, but I just love to see the governments being held accountable for the things they routinely jail people for every day. Imiagine how many Aus. politicians who sit on their hands either do or have smoked grass..why should this chick remian silent, and why shouldn't people ellected to represent us in "democractic" governments act faster to change laws if they are so involved even themselves to see the laws need changing. Washington in shock as madam testifies Tuesday May 1 08:44 AEST The so-called "DC Madam" accused of running an upscale Washington escort agency said Monday she was "sorry" that a top official had been outed as her client, but vowed t…
Last reply by Shithappens, -
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Modern life: Drug rap doesn't wash This story is so odd, we have to tell it straight. The Los Angeles Times reports that last week police stopped Don Bolles, the drummer with the punk band the Germs, on his way to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. His van had a broken tail-light. Inside the van, police say, they found "a toiletry kit containing denture glue, razors and a bottle of Dr Bronner's Magic Soap (peppermint fragrance)". A field test of the liquid soap allegedly indicated it contained GHB, a date-rape drug. Bolles was arrested for felony narcotics possession. The soap company's chief executive, David Bronner, heard of the arrest and hired Bruce Margolin, a …
Last reply by thc24, -
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- 1k views I know it's nothing world changing this bit of news, but it really strcuk a chord with me the poor sod. Like life's not bad enough for a sick bloke, sufferoing schitozphrenia, but to spend 22 years in jail for something not only you are innocnet of, but a foul horrible thing to have pople consider of you aswell... I haven't got the link, it's on my crashed computer. But another sad story of American "justice", is the guy that made it common knowledge how the Bush family made their family fortune (bank-rolling the Nazi war machine) is in jail indefinately. He's been accused of terrorism I believe, for no more than inv…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 420 Crew
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- 13 replies
HOSPITALS have endured a fourfold increase in cases of drug-induced psychosis in the past decade, fuelled by addiction to dangerous stimulants, landmark research shows. Drug experts and emergency doctors have warned that the problem of addiction to methamphetamines – ice, crystal meth and speed – is set to escalate unless funds are urgently redirected into health and social services. New research published in the Medical Journal of Australia has estimated that synthetic drugs are responsible for more than one in every 100 emergency presentations. A significant number of patients were aggressive, agitated, arrived by ambulance and required "extensive resources" like …
Last reply by highonlife, -
just reading the paper and found this in there these guys have no idea about moving drugs they should use a sub i have one its called migaloo and it looks like a whale you may have seen it a while ago it got to much media so i painted it a differnt color i know this site isnt for this product but well thats a big load someone is serius
Last reply by Iceage, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Date: Monday, March 12, 2007 Source: Belfast Telegraph Copyright: # © Independent News & Media (NI) ------------------------------------------------------- She's just been busted for the second time, but Patricia Tabram's unusual (and illegal) cottage industry goes on. Ian Herbert joins her in the kitchen for a masterclass in class C culinary delights There's a heavenly kind of abundance about Patricia Tabram's kitchen that should earn her a place in the Grandmothers' Hall of Fame. Chocolate cakes and cooking oils jostle for position on several chaotic work surfaces. Bacon (smoked and unsmoked), plum pudding, heaps of cream cheese (for use in both cheesecake and o…
Last reply by miickEe, -
- 420 Crew
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I was just watching the news and heard that Billy Thorpe died of a heart attack. ABC online news, Billy Thorpe, dies.
Last reply by Cannabis, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
REUTERS Its a sorry world we live in when you can die and not be found for a year!!! And howard aspires for us to be like them in the US!!
Last reply by Zaknefain, -
- 420 Crew
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WWW>NEWS>COM>AU Now why the hell would you tell anyone about finding it!!!
Last reply by Stoney, -
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Check out this video,but keep out of this angry dudes way,really ,no I really mean really ! The angry dude
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
- 3 replies
Painter Van Gogh and author Jack Kerouac were both hailed as geniuses but displayed self-destructive behaviour. Now scientists have discovered a gene which is linked to both intelligence and one of the most common forms of madness - schizophrenia Some interesting information relating to mental illness and the idea it could all just be in your genes One of the most devastating types of mental illness could be a by-product of the evolution of human beings’ uniquely sophisticated intelligence, a new genetic study has suggested. Scientists have discovered that a common version of a particular gene appears both to enhance a key thinking circuit in the brain, and to …
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by Ozzy420, -
News Ltd today reported that organisers of the Big Day Out at Homebush had decided they would confiscate any flag or bandana featuring the national symbol at the gates. Event organiser Ken West was quoted as saying fans' behaviour last year in the wake of the Cronulla riots and the recent ethnic violence at the Australian Open tennis tournament had forced his hand. "The Australian flag was being used as gang colours. It was racism disguised as patriotism and I'm not going to tolerate it," Mr West said. BDO organisers issued a statement this morning saying the flag was not banned, but they said they did not want concert-goers taking it into the event. "We are not b…
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
AN excommunicated member of the Exclusive Brethren sect has been ordered by the Family Court not to expose his children to television, radio or non-members of the church in a landmark decision granting him access rights. Despite finding Exclusive Brethren members and the mother had been "abusive" in denying the father access visits after the Tasmanian couple's 2003 separation, his bid for full custody was denied because it would be too traumatic for the children to be removed from the secretive Christian sect. The ruling, which took effect yesterday with the children's first visit to the father, followed revelations about the sect's attempts to lobby the Family Court …
Last reply by Jess Stone, -