Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
- 168 posts
- Time to ‘Get Real’ NCPIC
- Last reply by Gandaillon,
- 66 posts
899 topics in this forum
- 26 replies
Hey all, I know its not a new idea but hey why dont we all agree on a day in which we can all form together all over Australia when we voice our ideas as one combined, powerful force? I think our activism will result in more power if we all work together on a single day to prove that advocates of cannabis are a very large, powerful community. As far as i know we don't have such a well recognised day in Australia but imagaine if word was to spread about a day where every one who wanted these laws changed all over the nation stood up as a single recognisable power. Just a thought dudes. Chris
Last reply by Toast, -
- 5 replies
Author: Alex Wodak Date: 27 August 2009 Source: Brisbane Time
Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
- 4 replies
Guys. I want to contribute to make marijuana legal in Australia, or at least in Victoria... Is there any activist group here in Melbourne? Thank you.
Last reply by mrsmokey1, -
- 2 replies
Saw this sad news story about a lad in England, Gareth Anderson who's a 19 year old binge drinker. He needs a new liver immediately or he will die. He's having trouble getting one cause he doesn't qualify for the liver program until he hasn't had a drink for 6 months. Looks like he's going to die. I was watching Dr Phil (while puffin' on a few billies...nothing like junk TV and cones) and there was this woman who was so fucked up with a raging prescription meds addiction. She had initially been given them for depression. I sure wish that poor boy had discovered the wonders of smokin herb and someone sure could have helped that poor woman by rolling her a real fat spli…
Last reply by MadamePandora, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hey, Just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction regarding lillbit and lightning's case in the high court. Last I read they we're waiting for a verdict or something and that was like 2 months ago. Cheers
Last reply by Priceadon2, -
- 4 replies
Date: 2 July 2009 © 2009 NZCity, NewsTalkZB,nrhl
Last reply by westy, -
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
After careful counting and double checking.... I am pleased to announce the winning name for the organisation is.... CANA Cannabis Awareness Network of Australia The tricky bit is the availability or not of this as a website. It seems to be available as a, but not as a or SO what do you all think the next step is? Do we look for a suitable web address, make a non profit organisation then start spreading the word? Or is there another path you want this organisation to take? Put your thoughts here
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 11 replies
Ok for all you leet designers that wanna contribute in that way please post your designs for posters and fliers here diversity is good so smoke some weed and get those creative juices flowing and design away.
Last reply by dakratzman, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, at 5:30 tonight on the Hack section of triple j, they have the last segment of "crime week" where one of the questions they're asking is "what is illegal but shoudnt be?". Today is talking about "the victim" - if we could talk about the victims of prohibition that would be great. This would be a great opportunity to get the cannabis legalization discussion on the airwaves. We should get as many people as possible calling up if they feel elequoent enough to address the issue.
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 13 replies
Here is the list of name suggestions made by the cutoff date in the previous topic. It's a reasonably long list. I would ask that you read and consider each name before voting. The voting rules are: You can choose up to 3 names you like the MOST from the list and vote for them in order with your favourite first. If you put down more than 3 names I will only count the top 3 You can only vote once Your vote must be in by midnight SUNDAY to be counted You can't add new name suggestions to the list Please put your votes IN THIS TOPIC THREAD ONLY ACLRA Australian Cannabis Law Reform Association CLRAA Cannabis Law Reform Association Australia CAFE Ca…
Last reply by bloodshot_eyes, -
- 420 Crew
- 39 replies
OK ... Now that things are back on track here, we need to get up and running. We need to choose a name for this organisation, so that a banner can be made for use at the NCPIC conference that is coming up in Sydney on 7-9 September 2009. (see here for info and contact person if you can be in Sydney then.... LMM's post for activists attending Sydney Here is a list of SOME previous suggestions. I have removed ACIC and NCIC from the list as I know they are under consideration by another group and I don't want to cause confusion with the public in general by having two groups with the same name. I also removed duplicate names, and nonsense ones. ACLRA Austral…
Last reply by MadamePandora, -
- 3 replies
greetnz Marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit." — White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske, at a Fresno, Calif., press conference If "legalization" is in neither Obama nor Kerlikowske's vocabularies (As was stated at the press conference)... Well There is currently a campaign to fill Kerlikowske's office with dictionaries and stacks of postcards too, with "legalization" defined for them or a cheeper option is the supplied email links here is the link let the dictonaries rain hahahahaha forward ever free cannabis free the people free the land
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 0 replies
Link to Just thinking... If there are members here who are also members of GetUp I'd like you to send them a suggestion on having a campaign to legalise cannabis, or at least a poll on their site to gauge public interest in the issue. This is the format of a poll I am running on facebook, and perhaps it might be suitable for people to copy and send to any site they feel might be suitable, such as survey sites, other forums, Human Rights groups, political party sites etc. Question: Should Cannabis be legalised in Australia? a ) Yes, unrestricted access b ) Yes, with Government restrictions c ) Yes, only under Doctor's prescription d ) Yes, if yo…
Last reply by MadamePandora, -
- 420 Crew
- 61 replies
Hi guys I want to start this as we really only have a month to organize something if no one else is interested ill still be there by myself if i have to so here it is. There is a conference by NCPIC Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris St., Ultimo, NSW 7 – 8 September 2009 NCPIC is pleased to announce that the Centre will be convening the first National Cannabis Conference in 2009. The plan is basically to go down there and spread awareness to whoever wants to hear it out side the convention we will let the media know and keep it peaceful all we are there to do is spread the correct information.
Last reply by MadamePandora, -