Medical Cannabis Discussions
Participate in our Q&A forum focused on the medical applications of cannabis. Pose questions, share your treatment experiences, and learn about the latest therapeutic advancements in this ever-evolving field.
There is no pharmacological free lunch in cannabis or any drug. Negative reactions can result. A small percentage of people have negative or allergic reactions to marijuana. Heart patients could have problems, even though cannabis generally relieves stress, dilates the arteries, and in general lowers the diastolic pressure. A small percentage of people get especially high heart rates and anxieties with cannabis. These persons should not use it. Some bronchial asthma sufferers benefit from cannabis; however, for others it may serve as an additional irritant.
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850 questions in this forum
Are you a Medicinal Cannabis User?
The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of New South Wales is interested in learning about the experiences of people who use cannabis to help manage their medical conditions and symptoms. If you want to participate in a mail out survey on the uses of cannabis for medical purposes... Contact Peter Gates on (02) 9385 0269 (during business hours) If you are interested in participating you will be asked to complete an ANONYMOUS, CONFIDENTIAL mail-out survey examining various issues, including your reasons for use, patterns of use and any benefits or side-effects you may experience. ---------------------------------------------------------------…
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here's my plan
in september of 2003 i am returning to school to persue a degree in biology majoring in plant physiology. in two years and maybe earlier, i will be conducting research into the medicinal effects of different strains of mj. so if you're all still around by then i will have lots of raw data for you to look at. i plan tp focus on strains for pain mangement, ms, and depression. i think the latter will be the hasrdest one to figure out. jrs
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Downloading grief
I don't wish to bring anyone down but I have just come from visiting hospital and I need to download some grief to get it off my chest. Sorry to do this but occaisionally I need to off load some of the depressive stuff so I can face the hospital again the next day. Was visiting a friend (and member of SICC) and boy is he doing bad. He was been treated for pneumomia and has been in hospital since well before Xmas. Laying in a hospital bed can be like a long haul flight and sure enough BANG a deep vein thrombosis. Nearly killed him. Spent 4 days in ICU. Covered from head to toe in bruising from having very low platelets (natural blood clotting agents). Wow he looks bad …
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MJ for asthma
Does anyone else find MJ helpful for asthma?, i've been smoking since i was about 12yrs old (not that i condone kids smoking i definiently don't!! rough upbring in my case!!) and i think it helps me but as i said i've been smoking since 12 so i've really have nothing to compare with, i do think that when i run out i have more asthma.
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Marijuana & Raynaud's Phenomenon.....
I've been experiencing Raynaud's Phenomenon (or syndrome) for about 4 1/2 years now, mainly during the colder months (lucky Perth is warm most of the time ). This link gives a good bit of info for those who are interested: Q&A on Raynaud's Phenomenon I've honestly found that smoking marijuana has prevented my attacks, almost altogether. Unless I do something stupid, like put my hands straight into the freezer I actually have to wear gloves to get anything out :: I discovered it by accident pretty much. I was using it after I had an accident at work, and had to have a second operation. The first op was a couple of years earlier. After the second one, I knew I was st…
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The SICC of Sydney
Luke Skywalker suggested I make a post here to tell all about a small patient self-help group I head (no pun) called - the SICC of Sydney (SICC = Serious Illness Compassionate Collective) - this informal collective is to support each other on Medical Cannabis issues. It not restricted to HIV but any condition that Cannabis can assist in, cancer, cerebral palsy, MS etc. even fuckin Tourette's fuckin Syndrome. Our addresses are the SICC of Sydney c/o PO Box 308 Surry Hills NSW 2010. or We are always looking for new blood (preferably infected )
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Cannabinoids in Oncology
Support Care Cancer. 2003 Mar;11(3):137-43. Epub 2002 Aug 21. Related Articles, Links Comment in: Support Care Cancer. 2003 Mar;11(3):133-4. Established and potential therapeutic applications of cannabinoids in oncology. Walsh D, Nelson KA, Mahmoud FA. The Harry R Horvitz Center for Palliative Medicine, The Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation - M-76, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA. Cannabis occurs naturally in the dried flowering or fruiting tops of the Cannabis sativa plant. Cannabis is most often consumed by smoking marihuana. Cannabinoids are the active compounds extracted from cannabis. Recently, there has been r…
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IACM 2nd Conference on Cannabinoids in Medicine. A link to the abstract and also access the full atrticle (eds sorry no full text avail.) IACM 2nd Conference on Cannabinoids in Medicine. Grotenhermen F, Muller-Vahl K. Nova-Institut, Goldenbergstrasse 2, 50354 Hurth, Germany. The International Association for Cannabis as Medicine 2nd Conference on Cannabinoids in Medicine focused on new clinical research with cannabis and single cannabinoids (Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, CT-3) and on animal research with possible therapeutic implications. The meeting brought together basic researchers, clinicians and physicians…
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US Courts throw out charges againest grower
Court rules for medical marijuana From correspondents in San Francisco December 18, 2003 A US appeals court has handed a landmark victory to patients who use marijuana to ease their pain by ruling the US government could not prosecute two women who grew it. Proponents of medical marijuana hailed the decision by the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, saying it could set a precedent on the thorny issue of medical use of the drug. Some US states have found themselves at loggerheads with the federal government over the issue of growing and using marijuana for medical reasons, with liberal states such as California and Washington passing laws allowing th…
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Cataracts, Marijuana & Clear Eyes
I bought a bottle of clear eyes the other day, and the pharmacist gave me some advice about using it, and said something about not using it too often or you can get cataracts??? I wasn't listening at the time cuz i was keen to get out of the shop, but does anyone know anything or have any advice regarding the use of clear eyes on weed-smoke induced bloodshot eyes?
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Safety, dosage and relief
10g of marijuana per week gives me pain relief versus 48 tablets of Panadeine. If I smoke the 10g of marijuana in one session it does not harm me but if I take 48 tablets of Panadeine [which gives less pain relief] I will overdose. Legalize it!
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Analgesic and antiinflammitory effects of C.Sativa
This research paper confirms my suspisions that CBD is the better part of marijuana for pain relief. I leave my stash in the light usually and I get better pain relief after a day or two in the light. Ive noticed that the pot turns to crap after a week of this so I think Ill just have some next to the bowl for the next day from now on instead of leaving it up to my subconscous to provide a good stone [it gets forgetful after a few sessions I suppose - heh]. Oh yeah, I call CDB-dominant weed sleep-weed for a reason - after a few days of stoned-sleep it feels like Ive got a new back so it [leaving the weed in the light for a day or two] would be good to try on weekends…
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Cannabis helped my depression
Cannabis has helped my depression...... If this gives any hope.... I was on anti-depressants for close to 20 years. I have had depression for a long time. My condition was so bad, I was unable to work, drive, live..etc. My doctors gave me pills to counteract the side effects of pills that were designed to counteract the side effects of the original antidepressants. I was addicted to klonopin. I dreadd to think what the long term health effects are. Three years ago, I tried cannabis. Two years ago I dumped all other medications in the trash. The cannabis does what I need it to do. Cannabis has become sacred to me. We are all different, but if I can dump the p…
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My Dad has been busted...3/10/2003
HEY GUYS... My father was busted for growing pot in a small town in South Oz this very night...I must say I feel a little responsable because I was the one to recomend smoking and eventually growing pot for the relief his spinal injury pain. The total of the fine including possesion and all other shit was $80,(nothing to me and most of you )...but to my father who is parranoid at the best of times, this is totally devistating and humilliating! He is now so upset at the thought of being busted that he is now thinking of giving it up ...growing that is..(even though it is the ONLY drug that gives him relief from the pain he has had ever since breaking his spine in thre…
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doubts on cannabis for pain relief
Doubts on cannabis for pain relief Cannabis does not provide any better pain relief than a drug contained in common headache tablets, according to an Australian study. The findings will come as a blow to groups advocating the legalisation of cannabis for medicinal purposes, who cite the drug's supposed pain-killing properties as one of its main therapeutic benefits. A study of the synthetic cannabis pill, Nabilone, found it gave patients no more pain relief than codeine, which is contained in over-the-counter headache pills and cold and flu tablets. Nabilone has been available as an anti-nausea treatment for cancer…
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