Nutrients and Mediums
1,312 topics in this forum
Organic nutrients
by Guest Wilderbud- 9 replies
I finally found some organic nutrients that I want to try soon so instead of losing the link again Im posting it here. Ill post some links to other organic nutes also while Im at it. Natures Own - Guano: [Aussie brand] Super Grow and Super Bloom Natures Taste: [the ones I want to try first] Organic Grow Organic Bloom Age Old Organics: Grow and Bloom FoxFarm Organics: Grow Big Big Bloom I dont know anything about these products yet Ive seen all but the one I want to try in local shops. Organic fertilizers can have their own thread - I might put some links up if I decide to try them later [ive used composted manures and they were good but its harder to get the ri…
- 20 replies
Hey guys i was given this bush bud wich was pretty pathetic not much of a high at all , anyway i was given a few fair seeds to try out ive put them in the backyard since the thc in his plant was pretty low im guessing myn will be to . Any idea's how i can get the thc level any higher ? .
Last reply by ladybirdbud, -
Baking mediums
by Guest Wilderbud- 3 replies
My clay balls are in the oven to bake for 15 mins and I was wondering if it was OK to do the same to my perlite? I gave them a good wash a few hours ago and now I need to dry them out [not enough sun in the plan].
- 5 replies
Being new to the hydro scene im in some need of some advice. I have a bag of coco mix and was wondering if u could use this in a bubbler system. Ie if the bottom of the pot was filled with geolite or vermiculite would this help. Im thinking coco will clog up the pump maybe even with geolite placed in the bottom of the pot? once again im only hypothesizing can coco be used in a bubbler system or what medium is recomended for this system Cheers
Last reply by AussieToka, -
- 6 replies
due to seeds germing really quick.....they have like 1 inch heads/tails with a helmut so i guess heads? i am starting grow officially today.on my way to pick up a 400 w light now, and some medium(probably rockwool) so i need as much advice as possible.o...and i guess i will get some nutrient too..... thankfully grow room in new home is unreal!!! turns out i can get mylar(or some other reflective canvas...silver on one side, green on the other for i have covered complete grow room space- like 2m by 1m by 1.5m in that. can a normal household fan do 4 now... if long do i leave it on a day??? i am really worried about heat in there...i have left some …
- 2 replies
I went to the garden center yesterday and I bought a 5kg bag of dynamic lifter, a 10kg bag of blood and bone and 4 25lt bags of potting mix. The potting mix was a bit expensive at $5.90 a bag, but it was really good quality stuff. I've got some big straw bales at home and some sheep shit that have been sitting around for about 2 years now and I was thinking that I could mix them together in the compost tumbler. What do you guys think? In what way should I use this stuff? Thanks, Marty
- 1 reply
I'm just about to get my first ever crop started. Because this is my first year I haven't thought to get compost ready before hand. However, I've got plenty of horse manure (fresh) to put in the soil. I'll be planting near a river, and the soil is pretty loamy, because it's mainly broken down plants from the river's edge. Is this good soil to be planting in? Would you recommend that I put some potting mix, dynamic lifter, etc into the soil?
Last reply by dexo, -
- 4 replies
g'day everyone hope yas are all travelling well. just a quickie. i see a number of growers like to use a urea tea(pissin in abottle) was just wondering about dilution rate. i've been using miracle grow every ay at a quarter strength. would a pee tea be better do yas often would you give the plant a hit. and should i still continue with foliar ferting i should mention that the soil they are in is made up of spent stable manure,blood n bone bit of lime and some sulphate of potash. bit of a long question really hey sorry about that. wade
Last reply by dexo, -
- 0 replies
Ive been talk that one of the nutrients has been linked to cancer and i dont know what-the site has been taken down and wondered if anyone out there ahs heard anything cuz i just stocked up!!
Last reply by hsvbud, -
- 8 replies
I can't seem to locate in Perth yet, the Canna Tera Vega, and Flore. I keep reading about it, but the couple of retailers I've tried don't have it. Have any Perthites seen it around? Info much appreciated.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Hi Can anyone help a frustrated pom, I am trying to find some info on Yield Master Sudden Impact, Price Manafacturer etc, any news greatly appreciated, Styl BD :mellow:
- 3 replies
just i quick question about cannazyme. im not sure how it works but as its been explained to me ; the enzymes from the cannazyme eat the dead plant material and other such nasties. well it seems to work well. But each time u dump ur res u dump the cannazyme. if u are using bubblers this becomes quite expensive. i know 1 alternative may be not to change my nutes. altenatively i was wandering if there is any way that the enzymes from the canazyme could be farmed in any way. i e putting the cannazyme in a bucket and giving material to feed on then adding some of this to the res periodically.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 7 replies
Greetings fellow Ozstonerz, Almost ready for my first indoor grow after spending a season or two outdoors. Obviously playing mother nature this time around is going to require a little more effort and one thing I want to remove the guesswork from is feeding my ladies. After doing a bit of reading through some of the older threads it appears that there is a consensus that the "truncheon" is the bees knees when it comes to nute meters. I was interested to hear what fellow growers are using and hear about the pro's & con's WRT different types of nute metering equipment. I've pretty much decided I'll get me a truncheon but don't know anyone whose got one so I…
- 4 replies
Hey everyone, I was just wanting to know how everyone uses Superthrive? I have a bottle here and I got some mix at 1ml/4L. I gave my clones a light spray with it before.... Only used like 100-200ml of the 4L Just wondering if I can keep spraying my clones with it til they root?? ATM they are only like 50% wet if I just spray them once or twice every few hours I won't burn them will I? Every spray has less then 10mL. I usually just do a few sprays above so it blows all over the clones (When im misting them with water). This way it always stays around 50% moist which is the best isn't it? Not to wet not to dry? If i just do the same with the superthrive mix will…
Last reply by red13, -
help plz
by Guest weekprik- 2 replies
OK guys and gals, Ive finally brought my own house, so I need to set up something more permanant and was thinking of using my double wardrobe, It has a power point inside the wardrobe but its mounted high so humidity etc isnt an issue, Iam thinking that I want to try my hand at growing in Coco, and my local store has $5-00 slabs of coco, thaty look like those sealed slabs of rockwool, A/ is Coco slabs ok for MJ??? b/ can I use my normal hydro nutes or do I have to buy those coco nutes?? hydro shop said it was fine to use whatever I currently use. c/ the closet has sliding doors at the moment, should I hang hindge doors instead? d/ Can I use a 1000m2 per hr hydr…