General Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
1,384 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I just put some newly sprouted seedlings under plastic the other day. To my horror I returned to them and half of them were missing their heads. Have I had insect problems, or do you reckon some prick has seen them and decided to half my grow? I can't imagine that they were found, so my suspicion is on the bugs. It couldn't have been birds because they wouldn't have been able to get in. What should I do to stop it happening again?
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 1 reply
The leaves on one of my plants are curling up slightly. What could this be from?
Last reply by boulder, -
Need Help
by Guest Wacked- 8 replies
G'day I've got a problem with 1 of me plants . I gave them there last dose of nuets last sunday and it seems to be thinning out around the top buds , it looks like some of the resin sacks have opened , Im not sure if I should pull it or wait , Im hoping that it will fattern up as the other 2 are still about a week away , should I wait and see what happens ? cheers Wacked
- 4 replies
hey im a n00b so please bear with me =) ok i planted a bout 12 seeds (outside) a few months a go, and since then the weather has been shit and there has basicly been no sunny days and i think my plants are feeling it most have died except bout 3. but those 3 now are starting to die on the ends of the leaves wot shood i do leave them outside in the rain, or put in my bedroom in a cubord with a light.? - they are a few inches tall with only two leaves - they have mixture of sheep/cow/etc manure on them please can anyone help that would be apreciated please dont take the piss, cause i dont know anything cause i know i dont =/ thanks!
Last reply by elessar,