Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
First Timer :) 1 2 3 4 6
by needforweed-
- 420 Crew
- 58 replies
Woke up to pleasantly find these... What is the earliest i can relocate these to the bush? Thanks !
Last reply by Naycha, -
Hey all, Just a couple of pics of my outdoor run this year. 10 Ingrid clones. I'm going to try to get them into flower earlier this year, about mid Jan if possible. I'll make up a black hood soon as i know how high they are going to get then it'll be a case of hood on 8pm, hood off 8am thru to probably mid to late febuary. They will be planted in another week or 2, for now they can stay as they are in the bush. I wanted to get them off the veranda, tomorrow i'll get some clear tree bags to keep them a little warmer hopefully. Last year i tried out some veggie bags which didn't do any better than being in the ground except that come Autum i was able to move them indoors…
Last reply by sandchu, -
- 14 replies
Outdoors (obviously). Strain: Afghan x pure sativa. First crossed 2001 Inbred consistently since then. Ratio males to fems: <30% Hermies this year: 0 Dominant characteristics: tall, robust. Floral, sativa odour.
Last reply by canetoad, -
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
Hi guys Apologies for the stupid title to this post but wasn't sure how to word the question succinctly. Basically I am growing one plant in my suburban backyard and my neighbours are close. When my baby flowers I am worried it might smell a bit and am thinking I might move it to a spot in my yard a bit further from the neighbours place. However the spot I have picked out will maybe get an hour or two of direct sunlight a day. Obviously this isn't good, so my question is more how bad is it? Cheers legends.
Last reply by manic, -
- 8 replies
Wow, first let me say, i've been reading topics on here for hours, and now i feel completely daunted... i thought i knew what i was doing, but boy have i got a lot to learn!! Firstly, i guess, i was hoping for some advice - i have had a plant growing outdoors since september, didn't do anything really at first (i thought it had been stunted somehow - cold snap maybe) it was tiny for months, then started moving along... of course its now flowering given its autumn but its still only a little thing. Its leaves have also started to curl up and dry on the plant, i don't know why!!! I water and fert alternately, however, i'm not sure i gave it enough now. When i used to gr…
Last reply by canetoad, -
Outdoor Grow 1 2 3
by globenz-
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
Hey guys, haven't been on here for a while as I have had weed to smoke now that I dont thought I would grow another plant. So here it is. Were moving soon so thats why its in a little pot as soon as I move im repotting it with the best soil I can give it. Lets see if I can show yas how us kiwis grow...
Last reply by globenz, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, Figured I'd post up some flicks of my girls as no one seems to have photos or any info on growing this specific strain, Aussie Blue. These were some free seeds i got online with a couple of indicas, I couldnt grow outdoors at the time so I gave them to my cousin, a season later I got a few thousand seeds back. Now I can grow, and honestly im pretty sick of spending 3-4k a year on buds, hopefully this years harvest tides me over for the full year, I think theres a pound there, maybe These plants are actually really old, I planted them around June last year so I could sex them before putting all my effort into just 2 plants (if i do get caught, i can argue pe…
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Had a lot of trouble with seeds from Bonza. Total of 8 didn't germinate and it was early January before I had any success. This one is AK47 and seems to me is growing really slowly. Should I be feeding it anything? I usually spray Seasol-powerfeed on them once they flower. Grew bag seed last year and got a 6ft monster in 3.5 months. Good smoke but seedy. That's why I bought from a bank this year but am having no success. Any help or tips are greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Pass, -
- 5 replies
Probably wait till your blazed as me to read this but ... How much do you love weed In my life I've realised how lucky I am to be able to smoke and enjoy weed . You always have the haters who see anyone who smokes weed as some fucked stoner ... but I know I'm a better person because of weed ... It's done so much good for me . If your smoking every second every day your giving it a bad rep for the rest of us , but yeah used properly weeds definantly a gift for the best people Hahah I'm going to have a joint now smoke kalashnikova if u get a chance Its been crazy D.D
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
My bonza seeds have arrives. Sick! I have 10 but only want to grow 1. What are the odds of planting 1 and have it grow? Also, how do I store the rest for next year?
Last reply by tangwena, -
- 10 replies
G'day all, I've got an indoor hydro flood and drain system that is governed by the natural light cycle. I've just had a few environmental and non environmental influences over my crop and the plants have started to show sex. I'm not sure if this is just an immature reaction to the influences or are my plants wanting to start the flowering cycle. My recent crop influences are as follows, http://forums.cannabisculture.com/forums/images/graemlins/default/Pothead.gif Based in S/E QLD season http://forums.cannabisculture.com/forums/images/graemlins/default/Pothead.gif shed with translucent roof http://forums.cannabisculture.com/forums/images/graemlins…
Last reply by D.R.S.D, -
Finely my nuts arrived on Saturday , bought x 8 autofem Northern lights after some heavy research from my mates back in the UK. I have 5 weeks until max daylight of 15 hrs 32 mins so it needs to get as big as it can in that time . I soaked them from Saturday and they are now at home (2 of them) in a 50 ltr pot. Its a mix of soil, tomato compost and organic compost all about 33% mix. Its to be hot the next couple of days so i will keep it in the shade for a while, and move it out when i think they can handle the sun. Munchy
Last reply by munchy, -
- 2 replies
So, slowly getting the hang of things... Wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for making a good soil mix for the next planned grow/clone attempt... I guess something along the lines of mixing some coco and soil (?) with added goodies (calcium etc) to provide the nutrients (as opposed to liquid feeding the nutes and soil which will wash out easier/seems a bit less effective?) Growing outdoors in pots. I'm sure there is tons of info on this stuff around but it gets hellishly confusing
Last reply by Bonquisha Fullcone, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys and Just become a member , and what are great site it is full of very good info , ,,, (wish i found it 2 months ago ) anyways started my first grow end of november for a number reasons the main being price and avalibility of weed in perth ,,, A friend of mine gave me some seeds That i literally chucked into a pot with a frangipanni and forgot about it ,,,, 2 weeks later i had 35 little seedlings That i cut down to about 8 ,, and tranfered them into a small pot and left for another week or so ,, I gave 6 away and kept the best looking 2 I then transplated the 2 into a 60l bin ,,, with organic potting mix , worm castings, mushroom mulch , blood and bone .. I ha…
Last reply by buzzo, -
- 420 Crew
- 29 replies
So, seems to be something a bit funky going on with these, and I don't want it to get to a point of no return and total death ! I'm guessing its a deficiency of some sort, and my gardening is hit and miss inexperienced and often impatient haha ! Some of the leaves seem to be burning up a bit/yellowing. The plants are in some smaller pots nestled within larger pots and walled with some straw/soill (to keep them cool outdoors in this lovely summer weather we are having of late) Soil is just "Baileys Premium Potting Mix" and I've on and off watered them with a small mix of Seasol diluted with distilled water. For the most part its been distilled water all the way, but, h…
Last reply by Syb3 rm3nt41_%20, -