Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 26 replies
Evening all. I'm in the planning stage for the coming seasons outdoor grow, and I'm after some advice from the guru's. Last season I grew out bush in some too shallow holes filled with some composted horse poop. Since it was my first real go at growing the plants really suffered. I ended up with two 4.5 foot tall females and got about 5oz of dried pretty decent but fluffy buds. these are some pics of my two plants http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/12/69f82f63adba49e6fd157f7e8742de8a.jpg http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/12/8b93e1211c841b2a8cf58fb9366ed440.jpg This year I've ordered some SSS rather than using bag seed. So I'm wanting to do it as right as…
Last reply by torrietree, -
- 420 Crew
- 43 replies
Heya Guys, seen a lot of questions around about Outdoor growing and Photoperiods (I had some myself.hehe) , and thought this may be of interest to people wanting to know questions like..... When do I put my plants out?................................ If I put them out now already vegged , will they flower or RE-Veg?............................. How early do I have to put my plants out to have Christmas buds?.......................... Can I plant out of season?.................. Etc, Etc....... Please be aware that these guys grow in the Northern Hemisphere , so Months are not applicable here and latitude may vary depending on your location........ Quote: …
Last reply by old toke, -
- 13 replies
Hi guys, where I'm looking to plant is in a paddock and there's only a few big trees around it and what not and from the sky it would be quite open... If I got something like this to go over my grow (like a roof) would it still let enough light through and also disguise it enough? Cheers http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161112/f62c842518a395d4f2e5204823421c4e.jpghttp://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161112/cf9e798b1255d3e160c9c42f40e48801.jpg Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by sunseeker, -
- 9 replies
quick question , how old should the plants be before they are taken out bush? whats your preferences ?
Last reply by Kooriblackpython, -
- 2 replies
from plants that popped up beside my verandah first rain after last autumn's cleaning and trimming. not so resinous but excellent result for little work. can't remember the varieties. could be this could be that.
Last reply by slicker1, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
this will be my first serious grow attempt , i only had bagseed for this plant but have done some research and ordered seeds (sss all star pack) from SSS seeds so they should be coming soon , this bagseed plant is around two weeks old , and was started in crappy soil , but i just transplanted to a soil , coco and perlite mix , trying to figure out if its sativa or indica , i had a mate grow from the same batch of seeds and his are showing sex as female so fingers crossed meant to top 30 c plus today wondering if plants can handle the heat cheers what else should i be doing cheers in advance
Last reply by Kooriblackpython, -
- 11 replies
Hi guys I'm looking to just build a tent to start root clones and germinate my seeds. I was just wondering if something with just these things would be sufficient? Cheers -small heater -heat mat -tent -fan -4 tube t5 grow light
Last reply by Carnage, -
- 31 replies
Hey everyone this is my current outdoor grow the seed is either special queen 1 or special kush 1 now i have run into a slight problem with it the last few days which im pretty confident is overwatering, now i started it in a smallish paper cup and cut most of it off and transplanted it into its final pot, which i dont know how many litres it is but i would say its a good 20 litre pot, now keep in mind its about 3.5 weeks old i think but is pretty small i dont know why exactly but the soil im using is organic soil with about 50 percent perlite mixed in there, anyway heres some pictures guys enjoy any criticism is good criticism
Last reply by brick, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys I live near Melbourne and I'm looking to grow outdoors, when would be the best time to plant outdoors? Cheers
Last reply by slicker1, -
- 8 replies
planted some beans a few days ago and now im starting to get a bit worried they will start going to flower because i planted them to early is this possible?
Last reply by cutloose, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, I had grand plans this year... In january I ordered over 25 femisised seeds, in hope to use some of the lantana surrounded 4-5 acres free....eventually, after hopeful cloning ...??? It took till JULY to be finally refunded, and I NEED to take advantage like NOW/asap, of a spare surrounded paddock I have access too atm. I have horses , and dogs as a 'reason' to be in said paddock near me. Idea was to put established seedlings in areas that were suitable. Sadly, I spent over $200- a LOT of $ for me, and I've been scared to order since. I once ordered from Bonza....never arrived and that time I was silly and stupidly didnt have registered poat. So....PL…
Last reply by Daggy1, -
- 1 reply
Well it's grow time again, has been for a bit but its been a real wet sept and start to October here and i have had a few fuck ups and mishaps already. Last year i had issues with water and pots being i had to water twice a day for a quite a stretch, so this year i mad a soil that held more water but was still friable. This sounded good but has been a pain in the arse with the weather as you will see from the pics. So my plan for next year with the early starters is for drier soil then into the banging hot summer soil when it warms up as the soil is too wet and with the rain is holding too much, so a 2 soil plan is for next year. SLUGS i moved my pots to a new area in…
Last reply by Kooriblackpython, -
- 3 replies
how do some people hide there plants while growing outdoors? either in there backyard or the out bush.
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 4 replies
My buddy just bought a drone so he can scope out the best grow spots in the area. He jokingly said to me that come harvest time he was going 'ripping crops'. I think (hope) he was joking anyway. Karma bites dudes like this hard, but it did get me thinking. We put in all the effort, the long days, the watering, feeding, monitoring and all the risk, what's stopping someone (or police) employing this crazy cheap technology and having one days risk and all the reward? This boggles my mind as nothing will be truly hidden. The laws relating to drones have recently been relaxed too, making it very appealing for people to purchase one. I'm not too sure about going o…
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 6 replies
Hi all. My plants are getting smashed by bugs, yesterday i saw a lot of little green crickets on them. What should i use to solve this? The plants are in pots in my backyard, amongst my garden which has a few other plants in it. Thanks ✌
Last reply by Cobbs Oner,