Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 4 replies
Im a newbie grower and my first time growing i totally stuffed up and ended up with nothing. Im just wondering which strains grow best outdoors? Im thinking about getting Durban Poison good choice or bad?
Last reply by swampmoss, -
Hey all, Ok maybe this is just paranoia kicking in But my plants little buds are tiny! and sticky as shit . I'm in Victoria (western) and wondering how much longer they have to grow thick? Its got me worried that i'll be left with all these tiny buds! Any ideas waht ferts i could apply while flowering?
Last reply by wade ounce, -
- 5 replies
Gday first post. I've been checking this site for ever though, and I certainly know the people here but no one knows me.. anyway I got three beautiful females in pots, all about three feet high, and budding off the hinges, I'm using charlie carp and want to know if anyone else uses it? how much should i be using of it? currently I feed them nutes three times a month and water them once every three days or so, they grow in a mixture of a sandy loam and coconut fibre. thanx.. and peace out!
Last reply by expansion, -
- 3 replies
someone on here told me that you can grow plants outside in winter but the frost destroys the buds. so if i grew in winter just to get leaves to make honey oil, would this be a good idea?
Last reply by My dad smokes weed, -
- 2 replies
Ive never grown dope but considering I smoke a fair bit I was wanting to give it a try! I had a bag of seeds that Ive collected that I sowed in the vegie garden around Jan. To be honest I totally forgot about them untill yesterday when I was picking some tomatoes I noticed this little satvia plant around 3 " tall. Can someone please tell me considering that its April, and that I live in Melbourne, would this plant continue to grow / flower? I also would like to know which strains are the best for outdoor growing and where I can get them from? Thanks!
Last reply by Noob Grower, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Gudday dudes, Here's a few pics of a couple of SPC Indica that i grew from seed. They were sent to me by a generous O.S member when i first joined up. Cheers heaps I found these an excellent strain to grow being very hardy and requiring mimimal maintenance and average water requirements. Also very easy to clone. It is super resonous with a very strong fruity like smell. Unfortunately my digie as shit quality and doesn't give this plant justice. Take it easy wade
Last reply by wade ounce, -
what would be a good strain for a active happy lauging high
- 2 replies
hi to all you ozstoners out there!i am new to this site and game.novice smoker who wants to grow 1-2 plants in my backyard,but i am not sure about the type i should be using as a beginner.sort of looking for a bulletproof breed that is also not going to kill me when i smoke it,if ya know what i mean.i enjoy reading your post and info keep up the good work
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Here it is! It may not be the best plant btu eh its for my own use so i'll survive!
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 3 replies
Hey, I have just started to grow in my mate's backyard. He just got some seeds from some good ganj we bought, planted them, and pretty much let the plant grow by itself - this is the first time we have attempted to grow our own. Anyway, I went away for a month and a half, and I came back expecting a large green lump of bud, and I was sorely disappointed. You can see the plant at this link. Anyway, it has been growing since the start of January, and this is as big as it has got. What are we doing wrong? We have put some OzMaCote fertilizer to feed it, and we water the plant every day. NOTE: ever since I came back, I suggested that the plant be moved out of the plac…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 6 replies
excus my ignorance but im not to sure on when th season is xactlly. Silly really but evry i know says somthing different caus they dumb fucks and i wouldnt mind knowing. Im pretty sure next outdooor season is coming up. ANyone know?
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Can can anyone tell me the best way to cure my plant when its pulled, or provide a link to another topic/FAQ ? Secondly has anyone tried letting the plant dry out to the point of wilting, the giving it a drink and pulling it out shortly after it appears it has recovered ? My theory is that because the plant is thirsty and has a strong ability to mobilise water from its roots that it may in the process of rehydrating pull every bit of resin/oil into the buds & leaves ?
- 7 replies
Can anyone tell me if my plant is ready to be pulled out or has it got a bit longer to go ?
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 1 reply
Can anyone tell me if my plant is ready to be pulled out.
Last reply by F420, -
- 1 reply
what time of the yr should i plant mj i live in south west sydney
Last reply by Luke Skywalker,