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Pics Of Dirty's First Grow

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yeah, just about to harvest( she is upside down as we speak). Guess i got the camera at the right time. the buds are pretty sticky and have a bizarre citrus like smell. All the leaves around the buds are totally covered in a shiny resin too.


I have pinched a few little buds of her and they smoked up nicely, even though I dried them in the oven. Fairly cerebral and uplifting early on. Me and mrs d ran amock on her Bday weekend in town, pissing ourselves at everything. Doesn't seem to be too trippy which is cool.


I made a wicked batch of cookies the other weekend ( about 4 times as potent as the last ones). Mrs D ate a whole one and started to spin out when we were watching a vid ( Ice cube in next friday). Needless to say, it was fucking hilarious.


I haven't had much time to fuck about on the net lately, been busy with uni and work and Mrs d( hahaha).

SJ she can't do any better than the dirtbag..........I'm numero uno baby


later fuckers


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