Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 10 replies
hey this will be my first grow if i go ahead with this one i was wondering if it would be to late to start to grow a crop? a mate of mine has already got 10 nice little plants going they are about 15 cm tall. i live in tasmania and was wondering if there would be enough time for them to mature? they say show day is grow day and im already a few weeks late. any help would be apreciated thanx
Last reply by devus, -
- 6 replies
G'day people, I threw a seed from some bud I had, in a pot a coupla months ago, and this is the result. I'm gunna use it as a sorta guinnea pig before I focus on hydro. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, maybe stress the sh#t out of it? :scratchin
Last reply by FlowerPower, -
- 8 replies
any one got any info on how to grow mj bonzis
Last reply by wilderbud, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
ey, just wondering i wanna grow but its not possible for me to grow at home. I got some seedlings coming up and i was wondering would it be ok to put them into pots and leave them in the backyard of an abandoned place neer me? or should i put it inside someone elses back fence? or maybe even in a park or something like an allyway? is there anyone who can help me? i live in the suburbs. cheers.
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 2 replies
Hi there, I have a real stupid question??? How long does it take a plant to grow before you can smoke it?? I have just started a couple of seeds and this is my first time growing? And what is the earliest that you can determine the sex of the plant?
Last reply by thatswho, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hey all ... As some of you know my friend started a couple plants 3 - 5 weeks ago ... looks like we got 3 females and one strange looking one ( suspected hermie or male ) well he asked me to give him some indoor nutrients ( GROWRITE 2 part nutes ) and he fed it to his plants twice and lots of it ... well the plants seem to love it and have grown vigorously in the last week but one of thems got red hairs growing on two of the branches ( first set of leaves from the top ). Ohh i forgot to mention he's growing in soil from the backyard and thats it nothing else besides from 2 feeds of indoor nutes and plain water. All the seeds are bagseeds too ... Is this a strain thi…
Last reply by sLiM sHiFty, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hey guy's, does anyone know how to speed up the re-vegging process outside? I took 20 odd cuttings of MAZAR (afghan x skunk) and rooted them under fluoros 24/7 then I hardened them off for 2weeks in my hothouse before putting them out on October 20 (Tassie) As soon as they went outside they went into bloom and although they have grown about 12inches since, they are still budding! Does anyone know of anyway to speed up the re-vegging process? ideas please? cheers
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
heres a few pics a mate gave me, various strains at 4 weeks flower
Last reply by kellman, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, im growing a plant outdoor this summer, and i keep finding like leaves that look eat, and other leaves with holes in the them, mostly the lower leaves, and today i found what seemed to be a mosquito underneath a leaf on my plant, anyone know how i can try counter these problems? thx!
Last reply by cray-zay-one, -
- 1 reply
Eh alls do you think there is any chance of gettin busted if I have about 8 plants in the back yard in a row, theyll be tied down and all but the surrounding area is basically dry sand literally!!! yellow. Once things get started there and they start getting watered, weeds and other stuff will grow around It too wont It. Whats a good method to stay safe?
Last reply by sLiM sHiFty, -
- 4 replies
hey all .... recently my friend started growing (obviously, outdoors) and in the last week or soo something has been eating the leaves. He asked me to check em out (friends a first timer grower) they were brown bugs about half the size of a 5 cents and they looked kinda like ladybugs ... sorry guys no cam. Do these little pest sound familiar to anyone ?? and if its possible id like to know an organic cure (since the smoko is for medical) but if this is not possible i'll settle for a synthetic cure. ~ peace out
Last reply by sLiM sHiFty, -
- 5 replies
Hey there fellow stoners Well, my girls are all in the ground now but these little brown striped GRASSHOPPERS or Crickets about 3mm in length are eating the fuck out of my plants. the plants are all about 1 1/2ft tall (sexed girls indoors) and are otherwise quite lovely but I;m worried I'm gonna lose em to these bastards. does anyone have any advice Cheers and Peace
Last reply by ReeferMadness, -
- 5 replies
Been in for about 5 weeks...To much water???
Last reply by F420, -
- 0 replies
eh all sup Well Im about to go down to bunnings to get some composted minure( I should be able to follow the general with that to work into the ground and not burn the roots yeah, there is no special rule is there?) to work into the ground, What other products do you think I should use eg water crystals.....etc (brand names would be helpfull) and also since the forecast says its going to rain the next couple days when I plant the seeds I am going to need to protect them whats the best method for that. Do you think If i got 2l bottles and cut the botoms off and poked holes in the top that would be ample. The simplest way would be the one I want as I dont have time to go …
Last reply by The Chronic, -
- 3 replies
Can anyone help me out on this one please,i want to clone my outdoor plants so i can sex them early but need a few questions answered please,firstly how big as a minimum would my plants have to be before i can take a cutting to clone?and secondly once i have cloned them and have them in a grow box for raising clones(just a small one)how big would i need to grow them before reducing the lighting period and forcing them into flowering? Cheers
Last reply by scat32,