General cannabis hemp cultivation information and discussions that don't have a particular forum.
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- 4 replies
G'day So I have a small grow tent 50 X 90 X 160 Small footprint but bit of height, most I could go. Looking to get a small fan, obviously need to get air in there, but I'm only looking for min to just change the air, I don't need carbon, no neighbours to worry about, and I don't want something noisy. Was thinking a better computer fan, taped onto duct, then use a short piece of pipe over the duct, to give it some rigidity to tighten the two vent drawcords over. Really want to try avoid a huge axial inline fan, as have space, noise, and financial limitations. Anyone?? Cheers
Last reply by Thewalrus88, -
- 1 reply
Hi all Its my first grow & i am wondering when can i switch to flowering? A video in the below link for your to tell me ypur thoughts weather i can switch to flowering or not? Hoping that my plant is a female of course! Shes more than 10 weeks old but faceed few growing problems during that period & now shes much more healthier (thanks to voodoo juice). https://youtu.be/__ac-IhKOkY Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by joe221, -
ordered from Seedman and now I'm scared customs have them. Normally when I order I get the message on my tracking saying "arrived awaiting clearance (inbound)" but it changes to "item processed" within about an hour, but its been like this for days, I am worried customs have it and I am worried about the consequences. Does "arrived awaiting clearance (inbound)" mean customs have it? and with it being on that message for a few days mean they have found the seeds? thanks guys.
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 1 reply
Girls late in flower outdoors when mother nature takes a turn for the worse. You pop the only gazebo available, which unfortunately does not have a nice clear cover the allow sun to penetrate. What are the negative effects of having the girls out of direct sunlight for multiple days in a row vs protecting them from possible rain showers on overcast days? Is the ambient sunlight enough to still trigger day/night conditions or will they wig out if kept under the gazebo for too long?
Last reply by fred_hawk, -
- 11 replies
Hi I read these words today; If you want to see explosive growth then you will also need to bubble your water. To do this just use an aquarium air pump and air stone. You place the stone in the water and allow bubbles to pas through it. The water should be bubbled for at least 12 hrs. By bubbling the water you allow oxygen to be dissolved in the water which is highly beneficial for the roots.The concept is simple and seems to be worth looking into more. I was wondering has anyone done this. This meaning bubbled the water for 12 hours before adding to plants. Can you say there was any explosive** growth as the article noted Cheers
Last reply by stickymickey, -
- 17 replies
Gday crew Bloody spider mites on my plants !! Noticed fine webbing between leaves and stems and buds ..... I’ve sprayed with some dish washing detergent in a spray bottle - any other methods people have tried and tested ?? Still got 5 weeks before harvest! Thanks in advance legends
Last reply by Carbcon, -
Any one tell me whats going on with my plant. Leaves dont look green. Has a slight brownness to them. Im growing in coco Temp is constant at 25c with 55 humidty. I just started neauts yesturday as i was told thats what they needed. Leaves are seriously drooping. I was watering every 4-5 days everytime it felt light. Any suggestions? Hopefully the neuts fix it up. cheers
Last reply by Matanuska Thunder, -
This contest is open to ALL oz sroners members; there are NO restrictions at all on environment / equipment / method, only the container size. (The primary rule being that roots must remain entirely inside Big M at all times). The true purpose of the contest in my eyes is to drive participation & cooperation on the site and bring members together in a spirit of sharing knowledge and experiences of growing in tiny containers. RULES Read Closely 1) All participants must use an individual BIG M(either the 300ml or 600ml only) Keep the original label on there, and show it in a photo if you plan on covering it later. 2) All participants will use a clone, seed, or …
Last reply by pedro de pacas, -
- 5 replies
Hiya, Has anyone had any experiance with these 2 products ? Cant decide wich one to get to monitor my reservoir. Thanks Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by papasmurf999, -
- 10 replies
Hi guys, This is my very first post. Today is the 25th February on the north coast NSW. If I started seeds todays would I actually get a crop albeit small perhaps? My son has cancer unfortunately and has a "compassionate use" from the Justice department so I need to ensure that his weed is as clean and organic as possible. Any advice is greatly appreciated . Regards Wearthefoxhat
Last reply by wearthefoxhat, -
- 5 replies
This is Turners Bush, seems like two are sprouting from the same seed. Also they might be a bit drowned from all the recent rain..sorta need it during the day anyway getting really hot here. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by NobleStoner, -
- 420 Crew
- 36 replies
Come on don't be shy, show us or tell us your best effort I can't play, because i don't do GPW only OPC or PPY I'll start with me last almost full run indoors, cuttings of last years outside plants. They were a sickly bunch of small under-watered fuckers, just starting to head when they went inside, 1000w HPS se ended up with 1150 grams or 1.15 GPW, wont mention what i used to get using Co2 and the mover haven't really grown inside for 5/6 years
Last reply by pedro de pacas, -
New to forum 1 2
by Cab00se-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hi guys, new to the forum. Thought id introduce myself. Im a beginner grower thats just starting out. Im currently growing indoors in a tent using coco. In the tent im using a sunstorm 315w cmh, carbon extractor and automated pumps. Im using a Pulse one monitor to manage all my vpd and other values. Currently just finished germination and have a tiny little seedling sticking out of my starter. Hopefully i can move this to the tent using 50% of the light at about 1 meter away. Cheers!!! Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by gazza308, -
- 10 replies
Hi all! i posted up back in April Sloppy, Lazy, Basic first time grow where i had for the first time actually started a planted. its been 6 months and i actually went back in that thread for an update every now and then. i've reached a point where my plant has definitely flowered but i'm not sure if i should harvest yet or not. so from the reading i've done i still can't decide if its ready or not. i haven't noticed much change for a couple of weeks. the main thing i've read is that when the pistils turn red/brown they're ready but i cannot identify the pistils and i'm worrying that i'm overshooting harvest time. are the pistils the little orange hairs we can see…
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hi all Complete noob here. Have had a successful germination as of yesterday from the one, lone seed that was by luck found in the dregs of my stash. Have my fingers crossed that the plant will be female. Would like to know if what I have read online about males growing seed pods actually means that I will be able to harvest those seeds and potentially from them grow a female. Or if I should just bin it and look elsewhere to get hold of more seeds. Thanks Tangy
Last reply by Tangles, -