General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
by JohnSimpson- 4 replies
I’m honestly sorry I have to waste good people’s time and this is probably in the wrong place. But, I need some help please because I know f-all, but also because I’m colourblind. My friends smoke putrid PGR bud and don’t understand the consequences. I’ve been trying to stop them for years, even showing them high quality strains, but they are in the “anything is good to smoke” mindset that probably makes people on this forum shiver and shudder in disgust. -it has barely any smell, even when grinded, and if it does, it’s that revolting ammonia like smell that’s associated with PGR, but they obviously don’t believe me, so is this bud PGR? ( I apologise in advance for was…
Last reply by GiggleBush45, -
First grow
by shez93-
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
White rhino outdoor, First time growing She’s getting so bushy, I’m loving it! Thoughts on how she looks if I should be doing something I’m not, some people have told me I should start tying her down abit I forgot the word for it but yeah should I? Should I start trimming, or just let her be ? Thanks guys appreciate it Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by rickthestonerman, -
- 420 Crew
- 979 replies
I'd like to start a discussion about organic growing, particularly using living organic soils, pro-biotic and no-till growing techniques. I build artisan quality living organic soil at a semi-commercial scale and would love to hear from the general community. Cheers!
Last reply by Gardenlady, -
- 5 replies
Hi there folks! Getting some seeds for my Dad to grow who is in chronic pain. Even if he does go to a Dr to get the meds I believe its very pricey if he were to be prescribed with it so we have taken the route of seeds. I therefore wondered if anyone can help advise me as to: What soil What food Amount of water per day Temperatures Indoors or outdoors Fans needed? How much darkness / light etc Very new to this and need some guidance if possible folks Thanks!!
Last reply by stonher, -
- 1 reply
Hi all Wondering what the best setup is for correct drainage is? Currently have saucer under pot growing in soil/compost mix. Obviously pooling is not ideal and looking for a better solution. Thanks Pictures would help. Cheers Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by micmac, -
- 0 replies
Another please move if not right. I have a Arizer solo 2 only used twice for sale. $180 for a quick sale. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Lolly2, -
- 0 replies
I wasn’t able to put this in classifieds so I hope it’s okay to place this here [emoji120]. I have a 2mx1mx1m jungle box elite tent with silver inner for sale. It is as new as I only put it up but never got as far as actually getting more equipment and using it. I also have a small led green torch also brand new I can throw in with it. I payed $315 from varsity lakes and am willing to let it go for $230 or nearest offer. It is a quality tent being the elite series with zero light leaks. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Lolly2, -
- 1 reply
First grow guys she’s really starting to bush out now, Some people have said I should start tying her down theirs another word for it but I forgot, should I? Should I trim or just let her be and do her thang cause to be honest I’ve used nothing and done nothing but give her water and pot Ashe and once I gave her blood and bone but apart from that it’s all her! Let me know what you think guys appreciate it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by Serrated edge, -
- 1 reply
Hi. I know how to use colloidal silver to make seeds from a fem plant, BUT can I make it seed without using any chemical? I have planted two Gelato OG. and they are a good 2 weeks into flower (flipped on the 7th Jan) and went to germinate a couple more and I dropped them on my carpet - yep a dark coloured one. The chance of finding them is zero and I am fairly sure it is too late to use colloidal on them now. How can I turn one of them to produce seeds? If I just leave them will they eventually turn? This is the girl I want seeds from. Is she too far in flower?
Last reply by doctor_nelson, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone, Just want to hear some feedback as to how she’s looking and if I should be tying her down about it, dunno what I’m doing or what I should be doing or even if I should be doing anything at all! Let me know what you’s are thinking Took all the photos today! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by shez93, -
- 4 replies
Hi all Unfortunately I’m going to have to pull my plants early this year due to circumstances I can’t avoid! Frustrating to say the least! Outdoor grow in vic. My questions are; •Is there anything I can do now to promote early flower development? Ideally something from the local hardware store. •Are there any tips for what I should be doing knowing this tragedy is unfolding? [emoji22] •Looking like I’ll have to pull them mid to late feb. thanks in advance Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by BaysideHaze, -
Hi all! This organic no till malarkey interests me so I said I'd give it a go! Mixed up a 60ish L batch earlier. My mix is an experiment and was kind of a mix of what I could get at the time and some dr greenthumbs stuff. It comprises of; 12l Brunnings Coco from Bunnings, flushed 4 times. 5l Brunnings Peat Moss 3l Scott's organic compost. Picked some wood chip out. 20l Scoria stone 20l Worm castings I then added the following; I'm taking a cup as 250ml. 2 cups (before grinding) of Malted 2 row Barley from brew shop. 1 cup Neem pellets ground from nobugs. 1 cup Kelp meal. 1 cup Alfalfa meal. 1 cup Crustacean meal. 1 cup Coconut meal. 2 cups Volcanic Ro…
Last reply by BaysideHaze, -
- 0 replies
Using knowledge shared by Master Cho in the field of KNF and passed onto me by Mr Heavy Dayze I cultivated some IMO’s using some old forest soil that I sourced locally. Basically you’re using a medium, in this case rice, to draw microbes out of the dirt which will then be used to enhance the microbe life in your dirt through a number of ways. I basically stop at the IMO1 stage which is what I’ve got pictured and then add that to my compost pile but there are a number of ways to skin this kitty. You can even skip this step entirely and just add your indigenous dirt to a compost tea to accelerate your microbe population but I was pleased with my results from the IMO1 …
Last reply by BaysideHaze, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, wondering if anyone has had success sending seeds to Tasmania or know of a source in Tassie. Have bought seeds on the mainland but worried about Tassie bio security. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Dingo-2008, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, So it’s my first grow about and about 2 weeks ago I gave my plant which is outdoor and I’m pretty sure it’s a clone of white widow, blood and bone for the first time, before that I had just been watering her frequently and haven’t used anything else or gave it anything else, but since using blood and bone I’ve noticed some of my leaves starting to turn brown, curling and it being really dry on the tips of the leaves, I’ve attached some photos, Can someone help me with what they think is going on and how I can fix this and what is the best thing I can do as I’m really unsure I’ve never done this before and I don’t want it to fuck my plant if I haven’t alre…
Last reply by shez93,