General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 1 reply
This email is not a spam, but rather a means for me to share my experiences with fellow growers etc. The video is for sale at $29.95 and will be available for distribution shortly. For a sneak preview go to Click on the circle link below the photo window. Not the button on the left hand side of the page. The site is not finished yet! growing green gold
- 11 replies
I think they are roots. They came out of one of my plants a few weeks ago and i didnt think abything of it. Now all my plants are doing it. (does anyone know what i'm talking about?) I'm pretty sure they are roots soooo.....If they are, should i be filling my pots up over them? they look wierd........
Last reply by Yam9000Studio, -
hey all just wondering when should buds start to smell, i ask because my buds are a little bigger than a bic lighter (just to give you an idear on size) and that have no smell to them yet, as i said it mite sound dumb but when i have grown outside the buds are only the size of a marble thay have got a smell to them with in door dose the smell take longer or is it the type of plant it is i just dont know so any and all advice would be grate bong on aussie ozmade
Last reply by white_cluster, -
high started spending my budget of 3 grand , sum people may think it's kinda rich but hey i'm far from it ..... i just think it's gonna cost that much to set up in the end . lets see , any input would be great *** grow room done ***seeds in transit .......102 euro bud - 10 g13hp- 12 skunk- 20 widow-20 very berri 1-20 shit -20 so i'm in for 525 dollars already
Last reply by everest, -
- 2 replies
howdy all, i have recentley read that in australia it is unlikley that you would get busted for 1 or 2 plants, due to the paperwork the cops have to fill out. unless u have been reported to the police, therefore they have to bust you. :angry: just wanted to get some other persons veiws on this. as i always thought you would get busted no matter what???? peace & light. echo junkies.
Last reply by DingoGrowa, -
what to do 1 2 3
by Ozzy420-
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
Hey all well it looks like my first grow under lites i have a hermie i was looking at my plant this morning and on a couple of thr brabchers i saw a few or what look like male pollon balls starting to grow but ommost of the plant is all the white hairs that you get when it starts to bud, now what i want to know is if i leave it, as it is the only plant i have what will happen will a get a plant full of seed, more seed than bud or will there just be a few seeds. I have been reading that you should just pull them out, so any advice on this would be grate bong on aussie thanking all ozmade
Last reply by sweetjane_au, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, I want to start keeping some mums for future clones but i need some help on keeping them alive. I will have 4 under 3 CF's, Do i need more light?. They are in dirt so i dont have to care for them to much. How often do i feed? and at what strength do i feed?. At the moment i have some Miracle-Gro 15, 13.1, 12.4, Will this be ok or should i use something else?. I will also be adding some more CF's in the future, The size of space is, 2ft x 1 1/2ft x 2ft high. Thanks heaps, Much appreciated, Paranoid.
Last reply by Paranoid, -
Moving house 1 2
by Buster- 13 replies
Hi all, I got a problem.... and before you ask it has nothing to do with any sexual diseases! I'm gunna be moving house soon and I've got to think of the best way to go about it from a growers perspective. My 9 plants are still in veg and will probably be about 1ft by the time I have move. I have thought about taking clones from each plant and then flowering them to determine sex and then pulling them, that way I just have all female clones to start with from scratch once I'm settled. I haven't had a joint for months and I think it would bring tears to my eyes to have to kill 'em. I think the main problems are smell (as they are starting to stink even in veg) a…
Last reply by Tom, -
Gday all.Im off to holland in a couple of weeks,and was wondering how to get seeds home.I know not send to send them directly to my house,but what i would like to no is should i send them from say rotterdam etc so as to not have the "stigma" of a Amsterdam addy.Also how should i wrap them?would sending them from Canada be a better bet as a flight from uk/holland is realativly cheap(i also havnt been there)any help would be great,im not after a smugglers guide,but i will over there and why not gwt the best stock you can cheers slash
Last reply by slash_co, -
- 4 replies
just wondering,, what ph does mj like, and does different ph at times make the plant do different things, like go to seed?,,,,, and any tips on lowering or raising ph, any advice appreciatted,,,,,cheers
Last reply by pipeman, -
Hi all, im a new member and your help has been great. i'm setting up my new growroom, and im using a 400 watt hps. Im wanting to grow 5 plants, possibly using a scrog technique or just bending. I have about 1.5msq to work with, and I was just curious as to what kind of yield I should aim for, or the average yield for this kind of set up. Im thinking of using clones from spc. -cheebafan
Last reply by sols, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, first time posting here so respect to you all, your tips have taught me heaps! Anyway im setting up a new growroom in the spare bathroom of my new pad which already has a small exhaust fan. I was planning on using this as well as a small desk fan. My question is; im always reading about inlet/outlet fans and seeing growrooms with lots of exhaust piping, im only planning on a small grow (2-4), will the existing fan be sufficient or will I have to upgrade the fan system? thanx -cheebafan
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
just wondering what some of you think would be the best way to handle this stem here... split a week or even more ago and i've just left it, growth stopped temporarilly but recently has started again, showing new tips as the older ones die off, what to do ? it got split by pushing up on the net and being bent over with the intense sun just split i think... not much more i can say... picture speaks a thousand words...
Last reply by sols, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
hi all i'm just wandering about the effects of a power cut when my grow room is up and running ........ cos weve had 2 in the past week alone , each cut was about 2 hours ...... what do ya reckon ?
Last reply by sols, -
- 0 replies
Swing is thinking using "cana coco" as a medium, in a bucket flood/drain setup, anyone ever used canna coco with Canna Coco nuurients? Any thoughts would be helpful! Thanks
Last reply by jackfrost,